I agree with the theme of this post but I do not think the intentions and motivations of those who voted for Trump are that monolithic. Trump's campaign effectively used fear, disinformation, and propaganda that was specifically targeted to a vulnerable population. Elon Musk spent $20.5 million dollars on ONE ad demonizing Kamala Harris that was targeted to rural populations. They were made promises about their future that could never be realized. Then there were all the gerrymandered districts that Republicans have been working on for decades to control the electoral college. The billionaires that literally bought this election. Corporate media that sanewashed his behaviors and tried to equalize coverage with Kamala's. Don't get me wrong there are millions of Trump voters who are intelligent and were intentional in their vote for Trump. They did so for their personal business and monetary gains and employed willful ignorance of the negative impact of his immoral and unethical behaviors on those most vulnerable and our democracy. They have a right to vote in that way. However, we have to hold them accountable for the moral incompatibility with American values. Even with all of this, Trump could not have won this election without the huge disinformation and fear machine. Our job now is to be the guardrails for the most vulnerable. To start now to overturn the house and senate in 2026, hold corporate media accountable. There is much we can do. Enough of us together can carry all of us forward.
I’ll never know how people with a brain could have believed the lying promises! My anger at them persists! They are responsible for what we ALL must face!
I disagree that anyone who voted for Orange Jesus is intelligent. If they were they wouldn't have voted for him. They were in a right wing news bubble.
We must hold those really accountable for thievery and lies. Send the slimy evil
Thugs to prison now. They are not my President or my leaders. They are my embarrassment in front of the whole world. If you voted for that bunch you are immoral and stupid. We all heard the lies, we all knew they do nothing but cheat and lie… if I knew it, so you could too. Are you ( those who voted for this group of turds) truly so viciously angry about not having a brain that you would take it out on all of this country?
CEO’s, Republicans without morals, , rich people who think that means anything, get a real life and take your hands off my country! What boors, what creeps. If you do not get that the whole world knows that….. you really are uglier than your own mirror reflects.
He never attended the amazing Kennedy Award ceremonies, there was no poet laureate at his inauguration, he fellated a microphone. He has no class and neither does half of America.
As a former pastor (retired a few years now) I have made a journey similar to yours John. A journey that has involved speaking and standing against Christian Nationalism, White Supremacy, anti-queer rhetoric, hate inducing misinformation about immigrants, the repression of women, and the idolizing of a tyrannical, classless, adolescent (on his best days!), misogynist, racist, pathological lying (my lord this list could go on...) human being who is nothing like Jesus Christ. I have gone from disappointed with to embarrassed by, to ashamed of, to enraged at the church in America today. A church that seems to be either actively encouraging the anger and violence, to trying to pretend it isn't real thereby placing a bushel over the light of the gospel.
I met you a few years back at a Wild Goose festival just before you began to noticed nationally. After that meeting I said to my wife, "That guy has a voice the church needs!" I was right then and now. Courageous, insightful, honest voices like yours are in desperate short supply. You remind me of Frank Schaeffer (who I was also lucky enough to have met at Wild Goose).
I will continue to do my little part here in Erie PA by preaching and podcasting (BTW - you should come on our pod - we do good work in a part of the country that is considered a battle ground area) and I hope you will continue to do inspiring work nationally.
Stay safe - stay strong - stay beautiful - stay faithful to the gospel that Jesus shared - "Love God, love others, love yourself."
Can they actually take Social Security away from the elderly who are currently dependent upon it? If that’s the case then it’s basically murder by starvation and homelessness! I don’t understand how they can stop SS on people who completely depend upon it to live?
Yes, they can. They want to privatize it - make it like our health insurance system, where you have to QUALIFY to get it when you need it. And yes, that means people will die. It's deeply saddening but hardly surprising. These people come from the same side that got Roe v. Wade repealed. And women died as the result. And they don't care.
