Once again John, you have hit the nail on the head! Keep it up!!! I wonder if Carrie will reply- I as well was very disappointed by her decision and wondered exactly the same- though I couldn’t articulate it as eloquently as you have.
If that’s Carrie sitting next to him at the table, she’s not looking averse to his attentions.
I’m not a fan but if she needs the money or the popular adulation to keep her career going I guess it’s ok.
I always thought inaugurations included young rising stars who need the opportunity to be seen/heard and invited to continue offering their talents to all of us.
I do not think this admin has any interest in opportunity for anyone’s personal flag raising except the minions of Trump’s oligarchy who have foot prints and more, already marking their individual parking spots at the banquet table to undo great swaths of our American democracy.
I think these gargantuan male personalities will ‘work it out’ among themselves and trash as much of our way of life as possible to create independent territories for their retinues and extended families to relax and watch and pinch hit whenever something comes up that needs teams & captains w outfielders and first base hitters, etc.
We may have more drama and terror coming in the form of human error than anything we’ve very recently seen & heard about with the horrific fires in SoCal.
Many of the staff heads introduced on tv in these past few days are not even aware of the complexity of the posts they are committing to.
Their turn is coming to tackle ‘the learning curve’ and all the cameras will be on them fumbling their way…If they’re truly fortunate they may have a few weeks, but the ‘news’ is already full of threats from China and other ominous warnings from hot spots and grey areas around the world.
My prayers are for P E A C E … in the coming next month(s) until some dust has settled for ALL of US.
The inaugurations I recall included artists who use their talents to promote unity and personal freedom- not a publicity opportunity. CU is doing just fine professionally from what I see, and I don’t seek her out. We must believe our eyes- unfortunately, she’s a MAGA supporter.
Carrie Underwood has sold out to the dark side, just like Trump. Fame and money have taken over. Her Kardashian-esque appearance says it all. This is unfortunate because she was a great entertainer with a big heart when she started. Now, she has no heart and is all about the performance and the money.
Yup. Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, and the others who started the Moral Majority in the late 70s/early 80s, strategically chose the abortion issue as one that would unify evangelicals as a very influential voting block. Were they ever right about that!
So true, and important to remember. The issue landed in their lap, even though Rs like Reagan supported abortion originally. The real original project of the C. Coalition was to overturn Brown v Board, so the all white schools could get federal money without giving education to blacks. Charter and voucher schools grew out of that project. Abortion access was a convenient way to get those voters. Christian women get abortions whenever they need them, no questions asked. They’ve duped their own base over and over, actually believing the poor are not as deserving as the rich.
This goes beyond abortion. So they care so much, they elect trump who is a womanizer and who knows how many abortions he paid for. Actually, he’s a walking advertisement for the need for abortion
More than my house, car, insurance, PG&E & food for a month… even two or more months ….. all of this is disgraceful given thousands have lost their homes & their belongings in the ongoing conflagration in the Pacific southern beach community cities of California.
Oh, John! This may be among your top five "things that need to be said." Your questions are so raw, and although Underwood is who you're asking, these questions are seated in all our hearts. How and where and what did Jesus say or do that would "inspire" acceptance, let alone celebrating, the singular lowest icon of evil to ever stand out in history? Dear God, please protect us and all who follow the true Prince of Peace.
Exactly. I have a couple of friends like her, and I ask them the same questions. All I get is a lame "I vote policy." I've asked which policies and hear crickets.
And when they say, "I vote policy", I respond that I'm a values voter, and I will not vote for a rapist, a pathological liar or a malignant narcissist.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if she took the time and thought to reply to this. So many of us want to know. When I asked an evangelist the same question, she replied that men will be men regarding the misogyny and sexual misconduct. To the trials and charges and sentence she said she didn’t believe that happened. It was fake. Rigged. And then she walked off saying, “What we need is a leader,” leaving me more confused. There is a Fox World out there and those people have bought into it. Hook, line and sinker. Beware.
They believe that men will be men and rationalise that behaviour until it happens to them, their daughter, grand-daughter, other female family members or friends. And then it's 'why does this happen?'
Spot on once again, John. Thank you. Holding people like this accountable, and maybe getting them to think, is the only way the tide can possibly be turned, however agonizingly slowly.
