Thank you so much for this! I. have been asking this question for the last year and am so validated and gratified that others with a much bigger platform are now asking this same question! The MAGA deplorables opinions and thoughts and feelings matter no more than everyone else's and it's time they stopped getting all the press!

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Whenever I feel like I’m screaming into a void about what’s happening in this country, your writing helps me feel sane. I am an eternal optimist about humanity, but these Trump years have been incredibly difficult. Thank you for what you are doing by voicing what so many of us feel.

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Every single word should be shouted from the rooftops. So well written. Thank you.

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Thank you, Pamela!

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What baffles me is that not one of these MAGATs would feel comfortable having a person living in their neighborhood who has 4 indictments with 91 charges, a civil charge of rape, and an foreign operative who could have sold classified secrets regarding national security...

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The terrifying part of that is the cult leader effect. Trump made them believe only he is telling them the truth, and anything else is a lie. Traditional fact checkers are all in on a conspiracy against him. That is what makes me so horrified about his base. How can we even begin to get through to these people?

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People who are in a cult don’t believe they are in a cult. All one can do is outvote Cult45 in all areas in order for President Biden to have a majority in the House and Senate.

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Agreed. Even if we do defeat him at the ballot box, they will deny the results just like they did in 2020. He already has that mechanism firmly in place. The courts have to hold fast, otherwise we have few options. All I can hope for is people will start getting tired of the same tired whining and excuses. Trump may well want to be a martyr, but in my experience it gets old. There (thankfully) isn’t a majority of his followers who truly believe he’s the second coming. Most just seem to be angry and lack empathy.

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Awesome editorial!

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