They'll suck SS dry with various "fees" and astronomical salaries. I can't think of one successful (for the voters) privatized government project. They think anything that's good for the voters as the "Nanny State," and have demonized the word "entitlement."
The current GOP doesn't care if voters die. In the case of those they deem "unfit*," they want them to die.
*Elderly, sick, "unapproved lifestyles," etc. Read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. It's almost a blueprint for Project 2025.
I read parts of that years ago that’s how I learned about the Nazi death camps. I have a copy somewhere in my house. I never thought that Americans would ever be stupid enough to fall for a person as evil as Hitler, well I see I was wrong, terribly wrong and in fact there’s an entire political party full of greedy, corrupt politicians who only care about how much money they have in their bank accounts and not one bit about the lives of the people who mistakenly elected them because of their LIES, most especially Trump who is as bad as Putin or even possibly the Fuhrer, I am so disgusted by his selfish, evil plans! He fooled all those people who came to his rallies, he’s going to take everything from them and turn his back on them. He’s no better than any other dictator. He doesn’t deserve the presidency and should be in prison where anyone else would be with his criminal record.
What’s really sad and disturbing is that so many of the very people who voted for this demented monster are the very people who will be hurt the most by his actions, if he gets away with this!
They will simply criminalize the opposition party, remove everyone from the opposition party from political office, replace them with Trump loyalists, and make America a one-party state.
The Dear Leader even said if he wins this election, people will never need to vote again.
Dear Leader indeed. What an AH ! I am sure there must be some buyers regret! The poor idiots that voted for him probably didn’t think he was serious. Of course he knew he wouldn’t be running again because as he said he would be a dictator! So he doesn’t have to worry about whether his voters like him or not anymore. He needs to be IMPEACHED the minute he steps off of the stage. He’s dangerous.
If they are stupid enough to vote for this and wreak this havoc on Elderly Americans their careers are GONE! The cruelty is nearly matched by how the Nazis starved people in death camps! We will all remember who voted for taking Social Security Away and in 2026 these people will have ZERO chance of being Re-Elected! The Republicans are doing the most evil thing to the elderly American People and no one is likely to forget how they want to give this money to the WEALTHY! What do they need this money for? It’s BLOOD money because thousands will die. Trump is incredibly evil.
If bush had been successful in privatizing social security it would be long gone now. I still have hope that some republican legislators will stand up for their constituents instead of their big donors.
Do they actually think anyone effected by this hateful action would ever vote for them again? Well of course since Trump is planning to be a Dictator I suppose they don’t expect another election! The TRAITORS should all go to Prison! Trump especially! I thought he was bad but never realized how truly EVIL!
We paid for our SS every working hour. It is not the evil’s to take away. We are also paying for everything the billionaires greedy thugs pretend they own. We pay because we believe in paying back into our country through our taxes…. And yes, we believe in paying back. Why? Because we are secure with the pensions and promises administrations who were led by intelligent and moral leaders put together in moral and smart policies.
If this immoral group of maggots want to live in their own ugliness, let them buy up a country that they can go live in and do each other in!
Unfortunately, I think the US is now on a path for real violence and bloodshed. I don't want that, but I don't see how we avoid it once desperate, fearful people realize what they voted for. Too many Americans took our democracy for granted. They shrugged and said, "Oh, that won't ever happen here" or "He won't really do that." Once they get everything they voted for, I think things will get really ugly. That's my take.
The monster’s disease is prevalent throughout America as demonstrated by 71 million voters. His lack of empathy is as contagious as Covid. People are hardened by Trump. Just as he cares only for himself, his followers only care for themselves. The other day I was shopping in a busy big box store - that I rarely enter - to buy gifts I give to our town’s public works staff. (Unfortunately no local store carries the large jars of peanuts in the quantity I need.) Of course, the nuts were on the bottom shelf which required me to kneel on the floor to reach the containers I needed. I am a pretty fit 73 year old but do have a replaced knee so my down and up on the floor was not graceful. Do you think any of no less than 10 people stopped to ask if I was ok and needed help? Just like Trump, the master monster, they had no regard for anyone but themselves.
