Thank you pastor John for giving words to the pain that lives inside of me. Your thoughtful, powerful words help keep me centered in the growing darkness

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I don’t know how you do it. Everyday you write one of the greatest essays ever! What talent you have. Your are the pure cathartic voice and words for so many of us. Every day, I thank you for telling the truth in such an eloquent way, in so many ways. Much love, debbie

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Thank you for bearing the pain of this election & sharing your thoughts & HOPE with us all

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The Bible tells us that we don't have to break bread with slanderers and for me, that includes any MAGA-bent Trump supporter who traffics in the repetition of lies about every marginalized and oppressed demographic group out there. After my divorce 18 years ago my father, an ordained minister in the Southern Baptist church and a retired missionary overseas, declined an invitation to Thanksgiving celebrations with me and my children, who I had custody of. His justification was that scripture regarding slander and I was fine with that since I knew then as I know now the difference between truth and slander. My kids were tweens, so we celebrated Thanksgiving that year volunteering at a food bank and handing out meals to those less fortunate than us. We've repaired the relationship with my parents since then, but it is still somewhat strained at times.

We can (and probably still should) invite all to the bigger table, but as you point out, it is OUR table that we make available to all but those who would not welcome those who we welcome to it can themselves be uninvited as easily as they were invited. It's that age-old paradox about us being welcoming to all but not welcoming those who can't themselves also be welcoming.

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“Diversity does not mean tolerating active bigotry or violence against people. The table is big, not because you can say or do any horrible thing you want to, it's big because all people's inherent worth is protected—especially those usually marginalized. It will not sacrifice oppressed people on the altar of us tolerating their oppressors.”

Key words here: “all people’s inherent worth is protected.” Until the bigots and racists and oppressors do some soul-searching, they are not ready to sit at the grown-up’s table.

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I heard someone on the radio say that not all Trump supporters were racists, but they’re all okay with his racism. So maybe some of his support is from people who see something else in the man - are they so afraid of the changing world that they find his bullying a comfort? I’m glad I don’t live in such fear that I would find his leadership acceptable.

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There is a concern that so many seem resigned to living with an abuser, and voted to give one power over them. T’s methods are true to form from a life-long abuser, of just about everyone and everything. The tough part of getting victims free from an abuser, is that the victim has been bullied into believing it is a kind of twisted but “safer” option. Sometimes that is true if the abuser is violent. Cruel dictators are abusers with way too much power.

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So grateful to be a subscriber to your inspirational messages each day.

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Yes!! I love the four requirements for the ‘table’ . Thank you for such a wonderful piece!!

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I love what you say, especially today. I have 2 thoughts: 1) I have 2 friends who are very bright, wonderful people who perplex me because they fully support Trump but are not haters and I cannot understand it; 2) the division is painful, as I know as my Trump brother, whom I essentially raised, rejects me because I do not kiss the boot and instead prefers Trump, who will do nothing for him.

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I’m sorry for the holes this has created in your life.

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I understand the pain, Maureen. I lost my sister and only sibling to this insanity about fifteen years ago. She disowned me over it. I've had almost no contact with her since. Since then, she's alienated the rest of the family.

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Thank you for providing me with HOPE and DECENCY.

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Sadly, too many people are like my home-town former neighbor who, in a FB exchange, proclaimed he is "not a hater," but who then reffered to the Democratic presidential nominee as "Ka-mule-a." Not a hater? Right, Larry.

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Your neighbor's behavior is unfortunately common and also unnecessary. Feel free to disagree with someone, but why be so ugly and nasty about it?. His clownish way of writing Kamala's name speaks volumes. He should be ashamed of himself, yet he likely sees himself as clever or funny. Thankfully, he's your former neighbor.

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This post is powerfully written. It speaks the truth. What it means, individually, is that we are called to love the MEGA tribe without accepting their values. Recently, I realized that it is my job to love all people. That means even those who see life through a different lens. Staying angry or frightened serves no one.

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I feel like this is where we're at:

Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides. Margaret Thatcher

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There is no middle anymore.

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A good reminder of what the bigger table entails

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Thank you for your leadership. Enough of us together at this big table will nurture the vulnerable and carry all of us forward to that more perfect union.

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Nope. My table is not open to these people. I will actively strive to exclude Trump supporters because it is my intention to protect those they seek to attack. For them being their "authentic self" means being racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, and ignorant. And I can't allow that in the presence of my guests who are non-white, non-male, non-American-born, non-straight, and well-educated and well-informed. So, I don't care if they want to come - they've had their chance. They blew it. They are not invited.

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Well said, Maria. I'm with you!

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