I watch the unfolding of the assault on our Federal system. While most look at the carnage, I see the impact on the Treasury. The Executive is making way for a tax cut for the wealthy and corporations. That is what I see. Money being laid up to be stolen.
The confirmation of Hegseth indicates the gamesmanship in the Senate is at a high level. The max number of no votes was 3 to get Hegseth confirmed. It is magic. Drama. Clearly there is a lack of empathy and caring that is so prevalent with Republican Senators. Focused on our service members, their lack of empathy and caring shows they suffer psychopathy. Their support of their neo-fascist leader makes them all neo-fascists.
Do you need any other proof that we face an army of psychopathic neo-fascists (PNFs)? I appreciate those that do not like the name and will not support it; however, the name is deadly accurate. Odd words like misogyny and xenophobia are fine, but psychopathic neo-fascist is not fine? Fine! But I beg to differ. Psychopathic neo-fascist is their specific medical malady and political ideology! So give me a break. Enough with inaccurate labels. Knowing exactly who and what they are is critical to knowing their tactics and how to fight them. “Know thy enemy” is a phrase that comes from the ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu's The Art of War. The full quote is, “Know thy enemy and know thyself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.” I suggest we learn the term, psychopathic neo-fascist, because that is exactly who we fight. We must raise, rouse, and rile our army to fight ONE demon, not ONE HUNDRED.
John, I have been dissecting The Statement on Christian Nationalism & The Gospel on my Substack. I believe this would be a powerful counter to that vile, disgusting document. I hope you will consider making this available as a statement for Christians to sign (as theirs does). It could also be a resource Christians can use to counter this cruel movement. Happy to talk more about this privately and share resources. Thank you for your example.
I agree that this “statement” is powerful enough that it could be posted as a Jesus based alternative to the Christian Nationalist/Opus Dei doctrine pushed by Project 2025 and it’s promoters like Fox and actual compromised clergy
The words of Jesus are what matter.
Not one of those Republicans who are attempting to tell their fellow Americans how to live would be willing to lay down their lives for their fellow American.
These Republicans aren’t even willing to risk their jobs for their fellow Americans.
Once again like in 2016-2020 democrats sit up there in Congress and are silent, if they don't try and speak up now why should we listen to them in 2026 and 2028? Make a fuss that's what rump does and get all kinds of media coverage, not even Bernie has spoke up nothing from crockett, or warren what are you waiting for? A least let us know you are trying?????
At least let us know you are breathing! JFC. Dems are letting us get run over. Use some of the little known loopholes like Tuberville did to block military promotions for a month. I agree Rita, at this time this group of quiet PH's are pissing me off.
I think the primary problem with what we are witnessing here is that these acts of cruelty are completely and utterly intentional. Trump is a sick, broken man who is furious at half of the country for what he feels is being picked on, much like an immature child feels when being punished for stealing or lying. The problem is that he is responding to that perceived injustice as a child would—“I’ll show them” is his motivation for every decision he is making. He knows it is terrifying; he knows it is cruel and wrong, and that is the objective. That is the point. He is trying to torture his perceived tormentors and doesn’t care how many suffer as a result (actually he DOES care—the more the better).
I am reminded of an episode of The Twilight Zone, where a little boy had unlimited powers and used them to torment people because he didn’t know any better. That episode ended when a kindly teacher offered to help him learn how to live in the world. The difference is that Trump does know better and doesn’t care.
The “best case scenario” when he got elected was always to hope he would concentrate on the grift and spend his days playing golf and stealing money from the taxpayers. We now know that is not what is happening. He is enjoying this payback too much to stop.
As such, the only solution to this is to persuade enough people to rise up and put checks on his power so that the harm can be minimized. Congress is the only body with the constitutional right to declare war and to impose taxes, but these have been given to Trump by congress out of sheer cowardice. Inundating our representatives with calls about immigration, about threatening Greenland and Panama, about all of his policies and actions that are hurting people or are simply contrary to our values need to be complained about to congressional reps. They do nothing because they are afraid of Trump. They need to be more afraid of getting voted out of office if they don’t do their jobs and actually serve the American people rather than a dictator.
I currently recognize 3 good christians similar to what you presented. You, Bishop Marianne Budde, and Andra Watkins (another substack writer).