Totally agree with you Ann! I am also 73 & cannot believe the amount of angry, mean, self-centered people that we see on our roads & in our shopping areas. When we are out & about we've made a bigger effort to engage with others: Eye contact, smiling, lending a helping hand, thanking workers, etc. Fortunately, most people are receptive & friendly, but we have had some glare @ us in a check-out line as we engage w/the checker and person bagging. I enjoy smiling @ their angry face & saying "your turn":) Hubby gets concerned because we live in Texas & they could be a "packing" miserable "maga monster." What we can begin to feel for certain is that the "resistance" side is growing, planning & ready to "fight" for our democracy...We'll see if our representatives will do the same. Peace!
I am just going to speak about the people I know who voted for Trump - because I don't know the motives of everyone. But the people I know - friends, family members, and congregants, voted for him for a number of reasons:
First category is angry straight white guys. They are angry with women -- because they can't get one, or they had one and she left him, or they were raised to believe that women had babies and raised kids and kept their men happy so women who achieve, who excel, intimidate them, make them feel small, so they are angry with them. And God forbid they should have a female boss or equal. Trump gave them permission to vent their anger and even express it. Hence - Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris, two of the most qualified candidates in history, are defeated by the man with the small penis because he was able to galvanize other small men.
In some ways it is not their fault. If you live in a society that defines masculinity by conquest, by how much money you make, how many women you have had, how big your biceps are, etc. etc., well - if you do not have the abilities or opportunities the get the women and the money and the hard body .... if you don't measure up to the masculine ideal - then - your insecurities (and it is not hard to see the truly breathtaking insecurities that drive Trump) may very easily lead you to lash out. Trump and his ilk have given these small men some scapegoats to blame. Trumpism boosts their egos. Makes them feel of value. Makes them feel like men.
Many of the men I know voted for Trump because they feel like society looks down on them and they hate that. Trump is one of them, inarticulate, not very thoughtful, unpolished, crude, angry, you know the list. So even though we know Trump will do things that will damage them and theirs, he is their man.
And, lest you get your hopes up that they will see the light when Trumps policies do in fact hurt them, forget it. They have thrown their lot in with him. They are not emotionally able to admit they were wrong on this because that feeds the narrative they have been living with that tells them they are small and insignificant and weak. They will simply find ways - irrational though they may be - to blame the left, or women, or queer folk, or immigrants (who happen to be the easiest target.)
From my perspective - as angry as I am - I cannot see long term solution that heaps disrespect on those I disagree with. That does not mean that I will not fight for the rights of those being scapegoated, or stand with the marginalized - I will - but I will also recognize that the building of healthy and safe families, communities, and nations, depends on seeing that the others are children of God, and speaking my truth to them in love. That - I think - is the way of Jesus and the New Testament.
Well, that was more than I was planning to write but it helped me to get a handle on my thoughts and angry feelings. There are other reasons folk voted for Trump - I have seen in people close to me - but writing about those will wait for another day.
Hey - be at peace out there - be safe - and don't give up.
He is Constitutionally prohibited from being president. As Laurence Tribe said:
"It might be good to remember that, as an adjudicated oath-breaking insurrectionist, Mr.Trump is constitutionally disqualified under Sec. 3 of 14th Am from taking the oath as president on 1/20/25 unless 2/3 of both houses lift the disqualification."
Also, we should contact Mitt Romney and tell him what a heroic last act this would be for him. Trump can't constitutionally be sworn in without amnesty, so urge him to please introduce the bill. After all, would 2/3 of this Congress grant amnesty to insurrectionist Trump? Surely not! https://www.romney.senate.gov/contact-senator-romney/
Yes, of course willing to fight for love and all that comes with it. He won by a slim margin- we need to remember that. Daily grassroots work and stay awake! Thank you John.