“ I vote policy”! What they really mean is “ I vote not to pay taxes”. That is all the Republicans have ever ever stood for. And some of them need to hang an American flag on their house so everyone knows ( apparently they don’t) that they live in America and don’t pay or believe in paying taxes!
Wake up America. These imposters have one thing on their simple minds…. Don’t pay in, just suck up!
Yet, these same people are sure holding their hands out for FEMA money if they live somewhere hit by a natural disaster, and you can bet they didn’t turn down Covid money. Their rank hypocrisy puts them on a level with the Pharisees.
I so love how you cut them to the quick. She won’t be able to answer *any* of the questions you asked. I find it very disturbing that she has no problem associating with this horrible excuse of a human.
Keep it up, John. Keep applying the pressure by speaking truth to power. I appreciate how you don't pull any punches; you talk directly to the reality and hypocrisy of people who are Christians In Name Only (CINO). It is disheartening these days to hear people who are so disassociated from themselves spouting and believing ridiculous untruths, professing they know Jesus. They don't know Jesus at all. Christians (CINO) don't understand that every person they deride, shun, dismiss, and look down on is Jesus. God help them all.
Thanks, John, for asking the same questions I've asked of others professing to be a christian (small "c" on purpose). These others have been mostly white males, including my mainline Protestant minister father, who sputter, get defensive and then remember their Fox talking points. This signals to me that they don't have a good answer and don't want to talk about it. I'll be interested what Carrie has for a response, if any. I'm thinking it'll be about forgiving the sinner. The orange sinner needs to repent, but that will never happen without a "road to Damascus" experience.
There is such an extensive group of people who in their hearts are Christians but have somehow aligned with Trump , whose words and actions describe his heartless, hateful soul , continuously. He has spread his hate all over the country and it’s attached itself to so many who defend his gruesome plans and behavior .
Further he receives accolades from many people who have or pretend to have Christian values, but who also defy those values when they open their mouths or comment on fellow men who are of another race or ancestry.
The news is filled with the words of the treasonous Trump . Always disturbing , always punitive to those human beings who are not wealthy .
We need people to tell the truth about what they see, and in such an eloquent and human manner . Thank you John for putting words to our concerns .
Perfect, John, as always. As a fellow believer with you, and allegedly with Carrie Underwood, I will never understand this decision by her, along with millions of other decisions by “Christians” these past ten years, for as long as I live. Never, ever, never.
What does it profit a man(or woman) especially a woman who has the platform and money of Carrie U., to gain the whole world, and lose her own soul? Mark 8:36. Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man(or woman) sows, that shall she also reap . Galatians 6:7.
Our country, our people and ESPECIALLY our fellow Christians, and ESPECIALLY my fellow “evangelicals” have truly gone stark raving insane… we have sold our souls. John, you are not alone in your despair for our self proclaimed Christians and their hypocrisy and their willful capitulation to evil. Thank you for your prophetic voice.
Although I’m Jewish and a loyal subscriber to your Substack, I commend your comments. It needn’t be on the basis of religion for Ms. Underwood. It should be on the basis of the immorality T…p has shown consistently and flagrantly. His comments which nearly blew him out of the 2016 election, the revelations of his behavior in the Miss America Pageant (or was it Ms. Universe?) in which he purchased the rights to that program and used it as a hunting ground for himself, and the decision in the Jean Carroll case in which a judge likened his behavior to “rape”, any of which would cause a clear-thinking person to steer clear of him. Ms. Underwood, at my age I only see you as a terrific entertainer and role model; my feeling is that you are doing yourself and your fans a huge disservice. Take a position of strength to the plight of women and girls everywhere and ditch this guy. Please do not be an enabler.
Once again John, you have hit the nail on the head! Keep it up!!! I wonder if Carrie will reply- I as well was very disappointed by her decision and wondered exactly the same- though I couldn’t articulate it as eloquently as you have.
If that’s Carrie sitting next to him at the table, she’s not looking averse to his attentions.
I’m not a fan but if she needs the money or the popular adulation to keep her career going I guess it’s ok.
I always thought inaugurations included young rising stars who need the opportunity to be seen/heard and invited to continue offering their talents to all of us.
You think this administration is going to care about those needing an opportunity?
