I'm an ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church USA. I stand with Bishop Budde. In our polity, teaching elders (ministers) and ordained elders (laity) share responsibility for caring for the flock entrusted into our care. I accept the call you have laid out, John. Thank you for reminding us of our mutual obligation to continue to speak truth to power.
You are so right. We all have to do our small part to make truth heard. I am not a member of the clergy or an even a member of a church. I am a believer and have been struggling with a related problem for the last two days. Your call to action cleared the path to my decision. Let’s all make our voices heard and not be silent any longer.
How sad that Bishop Budde is being criticized for preaching the message of Jesus to self proclaimed Christians. Trump and his MAGA enablers ignore the teaching of Jesus such as the Sermon on the Mount. It is Trump who owes America and the World an apology but it will never come. Raised as a Quaker it is really really hard to see "that of God" in Trump.
I saw an address to send her cards and letters of encouragement. I'm gonna send her a postcard as a thank you. Seeing someone of faith look eye to eye with Mr. Trump and remind him what Jesus taught us to be was inspiring.
The fact that FElon Trusk demanded an apology from the Bishop for calling for mercy for the marginalized should be all any Christian needs to know, to realize Trump is not a Christian and they’re in the wrong side of Jesus in all this.
My challenge to every American who seeks to fight back:
Join American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) or Public Citizen, or Sierra Club, or any other organized credible, experienced group which is suing him in our Courts at this very moment.
Can you also help us understand Christians vs Christian Nationalists vs Evangelicals vs Dominionists vs whatever other labels are used. Are any the American Taliban?
In some ways, I think we all struggle with what defines one vs. another, as there is considerable overlap in some cases. One person here on Substack who has helped increase my understanding of evangelical and dominionist concepts in Christian Nationalism is Andra Watkins (https://andrawatkins.substack.com/). I had some grasp of influences from, for example, Southern Baptist churches in my area, but I do not have the direct experiences she has.
Standing alone is not going to happen here. We believe in care for the hungry and the homeless. We care about the equality of all and abhor the mistreatment log the marginalized. We stand with arms linked against the psychopathic neo-fascists. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/mentally-impaired-psychopathic-neo?r=3m1bs
I think it's important to add that taking this sort of stand isn't just about saving the oppressed in this country but is just as much about saving the churches as well. Though I'm not Christian (Unitarian Universalist), I have the highest regard for the teachings of Jesus and wish more Christians, and non-Christians, were willing to live by them. It's been incredibly disheartening to see Christian churches, en masse, embrace right-wing politics and the pursuit of wealth and power instead. This rank hypocrisy is a big reason young people are fleeing Christianity in droves. Getting back on message is the only way to ensure the long-term viability of actual Christianity in this country.
Thank you for this call not to arms but to link arms and speak out together to leaders of every ilk, whether church or secular, on behalf of all who are scared and downtrodden. We shall overcome this darkness that has descended if we call on everyone to be exemplars of good and lovingkindness.
The last time I attended church, the minister was telling the congregation that it was their duty to spread the word of the evils of LGBTQ, etc! It was all I could do to not get up and walk out!
I'm an ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church USA. I stand with Bishop Budde. In our polity, teaching elders (ministers) and ordained elders (laity) share responsibility for caring for the flock entrusted into our care. I accept the call you have laid out, John. Thank you for reminding us of our mutual obligation to continue to speak truth to power.
You are so right. We all have to do our small part to make truth heard. I am not a member of the clergy or an even a member of a church. I am a believer and have been struggling with a related problem for the last two days. Your call to action cleared the path to my decision. Let’s all make our voices heard and not be silent any longer.
How sad that Bishop Budde is being criticized for preaching the message of Jesus to self proclaimed Christians. Trump and his MAGA enablers ignore the teaching of Jesus such as the Sermon on the Mount. It is Trump who owes America and the World an apology but it will never come. Raised as a Quaker it is really really hard to see "that of God" in Trump.
How unexpected. /snark
I saw an address to send her cards and letters of encouragement. I'm gonna send her a postcard as a thank you. Seeing someone of faith look eye to eye with Mr. Trump and remind him what Jesus taught us to be was inspiring.
Can you share that address here? I’d like to send her a card.
The Rt Revd Mariann Edgar Budde
Episcopal Church House
Mount St. Alban
Washington, DC, 20016-5094, USA
Thank you, Lisa. I’ll pass it on.
The fact that FElon Trusk demanded an apology from the Bishop for calling for mercy for the marginalized should be all any Christian needs to know, to realize Trump is not a Christian and they’re in the wrong side of Jesus in all this.
It isn't even about being a Christian. It's about compassion, love, respect for all.
Oh I agree. I’m not a Christian. But given so many Christians voted for this guy, it’s sick that they can’t see how evil he really is.
My challenge to every American who seeks to fight back:
Join American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) or Public Citizen, or Sierra Club, or any other organized credible, experienced group which is suing him in our Courts at this very moment.
Also, true Christianity IS liberal by nature and that he believes he’s condemning her by calling her liberal is laughable
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - remembering his insights and courage
I appreciate your call to action.
Can you also help us understand Christians vs Christian Nationalists vs Evangelicals vs Dominionists vs whatever other labels are used. Are any the American Taliban?
In some ways, I think we all struggle with what defines one vs. another, as there is considerable overlap in some cases. One person here on Substack who has helped increase my understanding of evangelical and dominionist concepts in Christian Nationalism is Andra Watkins (https://andrawatkins.substack.com/). I had some grasp of influences from, for example, Southern Baptist churches in my area, but I do not have the direct experiences she has.
Thanks. I have been reading Andra Watkins. A lot is behind a paywall. I can’t afford to pay for more substacks and subscriptions.
Absolutely agreed! Thank you for this and for your Zoom last night!!
Thanks so much, Stephanie!
Please do more Zoom sessions, John! By the time I got there, the room was full. I would love to attend in the future.
Standing alone is not going to happen here. We believe in care for the hungry and the homeless. We care about the equality of all and abhor the mistreatment log the marginalized. We stand with arms linked against the psychopathic neo-fascists. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/mentally-impaired-psychopathic-neo?r=3m1bs
I think it's important to add that taking this sort of stand isn't just about saving the oppressed in this country but is just as much about saving the churches as well. Though I'm not Christian (Unitarian Universalist), I have the highest regard for the teachings of Jesus and wish more Christians, and non-Christians, were willing to live by them. It's been incredibly disheartening to see Christian churches, en masse, embrace right-wing politics and the pursuit of wealth and power instead. This rank hypocrisy is a big reason young people are fleeing Christianity in droves. Getting back on message is the only way to ensure the long-term viability of actual Christianity in this country.
Thank you! I hope that all religious leaders come together and use the power of their voice and pulpits to get behind her message.
Thank you for this call not to arms but to link arms and speak out together to leaders of every ilk, whether church or secular, on behalf of all who are scared and downtrodden. We shall overcome this darkness that has descended if we call on everyone to be exemplars of good and lovingkindness.
I feel lucky to have a pastor who uses his voice to call for love, compassion and justice for all people!
The last time I attended church, the minister was telling the congregation that it was their duty to spread the word of the evils of LGBTQ, etc! It was all I could do to not get up and walk out!
Jesus would have walked out right alongside you as you left. Unacceptable.