Once again you've hit the nail on the head and called out the "Christian" hypocrites. They remind me on a daily, sometimes hourly basis why I'm agnostic.

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An agnostic is a serious seeker after truth, I think. A person who, like John, observes the insanity of those who profess to believe in some patriarchal white supremacist God most sincere people would cross the street to get away from. And because of their sincerity, agnostics might want to consider that there are multiple ways that we imagine our gods, some of which are life-giving, feel true, and perhaps approximate the Mystery that 'god' represents. After all, aren't we alive? Why? Is life, all life, and this entire bewildering cosmos some sort of random accident, or is it the outpouring of a magnificence we cannot approach with our limited understanding?Just asking.

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Thank you, John, you summed up my sentiments exactly. The next time someone says, “I am pro-life”, I will respond with, “how do you feel about what’s happening to children in Ukraine or Palestine or Sudan?” If they answer that’s not anything they care about, I will answer, “then I don’t believe you. You are not pro life”.

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Excellent response.

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We know a Ukranian family that is afraid that they'll be deported by the Felon in Chief at any time. What do we say to THEM? How do we comfort them? (Crickets) "Tots and pears" don't cut it when you're being threatened with being sent back to a war zone.

"Pro life," my a-s.

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From a practical standpoint, do what you can to get them to Canada. There is a big Ukrainian community up there - they'll be well taken care of.

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They are part of a large sponsored church group. I'll pass that along to the group leaders. Thank you.

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Good. That means they are already not utterly alone and lost. This is a good place to start: https://www.ucc.ca/

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I wish I could encourage my new sister in law to do this-she's stuck with my brother, who will most likely do nothing and seek a divorce.

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I lived in Canada. That’s when I fell in love with the Ukrainian people. They have a joy that I can’t quite explain. I would like to see the Canadian government take all the refugees from this sad and cruel country. They would be much safer and happier there. As we all would.

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We have been welcoming many of them over the past three years. There's been a large Ukrainian population here for many generations.

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John this is so powerful and so spot on I cried through the majority of my reading. I wish everyone in this country and even the world could or would read it. I truly am so thankful for your words and thoughts.

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My tears mixed with my constant heartbreak 💔

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Amen to this. I teach English online to two women living in Kyiv, and sometimes our lessons are from their basement shelter. Sometimes I can see the bombs dropping through their apartment window. They are terrified of being sucked into the black hole of Russia. it’s so hard to look them in the eye, but then I can tell them about people like you And that helps so much.

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What an encouraging comment. Thank you for what you are doing.

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That's exactly right:

" Genocide is happening in real time, and the sickest irony is that the people who seem the least concerned about the bloodshed, the most willing to ignore it, the most able to feel nothing—are professed pro-life Christians like you."

In my opinion they are the ones who were continously told throughout their lives that they are not good enough until... they prove that they're worthy (so they want to prove it now)

The good news is that humanity hasn't died and that there are still people out there who care and are willing to protect the divine spark we ALL have within us

Power to the people!


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Ukrainians, Palestinians, low income children and adults, any human who would qualify as DEI. All will be thrown under the bus by the MAGA Fundamentalist Christian Republican Right. The making of this evil empire has been years in the making. My heart weeps.

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As a Christian you can not pick and choose who to help save!

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But they now say that the Beatitudes are "too woke." The literal words of Christ. 🙄

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I'm still confused about what's wrong with the word woke? It means you're awake and aware so again what's wrong with the word woke??

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Thank you for speaking the truth so eloquently. We must stop tiptoeing around the MAGA supporters in our lives and tell them how we really feel about what they have brought into our world. Thank you for giving us the words.

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Beautiful, if not horrifyingly true.

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Wow, very spot on John! Keep speaking from your heart as all of us should!

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Nailed it! I can use this in discussions with people claiming to be pro-life. They are not pro-life. They are pro-birth. Pro-life means providing the mother and child with modest housing, food, clothes, and clothes and education.

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Thank you for your support, John, from me personally, as a first-generation Ukrainian American and on behalf of the Ukrainian community the world over, including my parents in Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

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Maria, you have many, many supporters.

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And Palestinians and others we don’t even acknowledge

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Your line about my eyes are clear and open now is breathtaking. All the cruelty and disregard for human life SHOULD open our eyes. If we do not act every day to do something to resist this evil empire, we will lose all we have ever known.

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John, what you say is the truth that’s needs to be shouted out. don-old can add murderer to his list. We must be LOUD and fight back. Doing or saying nothing makes us complacent.

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