This is one of your best columns yet, John. Thank you!

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I have been posting a simple one-sentence declaration on YouTube for several months now, one that, each morning following, ends up with dozens of comments back, most of them hate-filled and full of outrage, but many declaring agreement with me. That declaration is:

You cannot be a Trump supporter AND a moral human being.

I'm not posting it to piss of the MAGAs. I'm not posting it to receive kudos from "my side." I'm posting it because, civically, religiously, philosophically and politically, I believe it is a provable statement, if what we accept as moral behavior to be very simply what we have always, in this country, accepted as moral behavior in those arenas of thought. That is, until recently.

We are at a profoundly dangerous moment, folks. If Trump wins, there will be terrible violence. If Trump loses, there will *also* be terrible violence. Either way, what we're facing is existential and bloody. There is at this point no getting around it. Americans are going to die. And the reason why, ultimately, comes down to:

You cannot be a Trump supporter AND a moral human being.

May God protect and keep us.

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Thank you for your courage!

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Jun 20Liked by John Pavlovitz

John, how do I share this with people who are not on Substack??

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Jeanie, this is a free post so you can share as if you would any article. You should see a “share” button. If not you can copy the link in your browser and paste into any social media platform.

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I think I figured it out.

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You write so well. You put into words what I think and feel. I have said to trump supporters that whatever trump does, should he be elected, will affect them just as much as any other person living here, unless they are uber wealthy. It seems logic, common sense and basic decency for others are not a part of their thoughts, though. I just keep reciting facts while wondering how people succumb to a man like trump. He is full of hate and vengeance and everything bad. Why do I and so many others see it clearly? People baffle me.

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I hope you can reach some of them. So many of them are swept up in the adrenaline of hate and threats. Having a focus on ‘ the evil Democrats ‘ keeps it going.

Adrenaline can make some people think clearly in dangerous situations.

However when it’s used as part of a chaos spreading, lie blanketed coverup, it creates total panic.

This is a psychological phenomenon.

This creation of the biggest lie.

“ The only one who can fix this for you is me” .

The same person who is creating the hate , chaos and threats, is “ the only one who can fix this”.

How convenient.

So the people now with hate , chaos and brainwashing from constant repetition are believing the fascists. Trump and Putin.

The threats by Trump of violence are a useful tool to keep people believing that you can save them from themselves and their fears.

Fear instilled by the likes of Putin , Orban , and other fascist Authoritarians, runs the show .

I hope that they can accept this “olive branch “ that you have offered.

At least some of them.

Time is short , but time will tell.

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I love all your work, but today's column spoke to me. Hopefully, we can reach at least a few of the lost.

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Hear, hear!

Once again, John has been able to articulate what I know to be true but lack the ability to articulate it myself. From the bottom of my heart I thank you John for your wisdom and words.

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This is so true. Thanks for a great post today. I pray some minds will be opened and changed.

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They really don’t care…whiny white rePUGliCONs want to rape, want to steal, want to lie!!! Like the new bullshit about how THE MOST EMPATHETIC AND POLITICALLY SAVVY PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN as being too old. BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT!!

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