"You should let people know what you're for, not what you're against."
I hear this sentiment from time to time, and perhaps you do, too.
The implication, is that declaring your opposition to people or laws or movements is somehow an unhelpful negative posture that comes across as combative and confrontational and inevitably makes people back away or shut down.
On its face, the idea sounds like it makes total sense: focus on positivity and a message of collaboration and you'll have better progress with people who disagree with you.
The problem is, it's simply not universally true.
It's not something I'm all that interested in either, at least when it comes to the arrival of fascism.
I want people to know what I'm against.
I want to specifically name the things I find unconscionable, the conduct that turns my stomach, the legislation I abhor, the cruelty I will not abide.
I want to state my disgust with such clarity that misunderstanding me is not possible.
I want there to be no ambiguity in my words or any confusion about my outrage, because I don't want to let the bigots and racists and phobic people off the hook.
I don't want them to pretend we're of like mind merely because we both use words like family or justice or love or liberty.
That specificity ,allows for no mysteries and forces people to declare where they stand, regarding immigration or LGBTQ rights or women’s healthcare. That clarity doesn’t let anyone hide behind semantics or vague language.
Whenever people say, "I want to know what you're for, not what you're against." they're usually not being intellectually honest anyway. They know damn well what I'm for—they just don't like what I'm for or how forcefully and unapologetically I’m delivering the message.
It isn't that they actually believe me to be an unreasonably negative person, they simply realize that attacking me for me my tone and my manner is a convenient conversation stopper that allows them to avoid accountability and not have to dig any deeper.
For example, I'm against many things:
I'm against LGBTQ people being told who they can marry and what bathrooms they can use and whether they can adopt children or why they can't serve in the Military.
I'm against sick and poor people being without affordable healthcare in a nation Conservative leaders won't stop saying is so damn great—when every other civilized country can seem to figure it out.
I'm against the violence regularly experienced by Muslims and Jewish people and immigrants and people of color and women in hijabs and men in turbans, at the hands of emboldened supremacists.
I'm against old white men with no medical experience making legislative decisions about what a woman does with her body or what choices she has regarding her autonomy over that body.
I'm against Conservative Evangelicals trying to legislatively impose their religious phobias and antiquated prejudices against people who don't believe or love or worship or look the way they do.
I'm against the proliferation of weapons of easy carnage, the near daily mass murders committed with them, and a political party so in bed with the gunmakers that they do nothing to stop the bleeding.
I'm against FoxNews for intentionally preying upon suggestible people by providing an endless stream of lies and incendiary rhetoric designed to manipulate them into being perpetually terrified of people of color, Muslims, and non-Republicans.
I'm against Republicans in Congress who have abandoned their responsibility to represent the people, who regularly disregard the Constitution, and who undermine our national sovereignty by capitulating to a predatory leader whose only impulse is to damage.
I'm against this historically malignant President and the incessant and unspeakable violations he commits against the most vulnerable and already burdened human beings—and the people I love and live alongside who've abandoned all morality and decency in order to support him.
Now, if someone claims they can't tell from these statements about what I'm against—that I'm conversely for equality, for diversity, for compassion, for humanity, I'm not going to argue with them.
I'm just going to believe that they don't really want to know what I'm for.
Because equality, diversity, compassion, and humanity, the things I'm clearly for—they’re clearly against.
And by speaking with absolute clarity and undeniable specificity, all that boils my blood and turns my stomach and grieves my heart, maybe I will give others the courage to declare it as well.
Perhaps what we need right now, is a fierce, disparate affinity community of people who will not tolerate the dehumanization that is having the run of the house right now—and who are OK saying so.
So, how do you feel about all of this? What are you against? Let me know in the comments.
I am for equal rights for women, men no matter race, creed or color. I want people who have been living here for a long time and are not US citizens to be fast tracked so that they can feel safe and secure in their long time homes, I want medicaid, medicare for those that qualify and would really like people to have dental benefits. Medical costs should be monitored as what we pay in this country is much more than any other and our health care IS NOT better. If you paid into Social Security it is your right and you should collect when you file, I want term limits in the House and Senate and on the Supreme Court. Abolish the Electoral College - you win on popular vote. I am tending to believe that judges should win by popular election and not by appointment. Keeps the appointer without power and keeps the judges tuned into their constituents. Well that's some of my wish list.
I've been trying my entire 62 years to get my family to acknowledge, Except and understand and care about me and all along. I'm on the outside seeking that seeking resolution with my 97-year-old healthier than me. Mother and I finally made a realization just a couple days ago. Crazier than it took so long. I wanted their love. I wanted their acceptance and when I've talked to each and every one of them and live all slammed me to the Earth they just as soon shoot me then look at me Trump deranged syndrome and referring to Rachel as Rachel. Madcow + I can't remember the other one, but that kind of language from Christian that I ran from as as a teenager. . I must run fast and far again and realize that I'm not the one that needs to be shamed and blamed and ostracized. Why should I for everything I stand for is equality, acceptance, understanding empathy, Peace. I've been trying to convince him till I'm blue in the face and sad and painful as it is and hurtful and traumatic I am must run. So I looked up what empathy means and in order to have it you have to have certain tools and skills in order to accomplish that and some people have that and some people just plain don't it hit me in the face they just plain don't they just don't have the equipment they have. They don't have the capacity and I've been barking up that tree for all these years and they just don't even have the ability. So I will throw a quick quick Lord. Forgive them before they know not what they do and that's it. That's all I can give them and I feel like a load actually has been lifted and I will March with my tribe. My circle is zero really but there's four widowed women on my street and we all are like-minded so I'm going to double down there. Why keep going after a place and nobody wants you? Anyways, that's my experience right now