just did a search of “Joseph Goebbels - Propaganda Principles” - that seems to be the ‘playbook’ - it ‘worked’ for a while a hundredish years ago and we know how it ended in a bunker

Praying for a decisive win for Harris/Walz to give the GOP an election enema and begin the process of healing and civility

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My Danish-American parents survived the Nazi invasion of their beloved Denmark when they were young adults: If still alive, they would agree with you & John. We must do what we can for the next month & hear America's voice loud & proud @ the polls.

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One of the most dangerous lies of this political season didn’t come from Donald Trump—it came from the Biden-Harris administration. In the aftermath of the 10/7 attacks, President Biden claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas, a statement the Israeli government itself couldn’t confirm. His own staff had warned him the claim wasn’t credible, and it’s since been debunked. Harris and Biden also repeatedly referred to mass sexual assaults during the same attack, long after those claims had been discredited. Harris even brought them up again at a debate months later.

These aren’t just slip-ups—they were pivotal moments used to justify the offensive in Gaza. As of now, the death toll sits around 50,000, with some saying that number could be even higher. During the offensive, Biden also undermined reports of the casualties, which delayed the necessary humanitarian response.

The bigger question is this: how can we expect healing and civility to come from an electoral process where both parties are deeply entrenched in their own forms of disinformation? The Biden administration’s lies have been just as dangerous, shaping public opinion to support policies that led to the mass death and displacement of thousands.

This isn’t just about one election—it’s about a system where both sides see themselves as the righteous truth-tellers, yet both are complicit in peddling disinformation that fuels war and suffering. And the truth is, real resistance to these lies isn’t even on the ballot.






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You are absolutely, frighteningly, verifiably correct. And many, if not most, of these “true believers” are, or at least claim to be, our fellow Christians. I will never understand, or be able to understand, this behavior, and the acceptance and even promotion of these willful and obvious untruths, as long as I live. I agree about the ballot box, but if people no longer believe in absolute and verifiable and obvious truth, and cannot separate truth from clear fiction, we are in horrific trouble as a country. We can survive a Jim Jones or David Koresh cult of hundreds of people, a Trump cult of millions, not so sure. To think these people who are supposedly following the truth of Jesus, are actually following the writ and words of Trump instead, makes me despair…….. Help me find a path through to the future……

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When you find the path, please let all the rest of us know. This essay is truly chilling because it so perfectly sums up the Trump cult.

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Outnu8mbering them at the polls has seemed to me the only possible way forward out of Trumpism ever since 2016.

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No one in the media says this but reporters and news organizations are afraid of Trump because he will send his goons after them. They are especially afraid he may win and have unstoppable power.

Bravo for your courage in telling it like it is.

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John your observations are right on the mark. For the next 5 weeks I will be praying intensely for an opening of the hearts and minds of people of faith. We Christians must not be a one issue (abortion) voter. Thank you for your service to all pro life issues. The former president lies about everything

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Millions of Christians, including in my own family, ARE one issue voters. Abortion is it, even if they are voting for every immoral and unchristian policy(and person) under the sun. It is crazy. Then throw in gay pride and trans athletes and you have the “Christian” trifecta. R good, D bad. It is revolting and crazy, but a very, very real fact……….. I do not know how to change the abortion narrative and brainwashing. It is such a personal and complex and difficult issue to navigate, but it is so, so simple and 100% clear to millions.

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Great summary and analysis, Jon.

It can be numbing to observe…embarrassing and depressing…

But you are correct.

Our only recourse is to overwhelmingly outvote them…

and prepare for the backlash.

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Not to worry, I’m sure the NYT is prominently refuting this. It’s right here on their home page, just give me a second…It must be here somewhere…Hold on…OK, I’ll get back to you when I’ve found it…

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The New York Times is truly a total disgrace at this point.

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Awesome writing, John. My perception of a MAGA is and quoting a line from the movie, 'As Good as it Gets', my paraphrase would read, How do you spot a MAGA? Take away reason and accountability.

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Piercingly and compassionately written. This stood out to me as the great and true threat to our democracy, never mind the traitor-rapist-fraudster flooding the landscape with these lies:

>>it is the person who no longer has need of the truth; who ceases to be burdened by the existence or veracity of data in order to believe what they believe.<<

Any conman needs someone to believe his grift. TFG has that in the millions.

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Sadly, that is the truth that I’ve already experienced by losing a golf buddy whom I’ve known for over 30 years. The friendship became a chore of listening to his tripe and delusional parroting of an obvious sociopath when the facts and truth we’re staring him in the face. The abc’s of logic were rendered as futile, and I felt castigated as the enemy. A friendship shouldn’t be work, so I had to save myself from the irrefutable ignorance and restore a balance of sanity in my soul, I’d had enough. So I let him go forage in the Trump wilderness. So be it, life’s too short.

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I am so sorry friends are falling by the wayside because of this lying sicko. You did the correct thing for your sanity’s

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The convo became so absurd, there wasn’t any pleasure left to relate about. Thank you.🥰

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Sad but so true.

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Thanks you. That is just what I needed this morning.

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It is a scary world we are entering. I fear for my grandchildren’s future. I’m doing everything I can to get out the vote. I pray each day for a Harris/Walz victory.

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Great article - this helps us understand the trumpers better, maybe there's a little way to get into their minds to help them.

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What you write is so sadly true. Those committed to DJT cannot listen to reason. I took a chance and sent Mona Charen’s article from The Bulwark, “Why Jews Should Reject Trump,” to a former student, whom I had back in the late ‘60s. He was probably the brightest student I ever had. ( Luckily he was only in seventh grade when he was my student and still had a lot to learn.) M is an avid Trump supporter and also a proud Jew. Since his IQ is probably well over 20 points higher than mine, he skillfully rebutted most points of the article, leaving me feeling stupid and sorry. I was left with regret that I had sent him the article and fear for what he may discover if DJT somehow gets into the White House. Yes, his followers, both the well educated and the less educated, are beyond persuading otherwise. All we can do is vote.

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I had no idea that Trump denied 99% of Federal Aid in North Carolina back in 2017 - - why then do people in North Carolina vote for him? I understand they get wrapped up, insulated in the LIE - but once their orange idol Trump refused Federal funding after the 2017 hurricane- it's time for you to wake up from the LIE......deconstruct the programming......deconverstion.

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