Today, I attended a PRIDE event at a small town here in North Carolina known to be decidedly conservative and extremely slow to embrace LGBTQ equality.
About 25 or so years ago I was living in a town of about 3,000 in a county that proudly boasted of a billboard that it was the home of the KKK.
News went out that there was to be a parade of KKK’ers marching through the town and the route would go right past my home. My sons were in their early teens. We were fearful and curious and did not want to engage with this group so we crouched down by one of the front windows so we could peak and see them.
I doubt that I will ever forget that vision. There were no more than 30 marchers, they were walking together more than actually marching and they were not chanting any slogans or carrying and signs. Nonetheless, I could feel the hatred emanating from this ragtag group.
What really burns in my mind was the sight of a young boy, he couldn’t have been any more than 10 years old, walking at the back of this group. Whenever I happened to remember this scene it is always accompanied by a soundtrack from South Pacific, if the song sung by the owner of the plantation with the two beautiful Eurasian children, “You’ve got to be carefully taught”.
My sons have grown to be good husbands and fathers who are now teaching their sons that the only thing it is okay to hate is hatred and the only thing not to tolerate is intolerance.
To me the saddest sentence in this column is “after all, this is America “. I agree, scenes like this are happening far too often. But that line admits that demonstrations of hatred are now the norm. How far we have fallen. I always took pride in believing that we were the land of the free and the brave. Bullies are, in fact, cowards. Hiding behind the shield of religious self righteousness.
When I was in college my mother did not approve of my behavior and insisted that we speak to our minister. We went, my father, brother and me; my mother had a Bridge game that was more important.
After explaining the situation to the minister he advised that we agree to disagree and that we not rub each other’s noses in our disagreement. A livable, nonjudgmental recommendation. Over the many years since then I’ve remembered this wise advice and tried to apply it the best I could to other conflicts.
My church has a motto, In essentials, Unity. In non essentials, understanding. In all things, Love. Those bullies would be wise to consider this in their daily lives.
Thank you. I find it to be very helpful in problem solving. If you figure out what the essential part of the problem is often times the solution follows.
I certainly do. See if you have a Moravian Church nearby. We have a wonderful pastor in Raleigh. The sentence from this morning’s message that I will hold dear is, The sound of God’s voice is love.
It's amazing how people justify what they're doing using God and religion. It really isn't our place to pass judgement on others as if we are different than any other human. We all have free will. I believe we will all stand judgement before God. I also believe God knows what's in our hearts. Whether I'm right or not, I don't know. I do know hate is an ugly thing, and I prefer love and acceptance. It just makes me feel good.
I couldn't agree more! It's exactly what I tell people who think I'm a nutty heretic (or a bleeding heart liberal from up north) ....that I may be wrong but choose to err on the side of love!
And why aren't these people protesting the pedophile clergy, pastors, ministers that are within their own churches? Instead they completely ignore that - and project the vilification onto the LBGTQ community where it does not belong. Such hypocrites.
I'm heartened to learn that the police fulfilled their duty to serve and protect all of you. I'm also heartened that veterans stood in solidarity with the peaceful, joyful Pride gathering. Nonetheless, I'm not confident that the police will protect us from the armed MAGA gangs that will surely attempt violence during and after the November election, no matter who wins the presidency.
They haven’t read their New Testament very well, if they forgot the verses in Matthew and Luke referring to judging people. Of course, Jesus was also judged, and look where that got him!
When challenged, I always respond with Christ’s words as recorded in Mathew 7 “Judge not, or you too will be judged. …Look at the plank in your own eye before you point out the speck in someone else’s” I am sorry the LGBTQ2S community has to be exposed to this intolerance; these Bible thumpers are unfortunately everywhere and obviously overlooked this passage. I am very glad planning is done to provide a safe space for all, and grateful our local police are great supporters by being on hand for the duration of the festivities.
I was screamed at by one of those preacher men showing up at a feast in our small neighborhood after I stood in for a young man who was harassed by them. “Go back to Germany” was still the kindest thing he said, the rest was full blown verbal assault with the police standing by. Yes indeed, welcome to America, where free speech also includes hate speech.
Thank you, Karen. It was so strange that I put up some armor and did not let his words pierce me. But it is odd, indeed. I lived through Cold War religious prosecution in East Germany and find myself in the free world being called names by a self declared preacher man. So thank you for validating my heart break.
The hate mongers and judgement junkies likely will be frozen in place when their time comes when they are welcomed by love to cross “the rainbow bridge.” 🌈
Once again, John has hit the nail squarely on the head. Some people just want to enjoy life as they are. Others are hell bent on trying to prove they are evil & must be destroyed. We are all made in God’s image. There is room for everyone at the cross. Though millions have come, there’s still room for one. There’s room at the cross for you. But there’s no room for bigotry & hate….
I have seen this behavior firsthand! There is a music in the park series in our local city Park every summer and this was during covid. They would show up to every performance to stand around with their hateful signs with dead babies on them and their hateful signs proclaiming that homosexuals were bound for hell. They would intentionally target the young people who were there hanging out and just trying to have a good time. They were rebuffed several times by these teens and continued to ignore their pleas to be left alone. Finally I had enough and I said very loudly to the teens "Would you guys like me to call the police since these people are bothering you?" They still bothered the kids, tried to convert them, told them that the covid vaccine was poison and their parents didn't love them if they forced them to get it. That kind of crap. It happened that way every single time. These kinds of people do not feel as though they have to abide by any kind of manners or respect for others.
About 25 or so years ago I was living in a town of about 3,000 in a county that proudly boasted of a billboard that it was the home of the KKK.