Agreed that 31.6 % of 244 million eligible voters (according to records quoted by U S News & World Report) voted for the monster, 30.6 % voted for Harris, and 37.8 % DID NOT VOTE and thus were complicit with the monster by default. These statistics tell me that about 70% of adults (If one can call them that) either renounce democracy by their votes to put a dictator in charge or relinquish it by their apathy. It is revealing that an exit poll by one major polling service claimed that 68% of Trump voters listed "saving democracy" as one of their primary reasons for voting for Trump. It seems as though the power brokers for Trump Republicans have brainwashed the electorate so thoroughly that they would deliberately vote against their own best interests. Yet, Trump ended up with 49.9% of the popular vote, to Harris's 48.3% which certainly does not give Trump a mandate as he claims. This is one crucial instance in which t's firehose of lies have disposed of reality, at least for now. Resistance of the citizens to the tyrants not only in the U.S. but around the world will be critical to the survival of civilization or what's left of it in the days and years to come. It is what enabled citizens of Europe to withstand the crushing blow of the fascist invasion of the 1940's until redemption was brought by the Allies in 1944. The reality is now that we are being 'overthrown from within', only we can redeem ourselves since our allies are in as deep of a fix as we are.
I can remember in the dark ages when Richard Nixon won by a landslide …. And when the Watergate tapes were released and the nation decided that Nixon really was as bad as he was …. I was the only one who was willing to admit that I had voted for him .. and that at the time he was, for me, the better choice. Fortunately I learned from my mistake and this time will not have to confess publicly or in my heart that I voted for the monster.
There were also Nixon Supporters who denied that it was his voice on the tapes. In their world Nixon did not swear. Same as today when Trump supporters do not believe the clear evidence of his words on tape.
I also want to say that it's the pastoral direction people like John Pavlovitz and Nadia Bolz-Weber provide which have kept me from chucking Christianity into the toilet -- and flushing.
More and more, I dislike using the word "Christian" to describe myself, because of the way Christianity has been co-opted by MAGA and the Christian Nationalists. I refuse to have anything to do with MAGA and the Christian Nationalists. I have been using the term "Follower of Christ" or "Episcopalian" (the particular denomination to which I belong) to describe my religious beliefs.
John and Nadia are badly-needed voices of sanity in a VERY insane time.
His two election "wins" sicken me to the core, but this one! I'm not sure at 71 I have enough fight left in me. A father, two brothers and my husband, all Vets. My father is gone and glad he is not seeing this mess. One brother is, well, bigoted enough that he voted for him twice I suspect. We have not spoken during this election season. My husband and other brother are not happy at all with this monster and his minions coming to roost in January. I'm sad for us all, but still can't believe that half this country voted this piece of crap, known by anyone willing to hear him, back in the highest office in this land. I have been political all my life and now find myself just wanting to hide. Too embarrassed to travel internationally, which I love interacting with other cultures. Too angry to even interact with my neighbors at the moment as I know they are still believing these tariffs will make "things even for us and bring jobs back". I just had to walk away from that conversation to avoid having a moment of rage. So, in that respect, I guess I'm not ready to make nice!!
No because the pain and suffering will, as usual, fall on the least powerful. No when he crashes the economy the MAGA monsters will blame it on Biden and the Democrats and the mainstream press will promote the lie.
