Let's be clear too: JD Vance and all those behind DJT in spreading these same talking points are just as bad, if not worse. Voting for that ticket and any Rs that support it is a vote to actively harm one's neighbor

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The trouble is, they don't care if they're good or not. They want to be POWERFUL. And they've been told that it's all faith, not works, and since they have taken Jesus into their heart as their Lord and Savior, they are saved forever.

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John, agreed that whatever shred of goodness might have remained in any Trump voter, it has been shrouded by the depravity of his vile lies. Adherents to every major religion of the world must reject Trump as the great destroyer, for he can be characterized only as the messenger of Satan. Turning to Matthew 23:13, Jesus said, "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you shut the Kingdom of Heaven against men; for you neither enter yourselves, nor allow those who would enter to go in. Woe to you...for you traverse sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves!"

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“They” have not taken Jesus into their hearts. They do not know anything about that. They are simply, as John points out , ignorant and or evil.

No, that is irrefutable.

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First, I really appreciate the posts from this substack!

I live in Western NC, and am surrounded by people voting for Trump: friends, family, some members of my church. They are people who are kind, caring, and Christian, but are misinformed and have been convinced that the democrats are lying and controlling the narrative. We have discussions and it's hard to take. It hurts, and I don't understand it, however I must continue to love them as Jesus would have. We must continue to speak truth as he would have. Most people are doing the best they can in this world, and God loves us all equally... regardless. Hopefully Harris will win, and we need to be ready to allow them some dignity as their point of view hopefully changes over time. It will take some brave Republicans to rebuild a party that is now broken, or start a new path for Republicans who don't understand the depth of the current party's deception.

I know it is frustrating and I am anxious too. Let's be ready to stand up for love and truth no matter what happens.

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Your point of view gives me hope. Thank you.

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I know I am replying to my own post. That was actually the first post I have ever made on any online platform. After rereading the post and other's comments, I do understand that there are people who have taken Christianity and twisted it into something else that's less loving and less truthful. They use it as a way to exclude rather than include. I too struggle with this version and wonder how can the people I know who teach, visit the sick, donate money and time, accept anyone who visits the church, and are always kind to others still so entrenched in this belief that Trump is a good person. I don't get it. I feel like my relationship with them is damaged in some way that I can't even grasp. When I say we must be ready to hold on to truth and love no matter what happens, I'm really giving myself the pep talk not pointing a finger at anyone else. I'm anxious.

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Best summation of the evil that threatens our democracy. Your words are music to my ears. And truth be told, a vote for tRump is a bullet to the heart.

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Do not apologize. I truly believe there are some people who are not necessarily bad people they just have no idea how to accept how morally corrupt he is. They buy into all his lies and unfortunately they don’t push back. I continue to pray their eyes and hearts are opened before Election Day.

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Oct 19·edited Oct 19

On November 5th we will have some answers as to whether people existing on earth 2 are capable of atonement. Hopefully this is the case, but I’m not holding my breath. Some media has acquiesced from day one by normalizing unacceptable behavior as a viable alternative, and here we are. Comparing apples to oranges, false equivalencies, good versus evil. We shouldn’t be in this insane mindless purgatory in the first place. So yes, I have faith in the good people en masse to raise the bar back to a place of common sense that is suitable for a normal discussion of habitability. So let’s course correct!

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John, as always your words get to the Heart and Soul of Humanity. When you wrote that Jan 6th was the final act, and should be the deal breaker, yes...it MUST BE! I remember vividly not knowing for hours if colleagues of mine who work by the Capitol were safe. The fear in my heart that they wouldn't be, and the horror of the images we were seeing...in OUR COUNTRY, I will NEVER FORGET!

I have chosen no longer to use the name or give it a human reference, evil is evil. Therefor I refer to djt simply as a living organism.

As you clearly write, those who choose to follow this organism still, are 'not good people'. They have been shown for 8+ years the consequences of evil... yet they choose to stand beside it.

WE as a NATION are choosing a different Path!


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Thank you John for using your extraordinary talents in this way.

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This is so clear and I hope persuasive for the top of the ballots and for all offices. My parents (z”l) tried to help me understand that life wasn’t fair, that not all people were good. I’ve always wanted to believe that inside the worst people there was a sliver of good tho the manifestations of hate have taught me differently. This has explained it in no uncertain terms.

Among my childhood friends, my professional friends to whom I’m connected on Facebook, are MAGA supporters. By sharing this, I am trying again to help them see the good that can be. Thank you.

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Some might try to make this more complicated…less black and white. Guess what. It’s not.

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You could say it better than you just have, John. Thank you. Shared.

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Agree, 100 percent!

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John- why are you sorry?

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