As a 71 year old straight white former pastor (Greek, Hebrew, and all of that...), bible school raised, parachurch evangelical youth organization formed, all I can say is, "precisely."

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This issue is what those of us who have felt this to be true , wanted to put into words.

The grandiose hate exhibited by these fake Christians is abhorrent .

Thank you for this truly Christian message .

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Patricia, my thoughts exactly. John's writing has stirred up my deepest truths in my soul about those wearing the "badge" of Christianity without a clue of the real meaning of the example set before us in the life of Jesus

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When I fill my heart with Love, I can’t even hate Trump. I can only wonder what horrible experience it must be to BE him. And how desperate, terrified, and self-loathing those who support and follow him must be. Sad, truly sad.

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Your words speak truth. Jesus is love and forgiveness, kindness and caring, helping those less fortunate and being a decent person to the best of your ability. We are all imperfect humans. Who are we to judge anyone? Using religion for political or power gains is wrong. It feels evil.

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Precisely. I always thought church gave us direction to live honest, decent lives. We are to take care of ourselves. When did it become judging and controlling others? What about the plank in our own eyes?

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Jun 24Edited

I've only been to church for weddings and funerals. I wasn't raised with religion. I studied with Jehovah's Witnesses in my 20's (I'm in my 60's now). It wasn't for me. Some of their beliefs resonated with me, but it felt cultish. They wanted all of your time. When I told them (husband and wife) I didn't want to study anymore, they stalked me, calling and coming to my house. I knew then that I made the right decision. Anyway, I think if one seeks God, he will answer. I believe he knows what's in your heart.

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Well said. The sad, and aggravating, thing is that they actually believe they are carrying the banner of Christ, and the rest of us are heretics. Back in the 1950s and 60s they used their version of the Bible to argue against equality for non-whites, and especially Black people. I am sure some of them are still uncomfortable sharing a pew with a Black person - unless they are solidly middle-class. They used (and many still use) their Bible to keep women out of pulpits and leadership roles. Two centuries ago they used their Bible to prove that it is just fine for white people to own Black people, just like they owned farms and horses and cattle. And they all decried, and continue to bemoan, the "influence of the culture weakening faith and religion."

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Those that hate and support such things are not Christians. Please stop calling them Christians. Jesus told them that the prostitutes

Tax collectors, drunkards and the like would be in heaven before any of them. They listen to John the Baptist and changed their lives. These American Christians are the worst of humanity. They take food out the mouths of children, yet punish women for abortions and birth control. People want to control others and would not hesitate to reinstate slavery. Only this time it would be all people of color, not just blacks.

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They are a Christian Taliban..

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I think that these faux christians have dehumanized the LGBTQ just like the slave owners did Blacks. Whip ‘em on Saturday and go to church on Sunday. Their attitude is that their sin is so abominable that they cannot be normal human beings. In other words, they are considered beyond redemption so it’s best to remove them from polite society. “It’s for our children. We have to protect them from grooming and turning them gay or worse.”

The lives of LGBTQ people in countries where it has been made illegal are in a living hell. What really worries me is young people who are trying to figure out who they sre. These kids are at very high risk of self-harm and even suicide. Peers can be very cruel and judgmental and by turning up the hate it gives them permission to bully, threat and harm.

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“Faux Christians” is the perfect term for them.

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John, you have outdone yourself!! You are really really good at saying it as it is!! My heart leaps with joy every time you set your pen to paper.

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Thank you John. As a mother of an amazing trans son, it breaks me in half to hear supposed Christians calling for his exclusion and encouraging bigotry against him. Then, turning it around and framing it as "love" because they're supposedly worried about his soul. It's not his soul that they should be concerned with as far as I'm concerned.

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