I do not think this admin has any interest in opportunity for anyone’s personal flag raising except the minions of Trump’s oligarchy who have foot prints and more, already marking their individual parking spots at the banquet table to undo great swaths of our American democracy.
I think these gargantuan male personalities will ‘work it out’ among themselves and trash as much of our way of life as possible to create independent territories for their retinues and extended families to relax and watch and pinch hit whenever something comes up that needs teams & captains w outfielders and first base hitters, etc.
We may have more drama and terror coming in the form of human error than anything we’ve very recently seen & heard about with the horrific fires in SoCal.
Many of the staff heads introduced on tv in these past few days are not even aware of the complexity of the posts they are committing to.
Their turn is coming to tackle ‘the learning curve’ and all the cameras will be on them fumbling their way…If they’re truly fortunate they may have a few weeks, but the ‘news’ is already full of threats from China and other ominous warnings from hot spots and grey areas around the world.
My prayers are for P E A C E … in the coming next month(s) until some dust has settled for ALL of US.
And my practice is to
Be Prepared .
I meant that “you” in the general sense , not you personally, but I do like your reply.
The inaugurations I recall included artists who use their talents to promote unity and personal freedom- not a publicity opportunity. CU is doing just fine professionally from what I see, and I don’t seek her out. We must believe our eyes- unfortunately, she’s a MAGA supporter.
It’s all about money. How much does a soul cost today
Carrie Underwood has sold out to the dark side, just like Trump. Fame and money have taken over. Her Kardashian-esque appearance says it all. This is unfortunate because she was a great entertainer with a big heart when she started. Now, she has no heart and is all about the performance and the money.
Actually, it’s all about abortion.
I have “friends” who are evangelical and they think dump is a greatest president because he got rid of Roe v Wade.
Yup. Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, and the others who started the Moral Majority in the late 70s/early 80s, strategically chose the abortion issue as one that would unify evangelicals as a very influential voting block. Were they ever right about that!
So true, and important to remember. The issue landed in their lap, even though Rs like Reagan supported abortion originally. The real original project of the C. Coalition was to overturn Brown v Board, so the all white schools could get federal money without giving education to blacks. Charter and voucher schools grew out of that project. Abortion access was a convenient way to get those voters. Christian women get abortions whenever they need them, no questions asked. They’ve duped their own base over and over, actually believing the poor are not as deserving as the rich.
This goes beyond abortion. So they care so much, they elect trump who is a womanizer and who knows how many abortions he paid for. Actually, he’s a walking advertisement for the need for abortion
When he bankrupts the country- bask them again
More than my house, car, insurance, PG&E & food for a month… even two or more months ….. all of this is disgraceful given thousands have lost their homes & their belongings in the ongoing conflagration in the Pacific southern beach community cities of California.
I’m pretty sure hers came cheaply. Likely did it for free.
Oh, John! This may be among your top five "things that need to be said." Your questions are so raw, and although Underwood is who you're asking, these questions are seated in all our hearts. How and where and what did Jesus say or do that would "inspire" acceptance, let alone celebrating, the singular lowest icon of evil to ever stand out in history? Dear God, please protect us and all who follow the true Prince of Peace.
Exactly. I have a couple of friends like her, and I ask them the same questions. All I get is a lame "I vote policy." I've asked which policies and hear crickets.
And when they say, "I vote policy", I respond that I'm a values voter, and I will not vote for a rapist, a pathological liar or a malignant narcissist.
My response is similar. I simply say, "I will vote for character every single time."
Very maddening, isn't it?
Wow. Her decision is at best EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING and at worst REPREHENSIBLE.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if she took the time and thought to reply to this. So many of us want to know. When I asked an evangelist the same question, she replied that men will be men regarding the misogyny and sexual misconduct. To the trials and charges and sentence she said she didn’t believe that happened. It was fake. Rigged. And then she walked off saying, “What we need is a leader,” leaving me more confused. There is a Fox World out there and those people have bought into it. Hook, line and sinker. Beware.
The female evangelist actually said “men will be men”!!!!! I guess she never read the New Testament and doesn’t know about Jesus.
They believe that men will be men and rationalise that behaviour until it happens to them, their daughter, grand-daughter, other female family members or friends. And then it's 'why does this happen?'