News went out that there was to be a parade of KKK’ers marching through the town and the route would go right past my home. My sons were in their early teens. We were fearful and curious and did not want to engage with this group so we crouched down by one of the front windows so we could peak and see them.
I doubt that I will ever forget that vision. There were no more than 30 marchers, they were walking together more than actually marching and they were not chanting any slogans or carrying and signs. Nonetheless, I could feel the hatred emanating from this ragtag group.
What really burns in my mind was the sight of a young boy, he couldn’t have been any more than 10 years old, walking at the back of this group. Whenever I happened to remember this scene it is always accompanied by a soundtrack from South Pacific, if the song sung by the owner of the plantation with the two beautiful Eurasian children, “You’ve got to be carefully taught”.
My sons have grown to be good husbands and fathers who are now teaching their sons that the only thing it is okay to hate is hatred and the only thing not to tolerate is intolerance.
To me the saddest sentence in this column is “after all, this is America “. I agree, scenes like this are happening far too often. But that line admits that demonstrations of hatred are now the norm. How far we have fallen. I always took pride in believing that we were the land of the free and the brave. Bullies are, in fact, cowards. Hiding behind the shield of religious self righteousness.
When I was in college my mother did not approve of my behavior and insisted that we speak to our minister. We went, my father, brother and me; my mother had a Bridge game that was more important.
After explaining the situation to the minister he advised that we agree to disagree and that we not rub each other’s noses in our disagreement. A livable, nonjudgmental recommendation. Over the many years since then I’ve remembered this wise advice and tried to apply it the best I could to other conflicts.
My church has a motto, In essentials, Unity. In non essentials, understanding. In all things, Love. Those bullies would be wise to consider this in their daily lives.
I like your church that speaks,
"In essentials, unity
In non esssdentials,
In ALLthings, love."
Thank you. I find it to be very helpful in problem solving. If you figure out what the essential part of the problem is often times the solution follows.
I think U’d like your church!
I certainly do. See if you have a Moravian Church nearby. We have a wonderful pastor in Raleigh. The sentence from this morning’s message that I will hold dear is, The sound of God’s voice is love.
Absolutely 💯
Absolutely! See my Substack—“A Good Word.”
It's amazing how people justify what they're doing using God and religion. It really isn't our place to pass judgement on others as if we are different than any other human. We all have free will. I believe we will all stand judgement before God. I also believe God knows what's in our hearts. Whether I'm right or not, I don't know. I do know hate is an ugly thing, and I prefer love and acceptance. It just makes me feel good.
I couldn't agree more! It's exactly what I tell people who think I'm a nutty heretic (or a bleeding heart liberal from up north) ....that I may be wrong but choose to err on the side of love!
“Christian bullies”…what a sad reality.
Thank you for being with our LGBTQ+ siblings! I’m so grateful for you!
And why aren't these people protesting the pedophile clergy, pastors, ministers that are within their own churches? Instead they completely ignore that - and project the vilification onto the LBGTQ community where it does not belong. Such hypocrites.
I'm heartened to learn that the police fulfilled their duty to serve and protect all of you. I'm also heartened that veterans stood in solidarity with the peaceful, joyful Pride gathering. Nonetheless, I'm not confident that the police will protect us from the armed MAGA gangs that will surely attempt violence during and after the November election, no matter who wins the presidency.
They haven’t read their New Testament very well, if they forgot the verses in Matthew and Luke referring to judging people. Of course, Jesus was also judged, and look where that got him!
You're totally correct, these religious nutbags are the groomers - this is why they want religion in public schools, so they can groom and indoctrine.
One of my favorite mottos: There's no love like Christian hate.
Theres no hate like Christian love.
When challenged, I always respond with Christ’s words as recorded in Mathew 7 “Judge not, or you too will be judged. …Look at the plank in your own eye before you point out the speck in someone else’s” I am sorry the LGBTQ2S community has to be exposed to this intolerance; these Bible thumpers are unfortunately everywhere and obviously overlooked this passage. I am very glad planning is done to provide a safe space for all, and grateful our local police are great supporters by being on hand for the duration of the festivities.
I was screamed at by one of those preacher men showing up at a feast in our small neighborhood after I stood in for a young man who was harassed by them. “Go back to Germany” was still the kindest thing he said, the rest was full blown verbal assault with the police standing by. Yes indeed, welcome to America, where free speech also includes hate speech.
I apologize for America...sorry you had to be subject to that.
Thank you, Karen. It was so strange that I put up some armor and did not let his words pierce me. But it is odd, indeed. I lived through Cold War religious prosecution in East Germany and find myself in the free world being called names by a self declared preacher man. So thank you for validating my heart break.
The hate mongers and judgement junkies likely will be frozen in place when their time comes when they are welcomed by love to cross “the rainbow bridge.” 🌈
Once again, John has hit the nail squarely on the head. Some people just want to enjoy life as they are. Others are hell bent on trying to prove they are evil & must be destroyed. We are all made in God’s image. There is room for everyone at the cross. Though millions have come, there’s still room for one. There’s room at the cross for you. But there’s no room for bigotry & hate….
I have seen this behavior firsthand! There is a music in the park series in our local city Park every summer and this was during covid. They would show up to every performance to stand around with their hateful signs with dead babies on them and their hateful signs proclaiming that homosexuals were bound for hell. They would intentionally target the young people who were there hanging out and just trying to have a good time. They were rebuffed several times by these teens and continued to ignore their pleas to be left alone. Finally I had enough and I said very loudly to the teens "Would you guys like me to call the police since these people are bothering you?" They still bothered the kids, tried to convert them, told them that the covid vaccine was poison and their parents didn't love them if they forced them to get it. That kind of crap. It happened that way every single time. These kinds of people do not feel as though they have to abide by any kind of manners or respect for others.