Thanks for this article . It states clearly what I think , is fundamental , seeing and accepting people as they are and who they are.

The pretense that we’re all alike, no matter history , is something that may be soothing temporarily but not accepting of reality. And it creates distance.

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This can take real courage and honesty. Our society needs both. Society is the sum of all of its parts and this means each one of us. Thanks, John, for starting us out.

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"The Colorblind Ideal" is the phrase they use to rebrand white supremacy in Project 2025.

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My approach is not to be blind to color, gender, sexual orientation, or any other variation in how one manifests as a human being, but to be aware of and sensitive to when these attributes are relevant and when they are irrelevant.

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Isn't it too how we approach differences? My friends who are AAPI, Black, and Brown are repeatedly asked "So where are you REALLY from?" which 'others' them. Jesus Trejo has a great PBS show where various comedians explain. Link to one episode, seen this weekend. https://www.pbs.org/video/sierra-katow-preview-suj6y1/

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The differences between races, ethnicities and origins are a great plus across America. Customs like Christmas from Germany, St. Nick from Russia and more all came from another country. After centuries, traditions have become mixed together into our American versions. Musical instruments, genres of music and traditional ethnic songs have become part iof our musical culture. We now watch popular Korean TV shows and movies with subtitles.

Food and beverages from every country can be found in the U.S. Ethnic food is so common on each coast many people don’t know it started elsewhere. Beer from Germany, wine from Italy, hot dogs from Germany, french fries from Belgium, pizza came to America as a plain-Jane and Americans transformed it into our favorite food. Besides the recipes, seeds from other countries introduced us to tomatoes from Italy, potatoes from Ireland, apple trees were planted across America by a man nicknamed Johnny Appleseed. As my grandson years ago said when we were out for dinner, “I love the Chinese. If they didn’t come here, we wouldn’t have this great food.”

My husband and I love Chinese art and religious articles. We’ve traveled to every “China Town” in North American and soaked in the people, food and culture.

I’m learning Spanish so I can converse with immigrants here on here West Coast. Hablo español.

Closing yourself off from meeting, learning from immigrants and making new friends let’s you travel the world at no extra cost.

Ignorance comes when you don’t open yourself to learning. If you are fearful of immigrants or hate them, it’s because you don’t know them. Yes, immigrants can bring crime but it’s only because they are people too. We’ll handle these episodes as they come.

I find that MAGA are people who never travel the world, assume that immigrants are ignorant, are White racists and hate every one except those in their tight communities. Your red necks are showing from under that white hood. You were raised by a hater and need to grow up.

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John, A major concern I have is with the 1776 Curricula being promoted by Hillsdale College and hard-right nonprofits. Hillsdale's president was a co-chair of the 1776 Commission started by Trump with him appointing commission members on December 18, 2020. The first meeting of the commission was on January 5, 2021. I do not believe that was a coincident but was planned so some of the members could continue to have knowledge of the plans for January 6.

In September 2020, Bob McEwen made a video that was a God, Country, and Put on the Armor of God type of event. He did his elevator speech on American Exceptionalism and then did a hate-filled take down of athletes who took a knee in peaceful support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Bob McEwen was part of the 1776 Commission. How many of the other people on the Commission held his viewpoint?

Ari Melber tonight spoke about the six states using film strips from Prager U. Dennis Prager and Bob McEwen cross paths in several intersections of the conservative movement. Prager has spoken before at a convention held by the Council for National Policy (CNP). Bob McEwen is the Executive Director of the CNP. I believe Trump would not have been elected if in June 2016 other Influencers in Seven Mountain Dominion had not arranged the meeting with Trump and close to 1,000 conservative religious leaders. One of the major hubs for Seven Mountain Dominion is the Truth and Liberty Coalition. The coalition also has Friends which are nonprofit or religious-funded organizations.

McEwen's horrid tirade can be viewed on You Tube. Start at minute 23:30 where he transitions from how wonderful our country is to making vile remarks about the athletes. McEwen seems to never speak without quoting John 1:5 -- "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." I am sure he would be okay with his heartless words and lies having a wee bit of light shone on them.


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