I agree with the theme of this post but I do not think the intentions and motivations of those who voted for Trump are that monolithic. Trump's campaign effectively used fear, disinformation, and propaganda that was specifically targeted to a vulnerable population. Elon Musk spent $20.5 million dollars on ONE ad demonizing Kamala Harris that was targeted to rural populations. They were made promises about their future that could never be realized. Then there were all the gerrymandered districts that Republicans have been working on for decades to control the electoral college. The billionaires that literally bought this election. Corporate media that sanewashed his behaviors and tried to equalize coverage with Kamala's. Don't get me wrong there are millions of Trump voters who are intelligent and were intentional in their vote for Trump. They did so for their personal business and monetary gains and employed willful ignorance of the negative impact of his immoral and unethical behaviors on those most vulnerable and our democracy. They have a right to vote in that way. However, we have to hold them accountable for the moral incompatibility with American values. Even with all of this, Trump could not have won this election without the huge disinformation and fear machine. Our job now is to be the guardrails for the most vulnerable. To start now to overturn the house and senate in 2026, hold corporate media accountable. There is much we can do. Enough of us together can carry all of us forward.
I’ll never know how people with a brain could have believed the lying promises! My anger at them persists! They are responsible for what we ALL must face!
I disagree that anyone who voted for Orange Jesus is intelligent. If they were they wouldn't have voted for him. They were in a right wing news bubble.
All of that is true Deborah.
We must hold those really accountable for thievery and lies. Send the slimy evil
Thugs to prison now. They are not my President or my leaders. They are my embarrassment in front of the whole world. If you voted for that bunch you are immoral and stupid. We all heard the lies, we all knew they do nothing but cheat and lie… if I knew it, so you could too. Are you ( those who voted for this group of turds) truly so viciously angry about not having a brain that you would take it out on all of this country?
CEO’s, Republicans without morals, , rich people who think that means anything, get a real life and take your hands off my country! What boors, what creeps. If you do not get that the whole world knows that….. you really are uglier than your own mirror reflects.
Yes and as Coach Waltz said "Mind your own god*** business!"
Deborah, I like to remember that only 77M Americans voted for Trump while 263M Americans did NOT! This gives me hope….
You give me a glimmer of hope.
He never attended the amazing Kennedy Award ceremonies, there was no poet laureate at his inauguration, he fellated a microphone. He has no class and neither does half of America.
As a former pastor (retired a few years now) I have made a journey similar to yours John. A journey that has involved speaking and standing against Christian Nationalism, White Supremacy, anti-queer rhetoric, hate inducing misinformation about immigrants, the repression of women, and the idolizing of a tyrannical, classless, adolescent (on his best days!), misogynist, racist, pathological lying (my lord this list could go on...) human being who is nothing like Jesus Christ. I have gone from disappointed with to embarrassed by, to ashamed of, to enraged at the church in America today. A church that seems to be either actively encouraging the anger and violence, to trying to pretend it isn't real thereby placing a bushel over the light of the gospel.
I met you a few years back at a Wild Goose festival just before you began to noticed nationally. After that meeting I said to my wife, "That guy has a voice the church needs!" I was right then and now. Courageous, insightful, honest voices like yours are in desperate short supply. You remind me of Frank Schaeffer (who I was also lucky enough to have met at Wild Goose).
I will continue to do my little part here in Erie PA by preaching and podcasting (BTW - you should come on our pod - we do good work in a part of the country that is considered a battle ground area) and I hope you will continue to do inspiring work nationally.
Stay safe - stay strong - stay beautiful - stay faithful to the gospel that Jesus shared - "Love God, love others, love yourself."
Chuck Cammarata
I’ll work on fighting on tomorrow, but today I’m just gutted by, well, everything.
Me too!😱
Can they actually take Social Security away from the elderly who are currently dependent upon it? If that’s the case then it’s basically murder by starvation and homelessness! I don’t understand how they can stop SS on people who completely depend upon it to live?
Yes, they can. They want to privatize it - make it like our health insurance system, where you have to QUALIFY to get it when you need it. And yes, that means people will die. It's deeply saddening but hardly surprising. These people come from the same side that got Roe v. Wade repealed. And women died as the result. And they don't care.
They'll suck SS dry with various "fees" and astronomical salaries. I can't think of one successful (for the voters) privatized government project. They think anything that's good for the voters as the "Nanny State," and have demonized the word "entitlement."
The current GOP doesn't care if voters die. In the case of those they deem "unfit*," they want them to die.
