There was a great article in Kyiv Independent yesterday about people of Moldova - little, resourceless, poor Moldova - rallying against their clergy for trying to white-wash Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Moldova!
It may sound off the wall, but I think our country has been taken over and for more than four years. Not just a few areas of American life have been seized. Stop for a moment to look at the big picture. I don't see any hope. Yesterday after the Oval ambush, I felt sick at my stomach. Trump referred to WW3 twice during the debacle, shouting out a warning -- or was it a prediction? A famous political pundit wrote yesterday that our foreign policy had "shifted." Are you f'ing kidding?! If this is a shift, what would she call a revolution? I would never attend my former church in hopes of connecting in solidarity with other parishioners. I'm rambling b/c of my addled brain and profound sorrow but thanks for reading. John, you're our shepherd. Stay well and stay John.
I hear you pain. We go to a very open adn affirming chruch that is very differnt from other churches we have attended. They are very outspoken abut the things that concern you. I recommend 2 documentaries that may help yu put all this is prespective: Bad Faith and God & Country. I plan to rewatch them ans believ that knowledge and information coupled with thought relective processing can hlep us address the many headed monster that has risen. Because o people like you, I say there is great hope. we need to make some good trouble adn be outspoken about our obervations and convictions. I was sick to my stomach as well as I witnessed the mafiso bully extortionist on full display in that meeting wih Zelensky who stood his ground adn acted valiantly on behalf of his people. Do not lose hope as we do have each other and your would be surprized by the many people of faith that understand what you are feeling and trying to process. Those people of true faith come from both catholic and protestant and evangelicals alike, Jews and Muslims fill the ranks and I know even Neo-Pagans and atheists who are now shoulder in resisting and speaking out. We all grieve with you.
My partner and I watched Bad Faith for the 2nd time and plan to watch God And Country again tomorrow. I feel that in order to address what has gradually gained momentum we must have knowledge of how this has happed and how we got and and more importatntly who are the players. Only then can we make good trouble. As a person of deep faith I feel we have a moral imperative to stand up and be counted. God bless yoju and all Americans, may light shine forth.
I agree. I recommend tow documentries that outline the gradual take over and the marriage of politics and racist perveted religion. Knoledge is power. Bad Faith and God & Country. Both are excellent and well made.
I am very blessed in that the church I attend DOES speak up about this, as well as the groups of marginalized folks who are now even MORE marginalized than before. When adding my prayers requests to the list, I ALWAYS include Ukraine. 🙏💙💛🕊💙💛🙏
This atheist just subbed at the annual level. Our greatest hope turns out to be the non-secular community... the one that was hijacked in the first place... and to me, John is leading that charge.
I’m catholic but haven’t attended Church in a long time. For many reasons not the least of which is my commitment to the fight for women’s rights including the right to safe, legal, abortions.
I agree with you that this Sunday will be a litmus test for Religious leaders.
I will be praying for the people of Ukraine and the US.
There is a great movie called The Contender, I have not seen it for a long time although I remember this wonderful scene when in the Senate, The VP nominee is being asked something similar to "Where is your place of Worship?" She answered in the Capital where Democracy is preached. I thought of this yesterday as Trump and Vance turned away from Democracy and towards Fascism during their interrogation of President Zelenskyy. What will the Democratic Senators and Representatives now preach in the Capital. Who would know, they are silent.
I disagree, only because you know, as to I, that to effect change, pastors say important things in a way those in the pew can afford to hear. I can stomp out of the PUMC”knitting group” (hats for the homeless with temperatures in the teens) and often have been tempted after Trumpian attitudes surfaced, and for the sake of my blood pressure, may do so. Instead, I take mattresses and warm bedding to the group caring for parent less kids in Aurora after raids took their parents. I need to be a force for good within the congregation to not be overwhelmed by all the unmet needs and pain. There are folks inside AND outside the church who want to help others. Yes, some only see a few of those in need as “righteous.” I need to turn away from spending antique energy on those folk in order to do the best I can for those kids.
Last Sunday the semi-retired priest at our Catholic church managed to weave the words "equity, inclusion, and diversity" into his homily. He is presiding again tomorrow. We'll see.....
“They should be specifically naming the stoking of prejudice-born violence and the abuse of power we're seeing, as fully antithetical to the heart of their faith tradition.”
