Funny. With all their claims The Felon Guy is the chosen one, they won’t accept the possibility it was God’s Will Biden won the presidency. The whole lot are gaslighting hypocrites.

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"This is nonsense of Biblical proportions. Trying and draw some line between Jesus of Nazareth and Donald of Florida is about as farcical as you can get without actually spontaneously combusting from the cognitive dissonance."

This is a great article but I particularly love this paragraph. I have been saying it is a wonder their heads don't explode with the hypocrisy they live with on a daily basis!

That people are willing to believe he is anointed by God, really does make wonder about the kool-aid they drink.

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I’m afraid the rotten fruit that you speak of are most of don’s maga followers. They have no love, empathy or kindness in their hearts.

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“Cognitive dissonance” is the hallmark of any relationship with a narcissist. Donald Trump is a perfect example of one. The narcissistic prey falls under the spell of the narcissist, who beguiles them with charisma, blinds them to all of their character defects, overwhelms them with promises of love and a wonderful future, lies to them about everything and then demeans and discards them when they are no longer needed to suit their purposes. When a narcissist is criticized or exposed for their misdeeds or lies, they abuse, destroy or abandon their victims. People in relationships with narcissists will keep coming back for the what they feel is love, only to be deceived again. Narcissists can’t love, but they can control and manipulate vey effectively and ruin a person’s life. They also prey on well-meaning people who are overly trusting. The only way to escape a narcissist is to cut them off completely and not give them a second chance. Let’s not give the Narcissist in Chief a foot back in our door. Let’s see him for what he is and avoid him permanently.

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Another parallel between Trump and Hitler was the milking of religion to mollify the public. He spoke of religion in early speeches and referred to himself as “Christian”. Being from Austria, he was baptized as a Catholic. But in Germany, “German Christians” were the majority and they supported Nazism. Hitler also spoke of “positive Christianity”.

“Positive Christianity” was a Protestant group that stripped away the Old Testament (Hitler had a long hatred of Jews) and many religious doctrines such as Christ’s divinity. This Hitlerized religion was approved by the Nazi regime.

Both Trump and Hitler were only concerned with using religion as a tool for promoting themselves and to demonize Jews.

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While you speak the truth, most of the ubiquitous they do not read above a 6th grade level and those who do can’t handle the truth. To call them out and hold them accountable will require everyone to show up in unprecedented numbers in November and vote them out by voting people of good will in.

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GROW UP! At age 12, being raised in an Orthodox Evangelical, god fearing, bible banging, conservative baptist, parents Bob Jones University graduate bigots, daddy reverend serial adulterer, brother in-law 7 time convicted child molester while serving on Fl police squad—turned ordained minister overseeing MA evangelical Sunday school outreach—a family of 3 generations of church leaders—AT AGE 12 I WOKE UP TO THE FACT MY FAMILY DEPENDED ON HYPOCRISY, LIES, and ALTERED REALITY IN ORDER TO SUSTAIN THE FANTASY THAT THEY SERVED GOD AND NOT THE HATE THAT ROTTED THEIR VERY SOULS. I have since learned my childhood was not unique. Truth be told, my story is more the reality of the average American family then Americans choose to admit. I believed I was surrounded by love. But I was not surrounded by love. I was surrounded by a family who represented truth and love but in reality it was their very religious ideologies that was nurturing and medicating their self hate, hate, projected hate. If not for the grace of god rescuing me from hate, today, I too would be a MAGA , without conscience, without soul, void of love, unable to self evaluate, self observe.

60 years later and NOTHING has changed, hate marches on, nationalist beat their chests while spewing foul and disgust and shame, defending both freedom of speech and their religious ideology that seeks to assassinate all other ideology—especially if the ideology encourages and supports freedom for all sexual orientations. Look around. Read the lies that fall from their lips. Feel the hate that strangles their soul. Look deeper. Look deeper. Dive deep—enough that you can see their very own self rejection that fuels their passion. Then STAND UP and GROW UP! Face the truth. Stare it down. See its ugliness. See that MAGA is nothing more than hate dressed up in false immoral agendas. Pretending to care. Pretending good. And then GROW UP enough to see that MAGA is not the only arena where hate thrives and democracy is threatened. MAGA maggots live within everyone of us. They live in our subconscious programs. They live in our unchaste, undisciplined thoughts. And they are nurtured by our fears, judgments, denials, and projections. And they aim to corrupt and dismantle reality, distort laws of nature, and imprison human spirit. So STAND UP—choose to love—GROW UP—choose love over hate! Realize! Hold reality close. Wake up! Wherever we harbor self rejection, self shame we open ourselves to MAGA propaganda. Without your hate MAGA has no chance to win. MAGA victory depends on enough hate driving the polls.

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Let them keep saying that God chose this vile human being. He will show you what happens when you don’t adhere to his principles. Would God put someone in office responsible for the deaths of thousands and steal millions from our country. Anyone that says he doesn’t need to be forgiven because he doesn’t do anything wrong is insane. Worse yet, the people that follow him have no relationship with God. They never had one. If you have hate in your heart and you don’t people with a skin color different than yours to lead, God is not interested in you.

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well said, even if he had 666 tattooed on this forehead, they would spin it to justify their hatred, etc.

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Excellent article! Could he really be the anti Christ? This is as bad as it gets with cult behavior with these Christians. I'm not a believer but my husband is and I'm sickened by his devotion to that disgusting man. It's hard to watch and I'm so disappointed in people in general at this stage.

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Excellent essay! These so-called Christians are following the anti-Christ. Will they ever wake up? I doubt it.

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