*Elderly, sick, "unapproved lifestyles," etc. Read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. It's almost a blueprint for Project 2025.
I read parts of that years ago that’s how I learned about the Nazi death camps. I have a copy somewhere in my house. I never thought that Americans would ever be stupid enough to fall for a person as evil as Hitler, well I see I was wrong, terribly wrong and in fact there’s an entire political party full of greedy, corrupt politicians who only care about how much money they have in their bank accounts and not one bit about the lives of the people who mistakenly elected them because of their LIES, most especially Trump who is as bad as Putin or even possibly the Fuhrer, I am so disgusted by his selfish, evil plans! He fooled all those people who came to his rallies, he’s going to take everything from them and turn his back on them. He’s no better than any other dictator. He doesn’t deserve the presidency and should be in prison where anyone else would be with his criminal record.
Trump is a monster and just about every Republican is too! They are TRAITORS and traitors belong in prison!
Couldn't agree more.
What’s really sad and disturbing is that so many of the very people who voted for this demented monster are the very people who will be hurt the most by his actions, if he gets away with this!
If those people in congress ever want to get re-elected they will NOT let this happen!
They will simply criminalize the opposition party, remove everyone from the opposition party from political office, replace them with Trump loyalists, and make America a one-party state.
The Dear Leader even said if he wins this election, people will never need to vote again.
Dear Leader indeed. What an AH ! I am sure there must be some buyers regret! The poor idiots that voted for him probably didn’t think he was serious. Of course he knew he wouldn’t be running again because as he said he would be a dictator! So he doesn’t have to worry about whether his voters like him or not anymore. He needs to be IMPEACHED the minute he steps off of the stage. He’s dangerous.
He’s so stupid and so are his voters if they think we will allow that to happen! He’s mean gets more demented every minute!
If they are stupid enough to vote for this and wreak this havoc on Elderly Americans their careers are GONE! The cruelty is nearly matched by how the Nazis starved people in death camps! We will all remember who voted for taking Social Security Away and in 2026 these people will have ZERO chance of being Re-Elected! The Republicans are doing the most evil thing to the elderly American People and no one is likely to forget how they want to give this money to the WEALTHY! What do they need this money for? It’s BLOOD money because thousands will die. Trump is incredibly evil.
If bush had been successful in privatizing social security it would be long gone now. I still have hope that some republican legislators will stand up for their constituents instead of their big donors.
Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.
Do they actually think anyone effected by this hateful action would ever vote for them again? Well of course since Trump is planning to be a Dictator I suppose they don’t expect another election! The TRAITORS should all go to Prison! Trump especially! I thought he was bad but never realized how truly EVIL!
We paid for our SS every working hour. It is not the evil’s to take away. We are also paying for everything the billionaires greedy thugs pretend they own. We pay because we believe in paying back into our country through our taxes…. And yes, we believe in paying back. Why? Because we are secure with the pensions and promises administrations who were led by intelligent and moral leaders put together in moral and smart policies.
If this immoral group of maggots want to live in their own ugliness, let them buy up a country that they can go live in and do each other in!
Revolution or get them out!!!!!
WE can NOT let that happen! He is out numbered!
Unfortunately, I think the US is now on a path for real violence and bloodshed. I don't want that, but I don't see how we avoid it once desperate, fearful people realize what they voted for. Too many Americans took our democracy for granted. They shrugged and said, "Oh, that won't ever happen here" or "He won't really do that." Once they get everything they voted for, I think things will get really ugly. That's my take.
The monster’s disease is prevalent throughout America as demonstrated by 71 million voters. His lack of empathy is as contagious as Covid. People are hardened by Trump. Just as he cares only for himself, his followers only care for themselves. The other day I was shopping in a busy big box store - that I rarely enter - to buy gifts I give to our town’s public works staff. (Unfortunately no local store carries the large jars of peanuts in the quantity I need.) Of course, the nuts were on the bottom shelf which required me to kneel on the floor to reach the containers I needed. I am a pretty fit 73 year old but do have a replaced knee so my down and up on the floor was not graceful. Do you think any of no less than 10 people stopped to ask if I was ok and needed help? Just like Trump, the master monster, they had no regard for anyone but themselves.
