Well said.

How sad that there are still millions of people who believe this convicted felon and convicted sexual predator instead of 23 of their peers who heard every word of the evidence and quickly and unanimously decided that the charges were valid beyond a reasonable doubt.

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What I find both scary and sad is that if he succeeds in November, the people who voted for him will be shocked when he starts taking from them. Social Security and Medicare. The GOP is always complaining about it. But even worse would be having concentration camps for immigrants waiting for deportation back to a country they, for whatever reason, were fleeing. Concentration camps - in what used to be the United States. I fear trump because he has no conscience. That alone makes him very dangerous.

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I apologize for the typo, 24 jurors.

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As usual, you nailed it. I just hope that the message you preach gets beyond the choir loft and that everyone else out there watching Fox isn’t too mesmerized to listen. So far, I hear a lot of excuses and rationalizations for this verdict instead of an affirmation that the jury has spoken. Let’s hope that the truth does set us free.

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Perfectly stated! I’m not sure what will open the eyes of his followers but maybe some will finally see the light!

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And I hope for that every time he shows us who he is and every time he was charged! Had thought Jan 6th would do it! It is really a cult, and the scary part is those in our congress that continue to enable and support!

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Trump is a convicted felon AND a convicted sex offender. I read/heard that the IRS is looking into possible tax evasion pursuant to the lies on his taxes regarding properties. That’s how they got Capone…tax evasion.

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To all Trump followers, as you regard these events, remember we don't see things as they are; we see them as we are. He is you!

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Unfortunately, Bill his followers are not reading this, they read even less than him. I feel sick at their disbelief. Too much Trumpism for my system to take. It's a hollow victory for some of us.

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Yes, you're correct. Their blinders work well. As you stated, regrettably.

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If this isn’t a time to celebrate, I don’t know when that would be? Those of us who saw the warning signs eight years ago have been waiting tirelessly for accountability for this conman tyrant, that has unleashed a reign of terror on our constitutions and the minds of the ignorant, let alone our own sanctity of peace and mind. Hopefully it’s the beginning of the end of Americas horror story. This conviction restored an assemblance of hope instead of an autocratic fearmonger getting his way for too long.

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I've watched my husband, an evangelical Christian, completely defend this man no matter what. This devotion to an evil man makes you think he's the anti Christ of the end times. I am an atheist so that's how scary this looks to me.

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Hello Jody, it must be hard on you not being able to share your thoughts with your husband. My husband feels more agitated with MAGA thinkers, than I am. They all seem to be single agenda people and so long as they hear what they want to hear from him, they support him.

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Every time that Donald Trump tells that scorpion story, he's laughing inside at the rubes who continue to support him despite him telling them all quite clearly what he intends to do once in power. They're too dull to appreciate that fact.

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I had a conversation recently with a no longer Trump supporter. His reason for not voting for Trump in the future is "there's just too much drama." Does this mean he is going to support Biden? No. He feels he has no candidate so he's not planning on voting. I think this might be what's going to happen more than we think.

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"stoking the white fears of people of color..."

I first read this the other way: that he stokes people of color to fear white folks. POCs have "white fears" . It took me a second to read it as you intended.

That said, I share your frustration with him showing us day after day exactly who he is, and far too many people seeming to think that's just fine.

Because it isn't.

Thank you.

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Lowercased don - “He comes as advertised.”

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Where is the man of God and what is he saying? Look no further!

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Such a good summary and documentation! This man, who did all of what said over the years, has brought out the worst of this country.

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