Yes, they should. My lifelong church-going mother would have expected nothing less from her church, as she would have expected nothing less of herself. She is my model. 💜
We left our church 20 some years ago. We had a congregational meeting about leaving the ELCA. There were underhanded things done. The president oaf the congregation was either not told or asked to stay away and we were told he was sick. kThe reason the majority did not want to stay with the ELCA was that they were allying in a lose way with the Presbyterians and the Episcopals who were more accepting of LBGTQ people. We arued against this non acce[tance of others. It became obvious that we were making no headway and we walked out of the meeting and haven't been back. It hurt. It hurt a lot. We were both members of the choir, my husband had a turn as president, I'd been on committees. We loved some of the people. It did not help that we had previously moved to our retirement house some 30 miles away. We tried going to the little evangelical church down the ounty road but it became obvious that they were just as unaccepting of others. It was preached that they had the only way and other churches were wrong.s We have not found a new faith home. And now our country betraus us also. Thank you and a few others for reminding us that some still have a moral guide. But we have to do more.
Thank you for your authentic faith. We finally found a acceting and affirnint church UCC in South Haven and have moved out member ship from another UCC church. They are really educating themselves adn reaching out and we have joined that effort by volunteering and being thoughtful witnessing of faith and the message of Yeshua. Im was for along tie in the Pentacostal/Evangelical church and them the charismatic movement and left becaseu they did not accept me fully as a queer person. Th4y actually tried to expell demons from me. Soon after that I left with little to go one But Creator sustained me, sent angels who encourged me adn gave me opportunities to advance my education and talents. Do not lose heart, you and your hsuband are not alone. The best work you can do is right where you are livng the teachings of Yeshua in your daily life at the Nursing home and when possible speak out.I recommend two documentaries to you that really inspired me adn informed me. Knowledge is power ans if we are to confront the eregious and deceptive powers of our day we need knowledge adn power. They are both avail on Amazon Prime and on TUBI when is free if you have access to a computer an the internet. There may be other spaces to access these documentaries. I wish you blessings and joy.
There was a great article in Kyiv Independent yesterday about people of Moldova - little, resourceless, poor Moldova - rallying against their clergy for trying to white-wash Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Moldova!
Thank you John, as always you SPEAK TRUTH.
YOU are correct, GOD HAS LEFT THE BUILDING. Time for us to follow HIM!
A cradle Catholic, I did this very thing two years ago and am ashamed of what my former church has become in the United States.
It may sound off the wall, but I think our country has been taken over and for more than four years. Not just a few areas of American life have been seized. Stop for a moment to look at the big picture. I don't see any hope. Yesterday after the Oval ambush, I felt sick at my stomach. Trump referred to WW3 twice during the debacle, shouting out a warning -- or was it a prediction? A famous political pundit wrote yesterday that our foreign policy had "shifted." Are you f'ing kidding?! If this is a shift, what would she call a revolution? I would never attend my former church in hopes of connecting in solidarity with other parishioners. I'm rambling b/c of my addled brain and profound sorrow but thanks for reading. John, you're our shepherd. Stay well and stay John.
I hear you pain. We go to a very open adn affirming chruch that is very differnt from other churches we have attended. They are very outspoken abut the things that concern you. I recommend 2 documentaries that may help yu put all this is prespective: Bad Faith and God & Country. I plan to rewatch them ans believ that knowledge and information coupled with thought relective processing can hlep us address the many headed monster that has risen. Because o people like you, I say there is great hope. we need to make some good trouble adn be outspoken about our obervations and convictions. I was sick to my stomach as well as I witnessed the mafiso bully extortionist on full display in that meeting wih Zelensky who stood his ground adn acted valiantly on behalf of his people. Do not lose hope as we do have each other and your would be surprized by the many people of faith that understand what you are feeling and trying to process. Those people of true faith come from both catholic and protestant and evangelicals alike, Jews and Muslims fill the ranks and I know even Neo-Pagans and atheists who are now shoulder in resisting and speaking out. We all grieve with you.
Thank you for your beautiful message! I love your reference to "good trouble," and appreciate your mentioning the two videos. Blessings!
Dear Josie
My partner and I watched Bad Faith for the 2nd time and plan to watch God And Country again tomorrow. I feel that in order to address what has gradually gained momentum we must have knowledge of how this has happed and how we got and and more importatntly who are the players. Only then can we make good trouble. As a person of deep faith I feel we have a moral imperative to stand up and be counted. God bless yoju and all Americans, may light shine forth.
Amen, Dano.
It's been going on at least since Reagan. A slow motion coup.
I agree. I recommend tow documentries that outline the gradual take over and the marriage of politics and racist perveted religion. Knoledge is power. Bad Faith and God & Country. Both are excellent and well made.
VERY well written, Josie. Amen.
Thank you!
I am very blessed in that the church I attend DOES speak up about this, as well as the groups of marginalized folks who are now even MORE marginalized than before. When adding my prayers requests to the list, I ALWAYS include Ukraine. 🙏💙💛🕊💙💛🙏
This atheist just subbed at the annual level. Our greatest hope turns out to be the non-secular community... the one that was hijacked in the first place... and to me, John is leading that charge.