Totally agree with you Ann! I am also 73 & cannot believe the amount of angry, mean, self-centered people that we see on our roads & in our shopping areas. When we are out & about we've made a bigger effort to engage with others: Eye contact, smiling, lending a helping hand, thanking workers, etc. Fortunately, most people are receptive & friendly, but we have had some glare @ us in a check-out line as we engage w/the checker and person bagging. I enjoy smiling @ their angry face & saying "your turn":) Hubby gets concerned because we live in Texas & they could be a "packing" miserable "maga monster." What we can begin to feel for certain is that the "resistance" side is growing, planning & ready to "fight" for our democracy...We'll see if our representatives will do the same. Peace!
I am just going to speak about the people I know who voted for Trump - because I don't know the motives of everyone. But the people I know - friends, family members, and congregants, voted for him for a number of reasons:
First category is angry straight white guys. They are angry with women -- because they can't get one, or they had one and she left him, or they were raised to believe that women had babies and raised kids and kept their men happy so women who achieve, who excel, intimidate them, make them feel small, so they are angry with them. And God forbid they should have a female boss or equal. Trump gave them permission to vent their anger and even express it. Hence - Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris, two of the most qualified candidates in history, are defeated by the man with the small penis because he was able to galvanize other small men.
In some ways it is not their fault. If you live in a society that defines masculinity by conquest, by how much money you make, how many women you have had, how big your biceps are, etc. etc., well - if you do not have the abilities or opportunities the get the women and the money and the hard body .... if you don't measure up to the masculine ideal - then - your insecurities (and it is not hard to see the truly breathtaking insecurities that drive Trump) may very easily lead you to lash out. Trump and his ilk have given these small men some scapegoats to blame. Trumpism boosts their egos. Makes them feel of value. Makes them feel like men.
Many of the men I know voted for Trump because they feel like society looks down on them and they hate that. Trump is one of them, inarticulate, not very thoughtful, unpolished, crude, angry, you know the list. So even though we know Trump will do things that will damage them and theirs, he is their man.
And, lest you get your hopes up that they will see the light when Trumps policies do in fact hurt them, forget it. They have thrown their lot in with him. They are not emotionally able to admit they were wrong on this because that feeds the narrative they have been living with that tells them they are small and insignificant and weak. They will simply find ways - irrational though they may be - to blame the left, or women, or queer folk, or immigrants (who happen to be the easiest target.)
From my perspective - as angry as I am - I cannot see long term solution that heaps disrespect on those I disagree with. That does not mean that I will not fight for the rights of those being scapegoated, or stand with the marginalized - I will - but I will also recognize that the building of healthy and safe families, communities, and nations, depends on seeing that the others are children of God, and speaking my truth to them in love. That - I think - is the way of Jesus and the New Testament.
Well, that was more than I was planning to write but it helped me to get a handle on my thoughts and angry feelings. There are other reasons folk voted for Trump - I have seen in people close to me - but writing about those will wait for another day.
Hey - be at peace out there - be safe - and don't give up.
He is Constitutionally prohibited from being president. As Laurence Tribe said:
"It might be good to remember that, as an adjudicated oath-breaking insurrectionist, Mr.Trump is constitutionally disqualified under Sec. 3 of 14th Am from taking the oath as president on 1/20/25 unless 2/3 of both houses lift the disqualification."
Let's do something about this! Contact your senators and representatives and demand they bring an amnesty bill re Trump's disqualification.