Of all the other thousands I know and have known in my lifetime, 99% are of the Maga mindset you describe. Most of the harmful things that have ever happened to me during my lifetime were caused by Christians.
I'm old. I hope before my life ends, to become aware of some more good christians.
My lifetime experience with christians from the bible belt. Go figure.
Well, unfortunately, my faith started flagging as long as 45 years ago. We moved from Arizona to San Diego. I was trying to find a good church in S.D. that was as good as the Methodist Church was in Arizona, but I found out that they were changing over to United Methodist, which was very different from the Methodist Church I belonged to as a child. I went from UM to UM churches, and they all had ministers with expensive cars. They were sitting on expensive easy chairs or recliners while the flock were sitting on hard wooden pews and had their feet on bare floors. But many of them had signs hanging from the ceilings saying: 'roof fund' 'remodel fund' and many many funds. Then they would preach one of two ways. Politics, and/or hellfire. I was appalled! But the one I finally chose said I had to meet with a committee before I could join. There were probably 20 or 25 people ringing the large room, and I was asked questions, like "what's your marital status?" "I'm divorced" Gasps from around the room. "No, you can't belong to our church if you are divorced". "Well, it was either divorce or killing him since he was abusing me." Lots of shaking heads and tsk tsks. "What about drinking?" "I have a couple of mixed drinks a year. I'm not much of a drinker" More tsk tsks. Well, I got married to the love of my life near the end of that year, and we would go to church, but it was all politics. My husband and I knew right from wrong; we just wanted to learn about Jesus and his love and miracles and life. We drifted away from the church, and we just decided that we were spiritual Christians, and worshiped privately.
My beloved husband died 17 years ago, and we were childless.
I continued to be a born again Christian who worshipped my own way.
Then the tea party came along, and I noticed whispers of cruelty from the republicans. Then donald trump came along, and I started being truly alarmed. My definition of 'woke', is people who don't fall for the republican lies. I have friends who are maga(t)s, who pretend to be Christians like marco rubio, trump, and his goons and followers that are evangelicals or say they're devout Christians, like 'Holy mike johnson, and rubio, et al. To me, they are NOT Christians, esp. if they think trump is the 'chosen one'. So I prayed and prayed trump would not make it in '16, 'cause the lies and hatred were getting worse and worse. And even when putin gave him the presidency, I thought that the courts would prevent him from his worst impulses. And God knows, we real American people, the Democrats and those republicans who turned against him, really tried to put him away. But, and I'm so sorry to have to tell everybody this, but since he's gotten away with everything, and the whole of the active republican "leaders" are all soul less, cruel monsters, and all the school shootings and all the lies and crimes....I have lost faith. Since the morning of November 6th, I have gone back and forth between, there's never been a God or Jesus, or if there is, then they've gone maga on us, and millions and millions of people, not just Americans, but the whole world is gonna have to pay the price.
When "Christians" say that the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes are "too woke," there's nothing more we need to know. That's a common theme with MAGA. I was exposed to the beginnings of this disaster in the 90s and I decided to leave all religion entirely because of the lies and hatred that they were spreading. I no longer believe in the supernatural at all. I live in Hawley's district this city is the world headquarters of the AoG. There's are multiple Bible "colleges" here, too. The hatred is like a stench in the air.
We're seniors and both of our kids and their families live here. Honestly, I don't know of anywhere that is safe anymore. We won't move overseas because we won't leave our kids behind to face this alone.
The American movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” is an allegory for what the US is experiencing now. It contrasts a society made up of decent individuals, the George Baileys of life, who work to make the world a better place. The contrast is a dystopian, ‘mean’ society (Pottersville) where greed, cruelty, stupidity and brutishness rule.
At the moment opposition to Trump is scattered, demoralised and disorganised. That will change. There is only so long people can stay dispirited, licking their wounds before they realise they need to get up and get going.
I hope so much that other Christian leaders follow your and Bishop Budde's examples and speak up for actual Christian values. If more Christian leaders sounded like this, I'd probably still be a Christian myself
I spent time for the last two days with emails and calls to my PA senators re Hegseth -warning them about the dangers to our national security should he get confirmed because of his trail of drunken reported episodes and abusive behavior to ex wives. He will not be able to make executive decisions until at least 2 years of sobriety.
