You articulate how I’m feeling daily - when I’m not so furious that they are so obtuse. One of the reasons I can’t follow republicans who’ve had a come to Jesus moment and are speaking out against the “new” GOP, but rationalize (or not) why they voted in the past to abolish Obamacare and peel back women’s rights (aka human rights)

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I’ve always used the following idea to define the difference between Left and Right/ Non-christians and christians/Democrats/Republicans. If the rights’ freedom of religion was in jeopardy that resulted in a war, we’d fight for their rights. But they wouldn’t lift a finger for our rights.

One of the reasons, Republicans seem so united and have a more cohesive view of the world is because they are an exclusive (meaning they don’t include everyone) group. They quickly ostracize people as RINOS.

One of the reasons, Democrats seem less organized and dogmatic and have shaped our country into a protector of humanity is because we are an inclusive group. All are welcome, all are considered worthy and we believe we have a duty to be our brother’s keeper.

These differences have become moral imperatives for Democrats. We want the best for everyone, we want to be proud of our leaders, we want our country to be a shining example for the world. And frankly, Republicans don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves and their pocketbooks. They are also terrified of us which is why we are so demonized.

I am tired too but I’d like to believe that good triumphs over evil and what makes us a great country is that we always striving to be better citizens and humans. As a teen, the old people were always yelling “Love it or Leave it”. We as liberals and progressives are still here doing our best for democracy. We never stopped trying to make America better. We are working for a great future not dragging every thing backwards to an mythical time called again.

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Yes, this. Exactly and precisely. I find myself often thinking, "But don't you see this affects you too?" And then I realize that they assume the worst of my intentions because they would want the worst for me. It is wearing and so sad.

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But what if a better life isn't what they really want? What if it excites them far more to burn it all down and rule the ashes?

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I believe they think they can actually survive without us.....but who will mow their lawns??

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The fight is indeed forever, but we need to rotate off of the front line periodically for the mental and physical break that allows us to carry on with the next watch - and the next campaign. One of the most frustrating aspects of a truly compassionate communitarian approach is that so many of the people for whom we are expanding our "circle of compassion" (as you mention in your book) in our attempt to imagine/include everyone are themselves working very hard against us - trying to pitch others outside the circle as they seek to continue to nestle comfortably within it. Thus, what should attain a hopeful gathering of cooperating souls is instead a Sisyphean task forever far from the ideal/goal. Thus, periodic rest and rehabilitation becomes a necessity, otherwise burnout accomplishes what direct opposition cannot - a defeat of our spirits. It is a lifelong marathon - not a seasonal sprint - and a community, not individual fight. Hang in there - we toil together.

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Thank you John for such an articlute overview of all that ails us, plagues us, and tries to darken us. As in a solar eclipse: All wavelengths of the sun are lessened. Since the intensity of all light is reduced, the body's natural response is also reduced.

Many Blessings to you and your fight.

My question is: Will the world change when it's ready to change? And only then? And what damage will that be?

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Yes, we are all worth fighting for even if many do not know the reason why. Jesus said to his disciples, “The summary of the Law is (basically) … 1. Love God (with your whole being) and 2. Love your neighbor (all of humanity) as you Love yourself.” Working this maxim backwards is tough. Loving one’s self can be a struggle at times; loving one’s neighbor sometimes feels impossible; then loving God is likely the less difficult to do - putting all selfish needs and attentions aside. Also, Jesus also said (another mind bender), “Love your enemies.” Love them all - God, neighbors and self… even though you may not like them at the moment. One does not need to “like” in order to “love.” (Consider parenting.) This kind of love works for the common good, for healing, justice and peace and when possible reconciliation. This kind of love can be indeed exhausting. But John, this effort, your words reflects this love that leads to new life. Thank you

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I love this message!

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This should be seen everywhere. No enemies, animosity, or vile and destructive language. Just a love for all and the hope their lives are as wonderful as anyone else, a real “Jesus” kind of love. I really appreciate your words.

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The angst and compassion is well articulated, and heartfelt. If I may, it’s ideological political smog that is suffocating for any society to move forward as an intellectual species. This idea that people can be manipulated as a plus or minus for one’s political or monetary gain is not only evil, but antithetical to a healthy society of sound mind. Thank god we can protest, bitch and moan, but that’s not enough yet, seeing that privilege before poor is still the status quo. How many years have been wasted in our lifetime by greed and ignorant platitudes that still hold us back with todays technology to save the planet from ourselves? Looking back on history, this is the era of so many advancements in a short span in our lifetime, and we’re fucking it up with ideological needless warfare.

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You feel that way John, because you are a "bleeding heart liberal" as am I 💔, and I wear that as a badge of HONOR. I HAVE to believe that goodness will ultimately win. Otherwise, we leave God out of the equation. Some days, it's the only thing that keeps me going. Sending you love, light, tenacity, strength, and peace, as we continue to move forward, because we MUST. 💙🫂🩵

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