Also, we should contact Mitt Romney and tell him what a heroic last act this would be for him. Trump can't constitutionally be sworn in without amnesty, so urge him to please introduce the bill. After all, would 2/3 of this Congress grant amnesty to insurrectionist Trump? Surely not! https://www.romney.senate.gov/contact-senator-romney/
Yes!!!!! Yes!!!! Yes!!!!
Yes, of course willing to fight for love and all that comes with it. He won by a slim margin- we need to remember that. Daily grassroots work and stay awake! Thank you John.
Agreed that 31.6 % of 244 million eligible voters (according to records quoted by U S News & World Report) voted for the monster, 30.6 % voted for Harris, and 37.8 % DID NOT VOTE and thus were complicit with the monster by default. These statistics tell me that about 70% of adults (If one can call them that) either renounce democracy by their votes to put a dictator in charge or relinquish it by their apathy. It is revealing that an exit poll by one major polling service claimed that 68% of Trump voters listed "saving democracy" as one of their primary reasons for voting for Trump. It seems as though the power brokers for Trump Republicans have brainwashed the electorate so thoroughly that they would deliberately vote against their own best interests. Yet, Trump ended up with 49.9% of the popular vote, to Harris's 48.3% which certainly does not give Trump a mandate as he claims. This is one crucial instance in which t's firehose of lies have disposed of reality, at least for now. Resistance of the citizens to the tyrants not only in the U.S. but around the world will be critical to the survival of civilization or what's left of it in the days and years to come. It is what enabled citizens of Europe to withstand the crushing blow of the fascist invasion of the 1940's until redemption was brought by the Allies in 1944. The reality is now that we are being 'overthrown from within', only we can redeem ourselves since our allies are in as deep of a fix as we are.
He did not win.
America needs an official forensic audit into the US presidential election to save its democracy
I can remember in the dark ages when Richard Nixon won by a landslide …. And when the Watergate tapes were released and the nation decided that Nixon really was as bad as he was …. I was the only one who was willing to admit that I had voted for him .. and that at the time he was, for me, the better choice. Fortunately I learned from my mistake and this time will not have to confess publicly or in my heart that I voted for the monster.
There were also Nixon Supporters who denied that it was his voice on the tapes. In their world Nixon did not swear. Same as today when Trump supporters do not believe the clear evidence of his words on tape.
We will be fighting.
I also want to say that it's the pastoral direction people like John Pavlovitz and Nadia Bolz-Weber provide which have kept me from chucking Christianity into the toilet -- and flushing.
More and more, I dislike using the word "Christian" to describe myself, because of the way Christianity has been co-opted by MAGA and the Christian Nationalists. I refuse to have anything to do with MAGA and the Christian Nationalists. I have been using the term "Follower of Christ" or "Episcopalian" (the particular denomination to which I belong) to describe my religious beliefs.
John and Nadia are badly-needed voices of sanity in a VERY insane time.
I’m with you Mark
His two election "wins" sicken me to the core, but this one! I'm not sure at 71 I have enough fight left in me. A father, two brothers and my husband, all Vets. My father is gone and glad he is not seeing this mess. One brother is, well, bigoted enough that he voted for him twice I suspect. We have not spoken during this election season. My husband and other brother are not happy at all with this monster and his minions coming to roost in January. I'm sad for us all, but still can't believe that half this country voted this piece of crap, known by anyone willing to hear him, back in the highest office in this land. I have been political all my life and now find myself just wanting to hide. Too embarrassed to travel internationally, which I love interacting with other cultures. Too angry to even interact with my neighbors at the moment as I know they are still believing these tariffs will make "things even for us and bring jobs back". I just had to walk away from that conversation to avoid having a moment of rage. So, in that respect, I guess I'm not ready to make nice!!
I hope he crashes the economy so all of the knuckle dragggers who voted for him will feel the financial pain.
No because the pain and suffering will, as usual, fall on the least powerful. No when he crashes the economy the MAGA monsters will blame it on Biden and the Democrats and the mainstream press will promote the lie.