He will quickly realise he is completely out of his depth. Alcohol, particularly in the large amount an addict drinks, will be the coping strategy he uses. Some of his subordinates or staffers will cover for him, others will let him go on his merry way as they will fear the consequences of being the whistleblower who blows the whistle on him.
This goes beyond Christianity. I am not a person of religious faith, but your message touches me as a person who cares. I know so many caring, “Christian” people who supported this monstrosity. Totally due to positions on race, sexuality, abortion. You’ve stated very well the difference between who they think they are and who they really are.
Whether you are true Christian (not a MAGA Evangelical), a practicing Jew, a Muslim or a Spiritualist…I feel that your message is to each and every one of us. We all thank you for that. This group honors God and I believe is appalled by a man…DT….who believes that he is anointed by God because he is special. He is the furthest thing from a messenger from God. A messenger from God would be working to love his fellow man…no matter the sex…no matter skin color. DT is on the path to destroy this democracy….inch by inch…step by step. He and his minions must be stopped before it is too late. Now my question is how? I am scared.
I love your writing John. We are all traumatized, terrified, and furious about these folks, and that may include being angry at God for allowing all of this madness. My struggle is dealing with my anger and hate as a believer. I don’t want to have these nasty feelings. So one minute I pray for souls and healing, and the next minute, I’m calling them all ugly names and laughing at all the clever memes and political cartoons. WWJD???
When I read the Gospels, Jesus is clear and good and can't abide hypocrites. Love your God and Love your neighbor as yourself are starters. Then the 10 Commandments, and The Beatitudes.
Today I seek His Love and Forgiveness because I want to.
I struggle with Obedience
I struggle being good to myself
Today my goal is to drink enough water to hydrate myself
(11.5 cups for women--Mayo Clinic.)
I feel like a prune so I want to drink more good water.
I watch the unfolding of the assault on our Federal system. While most look at the carnage, I see the impact on the Treasury. The Executive is making way for a tax cut for the wealthy and corporations. That is what I see. Money being laid up to be stolen.
The confirmation of Hegseth indicates the gamesmanship in the Senate is at a high level. The max number of no votes was 3 to get Hegseth confirmed. It is magic. Drama. Clearly there is a lack of empathy and caring that is so prevalent with Republican Senators. Focused on our service members, their lack of empathy and caring shows they suffer psychopathy. Their support of their neo-fascist leader makes them all neo-fascists.
Do you need any other proof that we face an army of psychopathic neo-fascists (PNFs)? I appreciate those that do not like the name and will not support it; however, the name is deadly accurate. Odd words like misogyny and xenophobia are fine, but psychopathic neo-fascist is not fine? Fine! But I beg to differ. Psychopathic neo-fascist is their specific medical malady and political ideology! So give me a break. Enough with inaccurate labels. Knowing exactly who and what they are is critical to knowing their tactics and how to fight them. “Know thy enemy” is a phrase that comes from the ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu's The Art of War. The full quote is, “Know thy enemy and know thyself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.” I suggest we learn the term, psychopathic neo-fascist, because that is exactly who we fight. We must raise, rouse, and rile our army to fight ONE demon, not ONE HUNDRED.
John, I have been dissecting The Statement on Christian Nationalism & The Gospel on my Substack. I believe this would be a powerful counter to that vile, disgusting document. I hope you will consider making this available as a statement for Christians to sign (as theirs does). It could also be a resource Christians can use to counter this cruel movement. Happy to talk more about this privately and share resources. Thank you for your example.
I agree that this “statement” is powerful enough that it could be posted as a Jesus based alternative to the Christian Nationalist/Opus Dei doctrine pushed by Project 2025 and it’s promoters like Fox and actual compromised clergy
The words of Jesus are what matter.
Not one of those Republicans who are attempting to tell their fellow Americans how to live would be willing to lay down their lives for their fellow American.
These Republicans aren’t even willing to risk their jobs for their fellow Americans.
Will you allow those of other religions and no religion to sign?
I would, yes.
Of course.
Good idea! I would sign.
i would join in on this-countering this potentially deadly move against our identity as a nation is critical to surviving and moving forward.
Once again like in 2016-2020 democrats sit up there in Congress and are silent, if they don't try and speak up now why should we listen to them in 2026 and 2028? Make a fuss that's what rump does and get all kinds of media coverage, not even Bernie has spoke up nothing from crockett, or warren what are you waiting for? A least let us know you are trying?????
