There will be no changing them. We must defeat them at the ballot box, again and again and again, until they accept that they are a minority and no one wants the America they’re selling.

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YES, YES, YES!!! You have named the reality we find ourselves in...but I did experience a moment of hope this week--my Fox-addicted husband, who voted for Trump, came in with his special election ballot (we are voting for Kevin McCarthy's replacement), and announced this was probably the last time he would ever vote. Surprised, I asked why...because "The Republicans are NEVER GOING TO WIN ANOTHER ELECTION. " Best news I've ever heard!!!

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Thank you for sharing, Jenell, this give me so much hope!

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The influence of evangelical right wing pastors and churches are fuelling this as well. It really seems crazy but there you go!

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"An indictment on all of us." That really is where we find ourselves today, isn't it? It's no longer enough to vote and talk to people and to be reasonable and want some give and take from both sides. I don't read a lot of political columns and I follow the news only enough to be informed, lest I fall into a despair so deep I cannot reasonably function. But John, you manage to inspire and motivate me to do more. Thank you.

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"The cognitive dissonance we’re living around simply escapes comprehension:" And again and again, why is this? I chalk it up partly to willful ignorance, the sheep following the leader off the cliff, you've seen the image. Is there a deeper self-destructive wish?

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Yes! I think John was dead on about digging in their heels and not being willing to admit they made an egregious mistake long ago for fear of shame or humiliation or just plain being wrong.

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It’s up to us now to squash him and his followers and let Democracy reign for ALL!

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I think we're all in a state of collective trauma.

And Trump its provocateur.

Classic trauma responses include fight, flight, and freeze. These 3 F's are running rampant.

There are a few more ways to protect ourselves from feeling the impact of trauma - forgetting (our consciousness just wanders off), fooling ourselves that the danger doesn't exist or isn't so bad, and pretending that we personally are invulnerable.

None of the above reactions address a current and dangerous problem.

Time now for to respond ~ think, consider, talk, read, write, share, consult, join, act, give.

And so doing, protect each other.

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As thoughtful and profound as always. Thank you, John.

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Trumpets entire existence is a house of cards. Remove one card and their existence crumbles. They need to read in their Trump bibles where it says "the truth shall set you free,"

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