I am for equal rights for women, men no matter race, creed or color. I want people who have been living here for a long time and are not US citizens to be fast tracked so that they can feel safe and secure in their long time homes, I want medicaid, medicare for those that qualify and would really like people to have dental benefits. Medical costs should be monitored as what we pay in this country is much more than any other and our health care IS NOT better. If you paid into Social Security it is your right and you should collect when you file, I want term limits in the House and Senate and on the Supreme Court. Abolish the Electoral College - you win on popular vote. I am tending to believe that judges should win by popular election and not by appointment. Keeps the appointer without power and keeps the judges tuned into their constituents. Well that's some of my wish list.

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To this I would add mandatory suffrage as is the case in so many other countries. Every US citizen over the age of 18 votes, no exceptions. If you cannot leave your house, ballot takers will come to you. Over 36% of qualified voters did not exercise that right and responsibility this past year yet we have a POTUS claiming a "clear mandate" and doing f--k all with it when he literally received less than a third of all possible votes. Mandatory suffrage would force folks, all of us, to stand behind a candidate. Over 36% of eligible voters didn't even let their voices be heard.

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That is a great and creative concept. I agree completely.

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To further improve elections and turnout, primary and general election days should be paid Federal holidays for Federal, state and local elections.

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I've been trying my entire 62 years to get my family to acknowledge, Except and understand and care about me and all along. I'm on the outside seeking that seeking resolution with my 97-year-old healthier than me. Mother and I finally made a realization just a couple days ago. Crazier than it took so long. I wanted their love. I wanted their acceptance and when I've talked to each and every one of them and live all slammed me to the Earth they just as soon shoot me then look at me Trump deranged syndrome and referring to Rachel as Rachel. Madcow + I can't remember the other one, but that kind of language from Christian that I ran from as as a teenager. . I must run fast and far again and realize that I'm not the one that needs to be shamed and blamed and ostracized. Why should I for everything I stand for is equality, acceptance, understanding empathy, Peace. I've been trying to convince him till I'm blue in the face and sad and painful as it is and hurtful and traumatic I am must run. So I looked up what empathy means and in order to have it you have to have certain tools and skills in order to accomplish that and some people have that and some people just plain don't it hit me in the face they just plain don't they just don't have the equipment they have. They don't have the capacity and I've been barking up that tree for all these years and they just don't even have the ability. So I will throw a quick quick Lord. Forgive them before they know not what they do and that's it. That's all I can give them and I feel like a load actually has been lifted and I will March with my tribe. My circle is zero really but there's four widowed women on my street and we all are like-minded so I'm going to double down there. Why keep going after a place and nobody wants you? Anyways, that's my experience right now

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Yes my friend. Find your tribe and leave the others out of that precious circle. We only have so much time here and we can choose to spend it with those who lift us up. We are together in this.

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And with those we encounter who welcome our efforts to help, mentor, encourage and support them.

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Yup. My circle is zero. Or nearly zero, but I cannot burden my precious elderly mother or my teenaged child. Neither of them are responsible for my hapiness.

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You give us courage every day. Thank you. Your eloquence says it all. And we'll keep saying it.

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These days I start my day consumed with dread in anticipation of Trump’s next absurd statement. Governing by meanness of spirit, no charity and no intellect is no way to run a country

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I forgot to add - it seems like he has no plan, that he just blurts out every idea that comes into his head and then he can’t let it go…imagine saying at his address - which is for all intents and purposes a world stage - that he will have Greenland one way or another? What are Greenlanders to think? How does this soothe any frayed nerves in Panama or Canada? He’s a madman surrounded by people so ambitious that they’re willing to sell out the best interests of the country to this charlatan.

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What are Greenlanders, Panamanians, and Canadians to think?

Prepare to defend themselves. Trump and Co. only respect power. I can't believe I have to say that to our former allies, but it's the harsh truth.

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He doesn’t have plan? He has Project 2025 and plenty of MAGAts with resolve and initiative to keep DonOLD on track. Sad to say.

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Brilliant thank you! You have articulated what I believe. We must be willing to say it as clearly as you do.

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I'm against the destruction of health services, specifically VA. As a Navy veteran, SS recipient, and grandmother to 3 children who will lose food and healthcare I am against Cheeto and Muskrat!!

