Perfectly said. I genuinely feel pity for those who are so deeply entrenched in the Trump Maga cult, because they will never - to their dying day - give up their allegiance. If they were to do that, they would have to admit they were fooled, conned, taken in, and it's very hard for humans to say oh gosh I was snookered, I was wrong, because no human wants to feel a fool.

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Publicly some may continue to voice their MAGA allegiance, but in the privacy of the voting booth may declare their support for women’s rights. It happened in Kansas and Ohio. I believe there’s a huge underground swell of support for Kamala.

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Oh god, i HOPE so!!!

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I think you're right. I think many men will quietly Vote for her too.

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My gut tells me the same!

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As to your last sentence, Cheryl, I believe you’re right.

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This is excellent. I was hoping I could use part of your article to post in our small local paper in Tappahannock, Virginia. We are quite divisive in our area. I am Chair of a small group of Democrats in Essex and Richmond Counties. I have read your articles for a long time especially when my head is about to explode over all of this. You give me hope as well as calming me down so I can see the “other side” a bit more clearly.

Please let me know about quoting you in our newspaper or publishing parts of your articles.

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Cyanne, I'm in Fairfax county... mostly BLUE! Please let me know how I can assist! You can find me on Threads or Insta.

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Thank you so much for your kind offer. I may just take you up on it. Cyanne

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My college educated, healthcare professional, friend of more than 35 years drank the Koolaid. We tiptoe around politics but occasionally take a deep dive into a single issue. The “facts” she cites are straight out of the mouths of the Fox talking heads. I’ve shared statistics from reputable sources to counter her claims. Reinforced that we’re both on the same team, with different ideas of how to get there.

She has softened some, out of concern for her grand and great-grandchildren. Will share your poignant essay! I hope to finally help her see she holds the future of her precious babies in her hands in the voting booth.

If each of us who truly understands what’s at stake can help just one other person to see clearly, this small effort will be enough.

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Beautiful. Thank you. I was never able to get to reach any more consensus with my dearest friend about DJT beyond her agreement that President Biden was legitimately elected.

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A gracious, empathetic essay to those still under MAGA’s evil “thrall”. They don’t understand that they are being fed lies. Those who control MSM, corporate media will have to answer for what they have done to these sheep. Their fate is also in The Maker’s hands. Our job is to save as many souls as possible. You have a powerful gift with the written word. Bless you for using it.!

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It's really quite sad that these people, many of them good neighbors, friends and family members are unable or unwilling to change their minds and open their hearts to a better choice. We have also failed to convince, persuade or enlighten them sufficiently to contribute positively to the future. I don't even like to use the phrase "these people" as if they are a different species. It may not be as much about listening as it is about learning. Failure to learn means a greater likelihood of making a mistake. That's it! They are making a big mistake and can't consider believing that.

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What they can't believe is that because they have not learned from the past, they are condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past - paraphrased from George Santyana,

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – "The Life of Reason," 1905. Maybe they missed the past or were isolated, and immune to what happened.

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Given the approximate ages, my guess would be they didn’t learn history, or didn’t pay attention, that are so easily swept away being in that cult.

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Probably both! Didn’t consider it important enough to want to learn and this is where we have failed an entire generation. We did not help them to be curious learners and gain some understanding and appreciation for the lessons of history.

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While I’m giving away my age, I was introduced to politics with Mr. Bill on Saturday cartoons. Yup I’m old and getting older, but it’s never too early to start teaching. Kids’ brains are like sponges. And as a freshman in high school, there was a semester in Civics. Required to graduate. But that may not be such a good idea in red states. It just seems like so many people don’t have a clue how government works. Or maybe is supposed to work.

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"It’s time we all walked into it together."

Thank you John once again for a beautiful post that truly speaks to the heart of us ALL! I said it from the first in 2015 that what we were witnessing was a cult movement taking over. My comment has never changed. Unfortunately the manipulation of the weak and uninformed, is how cults work, and maga is the perfect example. We may not reach all of them, but those that we can until Nov 5th is worth trying. OUR REPUBLIC is worth fighting for. So grateful you are one of us... the Joyful Warriors to protect our Beloved USA and our world!

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My heart breaks when I hear stories of "politics" actually damaging family relationships to a high level of separation. So...WOW to this post, John! You may have captured the exact "prescription" to heal the divide. I will once again recommend your wisdom w/words to friends in need. Thank you again for being a much needed voice of reason & PEACE!

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Superb succinct gentle uplifting

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John you always say it best. MAGA is not listening. And I don’t trust anything the media is reporting. Who do we trust ?

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Well said John. Unfortunately the people who need to read it will refuse to. I sent a couple of your posts to a friend of mine who is Mormon so he's already in one cult and he's been a Trumper since 2016. He came back with the usual Faux Noise gibberish which I countered with the words of Jesus which I Well remember even though I'm agnostic now. He hasn't replied since. I may send him this post just to push him over the edge. And the sad part is he's extremely intelligent.

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I needed this post so much in the midst of all the noise and chaos - some on “our side” as well. Thank you so much. I wish I dared send this to my younger daughter, but I’d be risking a split I could not live with.

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Please don’t do it. My relationship with my granddaughter is strained, but not yet broken. I didn’t realize the falsehoods she was receiving from outside the family. I voted today (WI) for her and my grandchild.

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Thank you for the support and good advice.

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Great article. Thank you. It made me think and wish the MAGA cultists would read this.

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It's all feelz isn't it?

One thing I've learned living in Washington, DC, for many years is this: Liberals become suddenly very conservative when it comes to three things: 1) their property values, 2) their children, especially education, and 3) their personal safety and health.

Retirement Home

We solemnly pray these random particles

Who slander their own articles

Living in their prim


Grow dim.

And becoming feeble,

Lonely in their failing days,

Surprised to find themselves

Surrounded by many diverse ways,

Vibrant attendant, nurse and doctor.

We pray for this, Divine Proctor.

Alas, knowing well this type

We suspect will cunningly

Wiggle into the care of those

Who . . . (Before their minds grow denser)

Look a lot like Richard Spencer!

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BRAVO!!!!! Once again you have perfectly captured the heart of the matter. THANK YOU!!

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