At least let us know you are breathing! JFC. Dems are letting us get run over. Use some of the little known loopholes like Tuberville did to block military promotions for a month. I agree Rita, at this time this group of quiet PH's are pissing me off.
Bernie, Warren and AOC and others have spoken, Rita. They are not being covered as much as in the past. The media is owned by fascist billionaires.
I think the primary problem with what we are witnessing here is that these acts of cruelty are completely and utterly intentional. Trump is a sick, broken man who is furious at half of the country for what he feels is being picked on, much like an immature child feels when being punished for stealing or lying. The problem is that he is responding to that perceived injustice as a child would—“I’ll show them” is his motivation for every decision he is making. He knows it is terrifying; he knows it is cruel and wrong, and that is the objective. That is the point. He is trying to torture his perceived tormentors and doesn’t care how many suffer as a result (actually he DOES care—the more the better).
I am reminded of an episode of The Twilight Zone, where a little boy had unlimited powers and used them to torment people because he didn’t know any better. That episode ended when a kindly teacher offered to help him learn how to live in the world. The difference is that Trump does know better and doesn’t care.
The “best case scenario” when he got elected was always to hope he would concentrate on the grift and spend his days playing golf and stealing money from the taxpayers. We now know that is not what is happening. He is enjoying this payback too much to stop.
As such, the only solution to this is to persuade enough people to rise up and put checks on his power so that the harm can be minimized. Congress is the only body with the constitutional right to declare war and to impose taxes, but these have been given to Trump by congress out of sheer cowardice. Inundating our representatives with calls about immigration, about threatening Greenland and Panama, about all of his policies and actions that are hurting people or are simply contrary to our values need to be complained about to congressional reps. They do nothing because they are afraid of Trump. They need to be more afraid of getting voted out of office if they don’t do their jobs and actually serve the American people rather than a dictator.
I currently recognize 3 good christians similar to what you presented. You, Bishop Marianne Budde, and Andra Watkins (another substack writer).
Of all the other thousands I know and have known in my lifetime, 99% are of the Maga mindset you describe. Most of the harmful things that have ever happened to me during my lifetime were caused by Christians.
I'm old. I hope before my life ends, to become aware of some more good christians.
My lifetime experience with christians from the bible belt. Go figure.
Well, unfortunately, my faith started flagging as long as 45 years ago. We moved from Arizona to San Diego. I was trying to find a good church in S.D. that was as good as the Methodist Church was in Arizona, but I found out that they were changing over to United Methodist, which was very different from the Methodist Church I belonged to as a child. I went from UM to UM churches, and they all had ministers with expensive cars. They were sitting on expensive easy chairs or recliners while the flock were sitting on hard wooden pews and had their feet on bare floors. But many of them had signs hanging from the ceilings saying: 'roof fund' 'remodel fund' and many many funds. Then they would preach one of two ways. Politics, and/or hellfire. I was appalled! But the one I finally chose said I had to meet with a committee before I could join. There were probably 20 or 25 people ringing the large room, and I was asked questions, like "what's your marital status?" "I'm divorced" Gasps from around the room. "No, you can't belong to our church if you are divorced". "Well, it was either divorce or killing him since he was abusing me." Lots of shaking heads and tsk tsks. "What about drinking?" "I have a couple of mixed drinks a year. I'm not much of a drinker" More tsk tsks. Well, I got married to the love of my life near the end of that year, and we would go to church, but it was all politics. My husband and I knew right from wrong; we just wanted to learn about Jesus and his love and miracles and life. We drifted away from the church, and we just decided that we were spiritual Christians, and worshiped privately.
My beloved husband died 17 years ago, and we were childless.
I continued to be a born again Christian who worshipped my own way.