Same here.
I’m catholic but haven’t attended Church in a long time. For many reasons not the least of which is my commitment to the fight for women’s rights including the right to safe, legal, abortions.
I agree with you that this Sunday will be a litmus test for Religious leaders.
I will be praying for the people of Ukraine and the US.
There is a great movie called The Contender, I have not seen it for a long time although I remember this wonderful scene when in the Senate, The VP nominee is being asked something similar to "Where is your place of Worship?" She answered in the Capital where Democracy is preached. I thought of this yesterday as Trump and Vance turned away from Democracy and towards Fascism during their interrogation of President Zelenskyy. What will the Democratic Senators and Representatives now preach in the Capital. Who would know, they are silent.
Yes, indeed they turned away from democracy and interrogated President Zelensky. It ws shameful and a sad day for our nation.
I disagree, only because you know, as to I, that to effect change, pastors say important things in a way those in the pew can afford to hear. I can stomp out of the PUMC”knitting group” (hats for the homeless with temperatures in the teens) and often have been tempted after Trumpian attitudes surfaced, and for the sake of my blood pressure, may do so. Instead, I take mattresses and warm bedding to the group caring for parent less kids in Aurora after raids took their parents. I need to be a force for good within the congregation to not be overwhelmed by all the unmet needs and pain. There are folks inside AND outside the church who want to help others. Yes, some only see a few of those in need as “righteous.” I need to turn away from spending antique energy on those folk in order to do the best I can for those kids.
Thank you for carry out the work of Christ in these difficult times. Your ministry is as iportant as those speaking out for many parts of our society.
This is possibly the best sermon ever. Your ability to “tell it like it is” is very unusual in today’s pulpits. …..regrettably.
Last Sunday the semi-retired priest at our Catholic church managed to weave the words "equity, inclusion, and diversity" into his homily. He is presiding again tomorrow. We'll see.....
This part:
“They should be specifically naming the stoking of prejudice-born violence and the abuse of power we're seeing, as fully antithetical to the heart of their faith tradition.”
Yes, they should. My lifelong church-going mother would have expected nothing less from her church, as she would have expected nothing less of herself. She is my model. 💜
We left our church 20 some years ago. We had a congregational meeting about leaving the ELCA. There were underhanded things done. The president oaf the congregation was either not told or asked to stay away and we were told he was sick. kThe reason the majority did not want to stay with the ELCA was that they were allying in a lose way with the Presbyterians and the Episcopals who were more accepting of LBGTQ people. We arued against this non acce[tance of others. It became obvious that we were making no headway and we walked out of the meeting and haven't been back. It hurt. It hurt a lot. We were both members of the choir, my husband had a turn as president, I'd been on committees. We loved some of the people. It did not help that we had previously moved to our retirement house some 30 miles away. We tried going to the little evangelical church down the ounty road but it became obvious that they were just as unaccepting of others. It was preached that they had the only way and other churches were wrong.s We have not found a new faith home. And now our country betraus us also. Thank you and a few others for reminding us that some still have a moral guide. But we have to do more.
Thank you for your authentic faith. We finally found a acceting and affirnint church UCC in South Haven and have moved out member ship from another UCC church. They are really educating themselves adn reaching out and we have joined that effort by volunteering and being thoughtful witnessing of faith and the message of Yeshua. Im was for along tie in the Pentacostal/Evangelical church and them the charismatic movement and left becaseu they did not accept me fully as a queer person. Th4y actually tried to expell demons from me. Soon after that I left with little to go one But Creator sustained me, sent angels who encourged me adn gave me opportunities to advance my education and talents. Do not lose heart, you and your hsuband are not alone. The best work you can do is right where you are livng the teachings of Yeshua in your daily life at the Nursing home and when possible speak out.I recommend two documentaries to you that really inspired me adn informed me. Knowledge is power ans if we are to confront the eregious and deceptive powers of our day we need knowledge adn power. They are both avail on Amazon Prime and on TUBI when is free if you have access to a computer an the internet. There may be other spaces to access these documentaries. I wish you blessings and joy.
Our churches may be silent, but we as individuals can express support for Ukraine.
Embassy phone number: 202-349-2963,
Mailing address for a postcard:
Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Embassy of Ukraine, 3350 M St. NW, Washington DC 20007
To donate directly to Ukraine:
Thank you I will reach out.
Thank you!
Thank you! I plan to call the embassy and also write to Pres. Zelenskyy.
Wonderful. I'm sure they will appreciate your efforts.