If you let your protest votes (meaning not voting for Biden in November) this country will more than likely be ruled by a MAGA government. In that awful nightmare, the Palestinians will not be better off and Hamas will be enabled to rise to power again; and your naive protest (at this time) will be nulled and voided (in that dark future).

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Our issues are so very complex and difficult, and we humans want an easy answer - so "if I don't get my way, I'm taking my crayons and going home". How is this different from the "Freedom Caucus" gumming up the budgets unless they get their way, and every one else bows to them - no negotiation, no compromise? The good people of this country are hurt for MAGA performative foolishness. And now, well-meaning Progressives are content to hurt the very people they hope to help just to practice some sort of perverse "purity". You can only change things from the inside. Win the seat of power, THEN apply pressure. Otherwise, you're just cutting your nose off to spite your face.

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