I think a great many of us feel this way, and have felt this way for a very long time, as the wallpaper has been peeling off the facade for quite awhile. That we straight white people are coming around to a perspective more like that of people of color and other disadvantaged groups is a beacon of hope, albeit a damn uncomfortable one. The day after our duly elected felon took office, someone forwarded me a poem, which I posted but unfortunately failed to keep on file. Written by a woman of color it reminded us that "When you woke today you woke to a country exactly the same as it was before. Exactly the same." It went on to say that people like her have survived, and will continue to survive, despite this. It has always amazed me that people of color, and especially women of color, continue to serve their fellow citizens, love each other, and resist the impulse to blow their oppressors away. We have a lot to learn about how to do this.

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Jesus called the religious leaders of his day whitewashed tombs. Clean and white on the outside but filled with decay on the inside. This was a huge insult because dead bodies were considered unclean. He was telling them how unclean and rotten they were on the inside while pretending to be so pure on the outside.

That is the situation of America today, the myth of America, and I fell for it too in my growing up years. But I have read a lot of factual history in the last 16 years. Let’s say that my history classes were inaccurate at best.

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Yes, inaccurate and woefully excluding of the facts. So true, Jesus did call out the rot, and it's time we do the same.

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The only difference I see is that instead of only the minorities and poor being treated like shit, we all will be. It's going to be a rough lesson for a lot of people. I was well educated in the Caribbean and my eyes gradually opened to the reality of the US. It didn't entirely sink in until my twenties as what delusions I had fell to reality. I'm now in my mid-sixties. All of us should be flourishing, not just surviving.

You'll remember that Muskrat promised us "a few years of pain." Bullshit. If he and his cronies have their way, the pain will be neverending for all except the 1%. As Orwell wrote in 1984, "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- forever." That will be here very soon unless we stop it.

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I envy their strength.

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Thank you John. This is exactly what I needed to read right now. I always have loved the ideal of America. I've also always loved leaving home for a while and usually hated coming back.

Now, at seventy, I'm blessed to be surrounded by family I share love with. Though I have the means to leave, there's nothing that would take me away from them but death.

I hate what my America has become but I still believe that the ideal lives on. We may not see the greatness restored but our grandchildren depend on us working for this.

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Thank you for so articulately putting into words what I and I’m sure millions of others feel but haven’t quite known how to express. Like many, I’ve thought about moving out of this country, but you’ve made me realize the only thing to do is stay and fight like Hell!

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We so very much need the courageous compassion of folks like you and Jimmy Carter. Deeply caring heroes and examples for so many of us who struggle to speak out from beyond the long frayed edges of that dream. Thank you deeply.

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I think you are speaking truth for so many of us. Thank you for your words of encouragement and care.

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I love this country, I love the idea of this country but I do NOT love this current administration. I came to the conclusion that we need to work against this administration with all of its insanity and the people, thinking of Elon Musk, who have wrapped their hands around power and are trying to make this country into something it has never been. Right now we are in very dark days, hard to believe that he was sworn in only 2 weeks ago, and we need to work with reasonable people who love not just the country but our Constitution and when the mid terms come we have a peaceful revolution where we reign in the insanity and take our homes back. That means locally, state wide and national. That is what I am doing and it gives me hope and the realization that many who feel the way I do and have power are doing the same. So much that Trump has said he wants to change or tries to change he cannot and the Democrats have stopped him - we need more people to protect this country from being dismantled. Midterms, local elections are all important. Getting Elon Musk OUT is a necessity.

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I fear free and fair elections will not exist in 2026- this fascist takeover is happening quickly, with no pushback that I can see.

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This could have been written by me. Well, all except for the “male” part.

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John I grew up in the south, right in the buckle of that Bible Belt, and see all too clearly the view of Christianity you describe. I pulled away from it, explored other religions, traveled and like you, got educated and opened my eyes further. And these last 2 weeks, just like you, I have fantasized about 1 euro homes in Italy, or moving to the Argentinian Patagonia where I could escape it all, but again, like you, I will stay and stand and fight. One thing I am fantasizing about now is how do we punish this regime? How do we kneecap on a weekly, daily, hourly basis to suck its life blood and leave it withered on the vine? I have no experience organizing resistance, but I’m imagining a movement that closes the economy one day a week at first. Whatever pain that creates, we amplify it with additional days. We make this gang of hooligans wear this disaster squarely and heavily around their necks until Americans rise from this nightmare, cast off this deadweight and work once again to realize that America we all hope for.

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I live in the SW MO Ozarks, a beautiful place overrun with evil people claiming to be the chosen and forgiven children of god*. Whitewashed tombs, indeed. People like these have made me swear off religion entirely. I like Christians who act like Christ, but there are so few like Jimmy Carter.

*The lower case is quite deliberate.

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One of your best ever. You speak for many of us.

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I am almost 80 and do not have the resources to leave. Even if I did I would know that I am leaving the most vulnerable of my sisters and brothers behind, to say nothing of doing exactly what THEY want us to do - rid this country of these meddlesome liberals. For better or worse this is my country, my flag, my home - always has been, always will be. And as you said yesterday John, I refuse to let them “break through the borders of my soul and snuff out the light within me, as long as I still have breath and a heartbeat”. Amen 🙏🏽

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We won't leave our kids and grandkids. We could leave, but we won't. We'll fight. We would rather fight on our feet than live on our knees.

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All of this. I wanted to cry in the car listening to the recording though. 😢 I'm going to send this to my RFL folks.

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The recipe is simple. 10 cups of Stay informed. 5 cups of Scream in anguish as necessary. 10 cups of Do what you can to protect democracy. Recipe must be cooked multiple times per day.

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Then made into heavy balls and thrown at fascists. Repeat as necessary.

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Thank you for putting into words what so many of us are feeling - and thank you to all who posted already. Knowing that we are not alone helps tremendously!

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John. Thank you for this powerful message today. We must not give up on American or the idea of a democracy. Stay and be part of the resistance and we will get our beloved country back. The news is heartbreaking and frustrating to say the least but we all have the power of change.

You always push me forward to a better mindset and place. Keep it up.

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You have put into words what I have been thinking for many years. Thank you. I pray that someday, we will actually live up to the ideal of America that we were taught as children, but that we will be inclusive of all and truly celebrate our diversity.

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But what can we actually DO? Calling our reps daily in DC seems like a waste of time. They're outnumbered. I feel completely helpless sitting here watching my country die.

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