Then the tea party came along, and I noticed whispers of cruelty from the republicans. Then donald trump came along, and I started being truly alarmed. My definition of 'woke', is people who don't fall for the republican lies. I have friends who are maga(t)s, who pretend to be Christians like marco rubio, trump, and his goons and followers that are evangelicals or say they're devout Christians, like 'Holy mike johnson, and rubio, et al. To me, they are NOT Christians, esp. if they think trump is the 'chosen one'. So I prayed and prayed trump would not make it in '16, 'cause the lies and hatred were getting worse and worse. And even when putin gave him the presidency, I thought that the courts would prevent him from his worst impulses. And God knows, we real American people, the Democrats and those republicans who turned against him, really tried to put him away. But, and I'm so sorry to have to tell everybody this, but since he's gotten away with everything, and the whole of the active republican "leaders" are all soul less, cruel monsters, and all the school shootings and all the lies and crimes....I have lost faith. Since the morning of November 6th, I have gone back and forth between, there's never been a God or Jesus, or if there is, then they've gone maga on us, and millions and millions of people, not just Americans, but the whole world is gonna have to pay the price.
When "Christians" say that the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes are "too woke," there's nothing more we need to know. That's a common theme with MAGA. I was exposed to the beginnings of this disaster in the 90s and I decided to leave all religion entirely because of the lies and hatred that they were spreading. I no longer believe in the supernatural at all. I live in Hawley's district this city is the world headquarters of the AoG. There's are multiple Bible "colleges" here, too. The hatred is like a stench in the air.
We're seniors and both of our kids and their families live here. Honestly, I don't know of anywhere that is safe anymore. We won't move overseas because we won't leave our kids behind to face this alone.
The American movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” is an allegory for what the US is experiencing now. It contrasts a society made up of decent individuals, the George Baileys of life, who work to make the world a better place. The contrast is a dystopian, ‘mean’ society (Pottersville) where greed, cruelty, stupidity and brutishness rule.
At the moment opposition to Trump is scattered, demoralised and disorganised. That will change. There is only so long people can stay dispirited, licking their wounds before they realise they need to get up and get going.
“Pray and move your feet” as the Quakers say.
I hope so much that other Christian leaders follow your and Bishop Budde's examples and speak up for actual Christian values. If more Christian leaders sounded like this, I'd probably still be a Christian myself
Same here.
I spent time for the last two days with emails and calls to my PA senators re Hegseth -warning them about the dangers to our national security should he get confirmed because of his trail of drunken reported episodes and abusive behavior to ex wives. He will not be able to make executive decisions until at least 2 years of sobriety.
Because alcohol abuse impairs the frontal lobe of one's brain - his decision making ability will be impaired.
He will quickly realise he is completely out of his depth. Alcohol, particularly in the large amount an addict drinks, will be the coping strategy he uses. Some of his subordinates or staffers will cover for him, others will let him go on his merry way as they will fear the consequences of being the whistleblower who blows the whistle on him.
Unfortunately, Trump's doctor the first time around was Ronny Jackson - a navy rear admiral and a bad alcoholic. He is also a congressman from Texas.
This goes beyond Christianity. I am not a person of religious faith, but your message touches me as a person who cares. I know so many caring, “Christian” people who supported this monstrosity. Totally due to positions on race, sexuality, abortion. You’ve stated very well the difference between who they think they are and who they really are.
Whether you are true Christian (not a MAGA Evangelical), a practicing Jew, a Muslim or a Spiritualist…I feel that your message is to each and every one of us. We all thank you for that. This group honors God and I believe is appalled by a man…DT….who believes that he is anointed by God because he is special. He is the furthest thing from a messenger from God. A messenger from God would be working to love his fellow man…no matter the sex…no matter skin color. DT is on the path to destroy this democracy….inch by inch…step by step. He and his minions must be stopped before it is too late. Now my question is how? I am scared.
I love your writing John. We are all traumatized, terrified, and furious about these folks, and that may include being angry at God for allowing all of this madness. My struggle is dealing with my anger and hate as a believer. I don’t want to have these nasty feelings. So one minute I pray for souls and healing, and the next minute, I’m calling them all ugly names and laughing at all the clever memes and political cartoons. WWJD???
When I read the Gospels, Jesus is clear and good and can't abide hypocrites. Love your God and Love your neighbor as yourself are starters. Then the 10 Commandments, and The Beatitudes.
Today I seek His Love and Forgiveness because I want to.
I struggle with Obedience
I struggle being good to myself
Today my goal is to drink enough water to hydrate myself
(11.5 cups for women--Mayo Clinic.)
I feel like a prune so I want to drink more good water.
Well said. Needs to be on one of those giant electric billboards in Times Square and anywhere else they exist.
Well said. Say it loud. We are not alone. Thank you for writing this.