Your words slice thru all the rhetoric and bullshit surgically and expertly. Keep wielding your scalpel, friend. You're making a huge difference to those of us who see the truth and will keep fighting, illuminating, and shouting!

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Six rounds of applause followed by an encore!!!! Heart heart heart.

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Truly gifted writing. Thank you.

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"WE THE PEOPLE" is my sign I am going to show up with tomorrow to my local "Peacefully Resist Project 2025 Rally" @ 12 noon County Historic Courthouse on Main Street with the rest of "WE THE PEOPLE" who want to protest EVERYTHING!! It's time to Show&Tell what's going on in our hearts-minds-souls in our own homeTowns across the USA. I am a direct descendant of John Rutledge/U.S. Constitution 1787 and founding father Philip Livingston, Signer/Declaration of Independence 1776

and they want me there!!

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John- you have been asking the wrong people. Ask the Billionaires and wanna be billionaires. The multi-millionaire Senators and House members who get to cut their own Taxes. They are happy to take us back to the early 1900 after WWI but before white women got the right to vote. Definitely before FDR and the "new deal" which curbed the power of the rich and powerful white men

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But we vastly outnumber them. That is what we cannot let them forget...or forget ourselves. We also need to take back the term "the government". WE are the government!

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What specifically can we do about the situation? On another post I read this morning it quoted a pole pointing out that 97% of Republicans felt positive about Trump. I call my Senators and Congresswoman every day. The Republicans are going to help and the Democratic Senators and House Members aren't doing enough if anything at all. Feeling cheated I have voted Democratic for 50 years.

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I obviously meant to say the Republicans are not going to help

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What can you do?

1) Boycott and Divest. Tesla stock is hidden in a lot of mutual funds. Check your retirement accounts. Vanguard mutual funds often have Tesla.

2) Call the companies who advertise on Fox and Newsmax. List found here:

https://whoadvertiseson.org/ Tell the companies that you are boycotting them because they are paying for propaganda and disinformation.

3) Support the news organizations that are telling the truth, especially the independent ones. AP, Mother Jones, Guardian. Send them a little cash if you can. Sign up for the BBC. Make sure that you click on these news sources every day, because total views matter.

4) Speak up and comment online. Every truthful comment is another sandbag against the flood of lies.

5) Encourage your pastor to speak out against Christian Nationalism and to preach about caring for the least of these. Clergy often feel very vulnerable.

6) Go to your local city and county meetings and speak up.

7) Take care of yourself and prepare for a recession.

Rachel Maddow just did a piece on the unpopularity of all of Trumps proudest accomplishments. https://youtu.be/5WvzPRa_V_w

They are ALL wildly unpopular. Keep talking about them and keep them in peoples minds and in the news so that they keep getting reported on.

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Thank you, Reverend, great suggestions I will get to work and pass on your information.

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America is not turning the corner to Great anytime soon . Trump / Musk under the thumb of Putin are actively destroying it . Yes they are traitors .

They have ushered in so much angst to our citizens and the laws that guided us , it’s not unclear that their intentions are hate filled malevolence.

Both Trump and Musk have benefited greatly from our Democratic system, they are now attempting to destroy that which supported them .

We failed to remove Trump when he was indicted for 34 felony counts. The Supreme Court owns that.

He should have never been allowed to run for office, thank the Supreme Court again. The corrupt members of the court know who they are and so do we .

Now it’s time to assess the best avenue to stop these relentless criminals. We need to stick together and do whatever we can to stop them . It won’t be easy but it’s necessary to stop these relentless criminals kidnapping by Putin and his corrupt associates , Trump and Musk and all of the Maga Republicans who have allowed this to happen . They’re doing nothing to stand up for our Democracy and are accepting the evil that they are complicit with.

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Thank you John! I'm more than ready for the greatness this country can rise to. I've been waiting for 74 years. I believe in a future that I probably won't see but will maybe contain justice, fairness and compassion for all of life. We will probably have to say bye bye to capitalism which cannot exist (via history) with democracy but we can make way for our new way of working with each other that exhibits the characteristics of kindness and connection with all of life here. I'm ready!

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When I was younger and more stupid (before 5 November 2024) there was this MAGA person that kept spouting garbage but had no proof of anything. I actually tried to reason with him and even email articles, etc. to show him that his information wasn't accurate but he didn't want to leave his echo chamber and DIDN'T CARE ABOUT OTHERS. One time he asked me if my lifestyle would change under the toddler and if it wouldn't, why should I be worried? That was a real wake up call for me; his complete indifference to the people who are being hurt now. The question then becomes, do people like that have to learn the hard way?

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Yes. They have to be hurt badly IMHO. The problem is that they're hurting countless innocents to learn their lesson.

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Yes, I was afraid of that. The 71 refugee from Myanmar who was taken off oxygen and died because the hospital lost funding made me sick, as does all the other blood on their hands from plane crashes, etc. I just can't abide the lack of humanity of those people.

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One of your best! And a great list to keep on hand for when we meet the cult members and need to have the conversation.

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As always, thank you, John, for saying what needs to be said, and said again and again.

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Thank you, John for making clear the plight of ordinary citizens in the clutches of this repressive regime that threatens us. Time is now to join in civil disobedience and to turn out these tyrants.

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everything you said here is absolutely true!! It takes real privilege to either sit home and not take part in our political process or to support such a horrible human being. And I don't mean against the conservatives or the GOP, I mean against an opportunist like Trump!! I have never had any respect for him!! I do not understand how the press didn't blast him for being a fraud, like they did with the democrats. I don't get it. But the other thing that just frosts me is that people keep voting against their interests!! We know 2 absolutes, the economy sucks with republicans in charge!! This is not rhetoric, this is fact!! Bush destroyed the economy, Trump destroyed the economy. Reagan destroyed the economy, yet all you ever hear is that the GOP is better with the economy WTF??? Are you braindead!! Secondly, people are conditioned to believe that they don't deserve to have nice things. This is conditioning. When we talk about student loan reform, or social security, or guaranteed income programs, and free education or free healthcare, the attitude is "whose gonna pay for it"?? On the other hand, give tax credits to wealthy and corporations, because they are the job creators ... we still operate under this false impression of the the economy that the wealthy and corporations help with job creation and the overall economy and that they somehow work harder than others, which is total bullshit!!! the biggest problem we have is people, including Donald Trump think that the government is a business with a profit center!! IT IS NOT, it is established to serve the public, and Donald Orange Fat fuck WORKS FOR US!!

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I wish this could be published everywhere.

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Me too. It cuts like a knife.

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Beautifully written. Right to the point. How can the media ignore this? Welcome to Germany in the ‘30’s America. No, this is not hyperbole; it’s history repeating itself due to the dumbing down of Americans and lack of truth in MSM.

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John, Phil Wickham has a song “House of the Lord” and the lyrics “There's joy in the house of the Lord

Our God is surely in this place

And we won't be quiet

We shout out Your praise” keep coming to mind.

The core is “we won’t be quiet.” Because all you’ve written isn’t joy and it so doesn’t seem like he is in this place, and we know he is. We just have to use our voices. Have the courage to stand for those who can’t.

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Thank you, for painting a vivid picture of the suffering caused by a government of oligarchs.

"Societies that fail to care for their most vulnerable--in biblical terms the poor, the widow, the orphan, and the migrant--are "sick" societies that will collapse."

Amy-Jill Levine

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