Then I presume the female evangelist would be OK with Trump or Matt Gaetz babysitting her children or her grandchildren.
I mentioned that to a friend (male) and he found it so insulting and took it so badly. That was a nice eye-opener.
Spot on once again, John. Thank you. Holding people like this accountable, and maybe getting them to think, is the only way the tide can possibly be turned, however agonizingly slowly.
The message is "There's no hate like Christian love", and also "The cruelty is the point".
“ I vote policy”! What they really mean is “ I vote not to pay taxes”. That is all the Republicans have ever ever stood for. And some of them need to hang an American flag on their house so everyone knows ( apparently they don’t) that they live in America and don’t pay or believe in paying taxes!
Wake up America. These imposters have one thing on their simple minds…. Don’t pay in, just suck up!
Yet, these same people are sure holding their hands out for FEMA money if they live somewhere hit by a natural disaster, and you can bet they didn’t turn down Covid money. Their rank hypocrisy puts them on a level with the Pharisees.
I so love how you cut them to the quick. She won’t be able to answer *any* of the questions you asked. I find it very disturbing that she has no problem associating with this horrible excuse of a human.
Keep it up, John. Keep applying the pressure by speaking truth to power. I appreciate how you don't pull any punches; you talk directly to the reality and hypocrisy of people who are Christians In Name Only (CINO). It is disheartening these days to hear people who are so disassociated from themselves spouting and believing ridiculous untruths, professing they know Jesus. They don't know Jesus at all. Christians (CINO) don't understand that every person they deride, shun, dismiss, and look down on is Jesus. God help them all.
Thank you for speaking the truth. John the Baptist would be happy to read this!
Thanks, John, for asking the same questions I've asked of others professing to be a christian (small "c" on purpose). These others have been mostly white males, including my mainline Protestant minister father, who sputter, get defensive and then remember their Fox talking points. This signals to me that they don't have a good answer and don't want to talk about it. I'll be interested what Carrie has for a response, if any. I'm thinking it'll be about forgiving the sinner. The orange sinner needs to repent, but that will never happen without a "road to Damascus" experience.
There is such an extensive group of people who in their hearts are Christians but have somehow aligned with Trump , whose words and actions describe his heartless, hateful soul , continuously. He has spread his hate all over the country and it’s attached itself to so many who defend his gruesome plans and behavior .
Further he receives accolades from many people who have or pretend to have Christian values, but who also defy those values when they open their mouths or comment on fellow men who are of another race or ancestry.
The news is filled with the words of the treasonous Trump . Always disturbing , always punitive to those human beings who are not wealthy .
We need people to tell the truth about what they see, and in such an eloquent and human manner . Thank you John for putting words to our concerns .
Patricia, I have much trouble understanding how anyone can be a Christian in their hearts—yet they support Trump and all he stands for.
Perfect, John, as always. As a fellow believer with you, and allegedly with Carrie Underwood, I will never understand this decision by her, along with millions of other decisions by “Christians” these past ten years, for as long as I live. Never, ever, never.
What does it profit a man(or woman) especially a woman who has the platform and money of Carrie U., to gain the whole world, and lose her own soul? Mark 8:36. Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man(or woman) sows, that shall she also reap . Galatians 6:7.
Our country, our people and ESPECIALLY our fellow Christians, and ESPECIALLY my fellow “evangelicals” have truly gone stark raving insane… we have sold our souls. John, you are not alone in your despair for our self proclaimed Christians and their hypocrisy and their willful capitulation to evil. Thank you for your prophetic voice.
Although I’m Jewish and a loyal subscriber to your Substack, I commend your comments. It needn’t be on the basis of religion for Ms. Underwood. It should be on the basis of the immorality T…p has shown consistently and flagrantly. His comments which nearly blew him out of the 2016 election, the revelations of his behavior in the Miss America Pageant (or was it Ms. Universe?) in which he purchased the rights to that program and used it as a hunting ground for himself, and the decision in the Jean Carroll case in which a judge likened his behavior to “rape”, any of which would cause a clear-thinking person to steer clear of him. Ms. Underwood, at my age I only see you as a terrific entertainer and role model; my feeling is that you are doing yourself and your fans a huge disservice. Take a position of strength to the plight of women and girls everywhere and ditch this guy. Please do not be an enabler.