I think you've called it exactly right. The trump supporters where I live in GA would never change their minds unless they are personally affected and even then they will find a way to blame it on Biden and the Libs.

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Unfortunately I agree, particularly after having a 'conversation' with some yesterday who thought the travesty in the oval office was actually a 'show of strength ' for America. I was shocked still at their limits and cruelty. Thanks for your thoughts!!

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This behavior is not new. I'm reminded of the Reagans. They were against stem cells research until Ronnie got Alzheimer's. Then they were all for it. This is only 1 of many examples. Republicans have been selfish hypocrites for decades.

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His supporters had all the hatred’s before Trump came on the scene. He just let them more publicly come out of the shadows. I want them back in the shadows to allow us to at least legally go forward with embodying our founding documents hopes for the country.

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I want them exposed and publicly known for who they really are.

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I completely agree with this assessment. But whatever it takes for them to pull a voting lever against him, or just stay home and let the good guys win, I’ll take it. And I’m not particularly proud of this thought, but if they suffer some of the pain they were happy to have inflicted on others, oh, well.

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Pain can be transformative at times, and so I don't think you're a bad person for that thought. I hope their pain leads them to self-reflection and expansion of who they view to be part of their communities.

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Yup. Same thing wth gun control. Sadly, if gun violence does't affect them directly, they have o empathy for allwo've suffered and suffer every day. (I haven't been directly affected myself, but guess what - I can see beyond myself! I don't think trumpies can. Shitler sure can't.)

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I am for many years, since the 70's, awake to the evil that is in Trump - instilled by his father. I see his hypocrisy and his lack of compassion or fairness.

However, if even ONE person becomes awake from this nightmare I'll take it as a win. If two wow we are making progress. Any more than that, we are in gravy. These people are perhaps waking up from a long sleep or seeing that we are all in the same boat. We still may not agree on everything but they "get" it - we are all permitted the right to have different ideas. You may not agree with me but I see one awake person to reality I take it as there is hope.

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I’m reflecting this morning on whether or not it should really matter what causes the “awakening”? Whether it serves those of us resisting to judge the reason someone decides this Administration is not good for America? And I cannot come to a clear answer. On the one hand, F these selfish assholes! How dare you be upset because the policies they promised (and BTW you were warned about OVER AND OVER) have now impacted you negatively? And yet, how does it help to sit in judgement that their awakening happened at a different time and for a different reason than mine? My true north is finding empathy for those who have different experiences than my own. For realizing that my experience does not reflect every reality. So does it serve me to judge and reject their path? I think the way forward is to resist becoming that on which we hate. I hate the closed minded “my way or the highway” mentality of MAGA. I hate the blind fealty to a cause and man. I hate the total lack of seeing beyond their own self interest or experience. I hate their certainty of righteousness. And I hate their hypocrisy.

And when I give into my anger and disgust and frustration at what it FINALLY takes to cause someone to awaken from their MAGA allegiance, I feel myself dangerously close to becoming all those things that I just claimed to hate.

I fear we ruin our chances at defeating this rise of authoritarianism if we require a purity of resistance. Really struggling with this dichotomy. Appreciate this space and always appreciate your words.

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Jessica, yes, there is neither solace nor wisdom in becoming what we behold to assuage our anger. It can be very difficult to crawl out of that pit, and the anger is never resolved.

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I feel this so much…I don’t want to be them🥺

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You speak for me, Jessica.

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Jessica - I'm standing with you.

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The question is: what do we do with them once they realize their mistake in backing Trump? Find alliance with deplorables? That will be hard to stomach.

I can’t find any emotion other than anger at those assholes- and I won’t welcome them back into the fold.

I will,however, laugh at their whining and strategically use their votes to pull America out of this pit of iniquity.

MAGAs aren’t the only angry group in America today. Progressives can be hard too.

Hard and getting harder. 😡🔥

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Your country is permanently polarized. How do you make that work? A constant struggle to sway the 10-15% in the middle.

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I dunno what we do with that. Try to make a difference in the eternal struggle of life vs death, good vs evil, light vs dark- and be a force for good in the word is all I can think of. Try to change the minds of those who despair. I dunno.

What do you think?

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This is absolutely true, John, and it is also alas absolutely normal. I am reading a lot on various outlets about the woman (blonde, white, privileged) who voted for the Felon in Chief and is now "turning against him" because she was fired from her government job. My heart does not really bleed for her. The push to normalize the cruelty, the viciousness, the selfishness, the transactional-ness by outlets that are afraid of being challenged, threatened, and bullied by this "administration" of idiots, nazis, and wankpuffins leads to this elevating of the supposed sorrows and pain of privileged white people who are caught up in the meat grinder set off by the Felon and the Nepo-Afrikaaner. It is just as racist, sexist, and bigoted as the glee with which these Morons of Evil express their delight at "owning the libs." Poor, poor folks--not. My tiny violin is not playing for you. It's kind of like the parents who wouldn't vaccinate their children with the MMR vaccine and are now upset that their kids are in hospital with a particularly virulent strain of measles. I feel sorry for the kids, but the parents should be charged with child abuse.

