Praying many do exactly as you say and plead today. Sadly, I do not expect it. Abortion bad, therefore R’s good (even Trump!!!!!!!!), D’s bad or maybe even now Communist, Satanist pedophiles. The end. I wish I was kidding. As an evangelical Christian, the country, and especially the church, is absolutely a mess right now. We are stark raving mad. Keep preaching, John. I appreciate your voice.

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The most important act we must perform in November is vote blue.

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And more evangelical pastors need to stand up for what is right and call out the lies of MAGA.

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The silence is deafening from the pulpit, and I know it is because the VAST majority in evangelical churches like my Baptist one, would actually rebel, complain and even worse, if the pastors spoke up.

When the only Baptist voices speaking are the shameful Trump ones like Robert Jeffress, Franklin Graham, Al Mohler, etc., it is depressing and reprehensible to me. As Liz Cheney said about her colleagues, when Trump is gone, these pathetic and I believe unfaithful to the gospel “Baptist” ministers will have dishonor to spare. Actually, dishonor is the kindest word I can think of for their shameful behavior.

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Thank you again for expressing what so many of us feel at this dangerous time!

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Thank you, John, for reminding us to extend this much needed welcome to our fellow Americans!

I especially appreciate your simple list that says it all: Reasonable, good, honor, laws, liberty, equality!


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Keep preaching John! What you are saying is straight out of the New Testament. Christians follow what Jesus instructed - not what false prophets are selling.

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I know there are people who cannot be convinced of the danger of Trump and his twisted sponsors and followers.

But for those , that for a brief moment,

Can hear reason and act responsibly.

Let’s hope that there are many .

People in general , do not really believe that the destruction of our democracy is really imminent if Trump wins .

I’m agreeing that it will be a catastrophe for all of us including the folks that vote for Trump. They won’t be protected by their loyalty.

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Sadly, the MAGAts think they know the "truth" and dismiss what we unbrainwashed know are indisputable facts. They truly live in a different universe, and I fear most cannot be reached. So we must reach out to the moderates, the independents, and the youth with messages like yours, John, and hope there will be enough of them and of us to make the results in November incontrovertible and fruitless to contest in courts.

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Once again, a message right to the heart of humanity. Please America , for our sake, listen very carefully….

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John, as always, this is excellent. If all goes well in November, I hope you'll write a companion piece addressed to leaders of the Democratic Party reminding them of the debt they owe to those who put human rights above partisan politics. I fear that, all too often in the past, after winning an election, Democrats have gone back to business as usual without acknowledging or repaying the debt they owed to those on the other side of the aisle who had the courage to do the right thing. A few years back, Republican Richard Shelby, then Alabama's senior senator, spoke out strongly against Roy Moore, the Republican senate candidate. His influence and the integrity of 20,000 other registered Republicans helped Doug Jones win that special election. Jones did an excellent job representing all the people of Alabama.

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