Another wonderful writing! I was struck by Jesus feeding the multitudes paragraph-they weren’t fed because of being saved, moral or right but because they were hungry. A basic human need. Thank you for that specific thought!

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You say what I would like to write. Although residing in a MAGA rural area, it is quite difficult. I have tried reasoning, but to no avail. And it is not for lack of trying or for those who drink the Kool-Aid to be of lower education or sound mind. I am convinced, evil catches those unaware and like lemmings to the sea they follow. I didn't used to believe in the evil powers as St. Paul puts it; I thought it was man's own undoing, but with so many listening to the ridiculous, dangerous and yes Roman-like hypocrisy, it astounds me and makes me believe that the "dark world" is at work trying so hard to undo that which they cannot undo through Christ. Thank you for writing, and being who you are. Shalom.

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Wow, you certainly nailed it! How do you spot a Republican? Take away reason, empathy, and accountability.

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You put into words what I have long been thinking… I call them little “c” christians. As for me? I’m a Christ follower.

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John, another great article (well, mostly). You write, "Christians then healed the sick, fed the hungry, and clothed the naked--they didn't resent them for being lazy or making bad choices." Maybe a better way to convey what I suspect you mean would be to say "they didn't accuse them of being lazy or condemn them for having made bad choices." There is, I think you would agree, a difference. Despite my nitpicking here, you've made an excellent point. Keep up the good work. Like Mr. Rogers, we love you just the way your are!

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How can these lowercased christians have forgotten this main precept: love God and love your neighbor as yourself. They seem so proud, bitter, angry and arrogant to me. I find myself trying to be kinder and more empathetic. Maybe I’m trying to help balance the scale. Although a Christian, I now call myself a Christ follower. I live in a red state. Most people are republicans, but I have a small cadre of like minded people that I am close to. Thank you, John. Your words are always needed.

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Very true, sad truth though. Watching "Bad Faith" earlier today also kind of illustrates how we got where we are today.

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We need to bring back the WWJD movement. Maybe it would force some of the Trump "Christians" to think about their decisions. But that may be wishful thinking. There is a very interesting story about the minister behind the What Would Jesus Do movement.


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That's a nice thought, but my experience was that the people who wore those bracelets were almost all bullies when I was a kid. Those bullies are also the ones running the Trump show now. They never knew or cared what Jesus would do, they just wanted to be self- righteous. That story, with its fast degeneration into greed both times the idea was popular, is emblematic of the modern "Christian" nationalist movement. CHINOs (Christians in name only) once and always.

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I guess I was one of the few who believed the words and tried to live by them. Just me being naive, I suppose. What I found interesting in the story was the description of the Minister Charles Sheldon and the principals by which he lived his life and guided his flock.

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Thank you ! Well articulated. !!!! Totally fact. Personal integrity ( unknown to MAGGA) is a beginning to reaching a “Jesus” Tattoo.

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John, I no longer can make any sense out of Christian faith at all. I’ve read the Bible straight through several times, usually getting up early to do so - the current expression of American faith is much closer to the ethnic cleansing of Canaan performed by Joshua’s army (“God says kill everything and everybody, and I mean EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY”) and I think that’s what these MAGA people are after. They obviously have no idea just how far organized raging mobs will go.

They are also impervious to reason. I don’t get it and will never be able to.

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John, your courage in telling the truth is so inspiring!

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They should be called Hellians. Because they will in Hell and nod’s house.

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