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Ooh, new word! "Wankpuffins!"

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It was coined by a friend of mine to refer to certain, uh, colleagues whose self-evident narcissism and self-congratulatory aggrandizement is exceedingly irritating. I think it needs to go global.

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Very similar to nimrods.

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There are all kinds of British terms for this. One of my favorites is "numty"

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I think “wankpuffin” will be my word of 2025

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I was just discussing this with my sister. I told her that I had written a comment to a Trump supporter relative on Facebook “I know you’re a real Christian. How can you not be outraged at the rollback of civil rights?” to which he had not responded. We are both appalled at all the Christians still thinking Trump is a Christian and supporting the awful things he does. She said, “Until it affects them personally, they won’t see it.”

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I agree. Until it hits them seriously where it hurts their minds won’t budge. It is really sad and selfish.

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This strikes me as having much to do with the problem of evil. As many have noted, some poetically, some sadly, some in language to rival Jeremiah's, evil emerges in more than one form, some overt, some covert, some fiery, some cold as ice. From where I stand it seems that, as the ancient Chinese sages observed, a crisis has two faces, one: danger and two: opportunity. This might be the time when we begin to turn away from our tawdry idols and stupefying pastimes and embrace the truth, which calls for us to stand up against evil, rather than stand passive before it.

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Leigh - Amen! Carpe Diem!

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I agree with you assessment. We are in a sad and dangerous time and place. But, like some other commenters, I’ll take whatever conversions are available to break the hold of his cultish power. In fact, I use economic reasoning when communicating with trump voting friends and family. It is the only thing that gets through.

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Spot on John. The situation we are in is really just the story of our country for decades. The New Deal, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Civil Rights Act, The Affordable Care Act, and The Infrastructure Act were all signed into law by Democrats. Plus 50 million of the 51 million jobs created since 1989 were created under Democratic presidents. For these reasons alone, why would anyone ever vote for republicans? The answer is the right’s lack of empathy & hatred of “the other”. When the dems would inevitably win back power because the republicans screwed up (& enough repubs were personally suffering so they voted Dem/don’t vote), the dems fixed what’s broken, & we all started to feel comfortable economically. But of course the ever selfish republicans looked around & thought, wait a minute why are “they” also doing well? “They” don’t deserve to even be approaching how well I am doing. Then their ugly hatred emerged once again & they voted republican/now MAGAt. It’s a vicious cycle. The republicans screw up everything and the dems have to fix what they broke. We are in this situation today because the right was feeling good about their economic situation so they were able to look outside themselves and take stock. Once again they chose hate of the other over love and general prosperity for all. They were able to jump back to dark side in November, because of a successful democratic administration, and they did. This time tho they chose the most vile, immoral, selfish, and hateful candidate who has absolutely nothing to lose and his very freedom (from jail) to gain-not to mention a boatload of illegal power and money to steal for himself and for those he is now beholden. Because of their utter lack of empathy and critical thinking skills they miss judged Trump. They thought he will only hurt “the other” because he said so in his campaign!! But (of course) he was lying & now they will suffer right along with those they hate (anyone and everyone that are not exactly like them). Their personal suffering is the only thing that will turn them against Trump and back to the light. Make no mistake tho, this will not be a conversion (they will do no self reflection or contemplation) it will be nothing more than an act of self preservation. Their hatred for “the other” will remain in the hearts of most. Their selfishness is simply lying in wait, it will rear its ugly head, & they will vote for hate once again at some point. For now tho, I hope enough of them act on their selfishness because it’s that selfishness that MAY, ironically, “save” us all. I pray it’s not already too late.

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Here, here! I absolutely love your analysis and your gift of writing so well and so clearly. So much so that I am saving it for myself and sharing it with my daughter! I hope you will continue to write your comments.

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Our job is to befriend them, respect them, listen to them and join with them on common ground and let go of their imperfections. Our compassion and care could be enough for all of us, working together to impeach him. And in that process, they will experience the best of what we have to offer, and that can be transformative individually.

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Karen - Amen. It is not my job to change someone else. It is my job to treat them with the respect with which I wish they would treat me. Especially if I am confessing to a mistake I made.

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Beautiful, Katie. I want to memorize this.


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