Dear MAGA Americans, we really don't think you've been listening for the past nine years.
If you'd been listening you'd understand us.
If you'd been listening you'd see us clearly.
If you'd been listening you'd hear the honest cry of our collective hearts.
If you'd been listening you'd know why we're doing this—you'd know why we have been fighting him and his plans and his message and his methods.
For us, this fight isn't about a political party.
It's not about blue state or red state.
It's not about Democrat or Republican.
It's not about a politician or a personality.
It's not about religion or the rejection of it.
It's not about Coastal Elites or Rust Belters or Bible Belters.
It's nothing even remotely that small or insignificant.
It's about the common good.
It’s about the unity and sovereignty of our nation.
It is about loving our neighbor, with no exceptions.
This movement is an unapologetic, nonpartisan affirmation of humanity—
not just humanity that agrees with us,
not just humanity of one complexion or orientation or nation of origin,
not just humanity that aligns on every issue,
or votes the way we vote,
worships the way we worship,
loves the way we love.
This is not a rebellion against nation or an act of treason, but a declaration of the deepest patriotism.
We fight him because we believe that the America we aspire to is big enough for all who wish to be here,
because we believe that its beauty is in the richness of its diversity,
because we remember it was born out of people seeking refugee from tyranny,
because it is not a birthright to be guarded but an undeserved blessing to be shared.
If you knew this, you may have joined us over these nine years, you’d have stood shoulder to shoulder as we bore witness to one another's inherent worth.
You'd have realized that this is not about us winning and you losing.
You’d have understood that our movement is not a protest of what we are against but a celebration of all that we are for.
And most of all, you'd have realized that you too are welcome here in our vision of America, though honestly, it feels like the feeling is not mutual.
The greatest tragedy right now is that you believe that we are the enemy or think that we believe that you are the enemy.
We don't believe that you are: nor is faith or family or security or safety or whatever you treasure because chances are we probably treasure it too. That's how humanity works. (But there is a person whose sole tactic is division and separation. Surely, you see that at this point.)
No, you are not the enemy. Hatred is the enemy, bigotry is the enemy, injustice is the enemy, isolation is the enemy, inequality is the enemy.
It is these things that we resist, in whatever form they take and from wherever they originate and whatever religious or political affiliation conceives them.
We are for every life, which means that we are for you, too.
We don't advocate for healthcare for our families alone, but for yours.
We demand well-funded public schools, not just for our children, but yours.
We fight for the rights of all women to have autonomy over their bodies, not only those who vote Democrat.
We want high-powered weapons gone because bullets are non-partisan in the destruction they do and the lives they destroy.
We are insisting on pristine air and water not just for our future generations, but yours as well.
We understand that poverty knows no color, creed, or nationality,
that illness and injury are not partisan intrusions,
that age and vulnerability befall us all, whatever our orientation or distinction.
We believe that every family is worth protecting.
We believe that every child deserves defense.
We believe that every marriage is equally sacred.
We profess all humanity as fully deserving of dignity.
We only wish you would refrain from shouting from a distance.
We wish that you would stop telling us why we're doing this.
We wish you would stop taking a battle posture at every turn.
We wish you could see this country as large enough for all of us.
Most of all we wish you would really listen, because if you were to really listen—you'd never think so small as to talk about politics ever again.
If you'd listen you'd understand that we are as much for you as we are for ourselves.
We'll keep fighting him because those we fight for are worth it, including you.
All we ask is that you try and listen.
If you do you'll hear the immutable truth:
We really are in this together.
This really is the way forward.
It truly is America's greatness.
It’s time we all walked into it together.
Perfectly said. I genuinely feel pity for those who are so deeply entrenched in the Trump Maga cult, because they will never - to their dying day - give up their allegiance. If they were to do that, they would have to admit they were fooled, conned, taken in, and it's very hard for humans to say oh gosh I was snookered, I was wrong, because no human wants to feel a fool.
This is excellent. I was hoping I could use part of your article to post in our small local paper in Tappahannock, Virginia. We are quite divisive in our area. I am Chair of a small group of Democrats in Essex and Richmond Counties. I have read your articles for a long time especially when my head is about to explode over all of this. You give me hope as well as calming me down so I can see the “other side” a bit more clearly.
Please let me know about quoting you in our newspaper or publishing parts of your articles.