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I'm rabidly against an administration that despises people who need a compassionate and generous country and instead are cursed with one they wish they didn't exist and is hellbent on carrying out what I call legislative genocide. The old? Proposing restrictions on Medicaid and Medicare, which up to 2/3 of seniors rely on for nursing home care. Threatening Social Security by minimally closing offices. And how about RFK canceling flu vaccine meetings? The poor? Proposing to take away Medicare and Medicaid for many. Planning to cut SNAP benefits. The disabled? Same. Immigrants (even some legally here)? Deportations, detention camps. Veterans? Proposing to cut health care for some levels. Eliminating veterans affairs offices. I would even say by attacking vaccines, they intend to (or don't care if they do) weed out the weaker who can't survive the flu, COVID, measles, etc. With these actions, they are separating the ones they deem worthy of living (immigrants who can pay $5M for a supposed Gold Card to live here, the ultra-wealthy, the diminishing middle class that will be the peasants doing the dirty work for the ultra-wealthy) and those they feel have no worthiness whatsoever. There's more, but this is No. 1. A close No. 2 is an administration hellbent on installing a dictatorship in the U.S.

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“Legislative genocide”. Yup.

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I’m against people of faith, especially Christians that profess that faith, failing to live out the message and values that they proclaim to be theirs.

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I have gone on record stating that those who approve of this POTUS' words and actions are anti-Christ. Does not matter one whit what they profess, they are anti-Christ and the love of God is not in them. They will have their day of reckoning. Jesus was very clear on this point and He did not stutter.

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Watching fearless leader articulating his grand ideas for America two nights ago, I was truly appalled and frightened by the cheers and stand up ovations coming from the Republican side at every opportunity. The Republicans have truly abandoned their role in government. Just find out what that deranged snake oil salesmen wants and vote for it if he lets you, if he doesn’t issue a presidential decree and side step congress altogether . Maybe they are happier that way. Now they don’t have to do any thinking and can spend more time at dinners and cocktail parties.It is an easy way to make almost $175,000 dollars a year.

Thanks for letting me vent. I really enjoy your posts. They remind me of what life in America should be,not what it is.

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I’m against all of the things you mentioned, and would like to add that I am against the GOP’s gerrymandering of our voting rights, our Supreme Court and disregard for our Constitution. (Not sure if you mentioned the Constitution part)

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The challenge is expressing the “against” views in a way that they can be effectively “heard” or understood. I would like to learn how to do that, honestly and effectively.

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We will not be heard by all people. Some are incapable of listening at this time, maybe never. One of the keys however is deep listening to the other, accepting that is where they are at this time and then acknowledging their fears but pointing out alternatives. Sometimes we can only plant a seed of understanding. But also be true to yourself. If you are triggered by what they express, tell them that. Tell them your fears. Make it personal. My 2 cents- Hope it helps.

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Thank you for sharing exactly how I feel. I am making my voice heard in my retirement community after being silent for too long.

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Thank you for standing up for yourself! And all of us.

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Thank you for this. I agree and have been increasingly ratcheting up the frequency and clarity with which I do the same.

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Thank you for articulating much of what I and a lot of us feel. To your list, I would add this: I am against the 215 Democrat Representatives and 45 Democrat Senators (plus 2 Independents) who have largely remained silent as our country has been set on a path of rapidly-advancing destruction by this POTUS and his puppet (or puppet-master?) Musk. Weeks ago I had hope that perhaps with a mere handful of principled Republican Reps and Senators the balance of power could shift towards what is good, proper and righteous. Those hopes are gone as I have watched not only the Republicans but also far too many Democrats bend the knee and kiss the ring. We the people are on our own, but we the people are too deeply divided to make any effective organized resistance. For now... I remain hopeful that this POTUS will cross a line too far even for his rabid base to accept but with each passing day, that hope is fading.

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A very timely read, thank you.

There’s a British tv series called The Prisoner streaming now. It’s from the 1967-68, about a spy who abruptly resigns. He’s then abducted and taken to a creepy “retirement “village. Everyone there is as subdued as can be. He’s fiercely outspoken and independent. The village’s moto is “a silent tongue makes a happy life” another sign says “questions are a burden to others”. If they behave otherwise they receive “treatments” and punishment.

A decade ago the show would have been seen as dated and laughable.

Now it’s like a scream of warning from someone who underestimated the possibility back then. I wonder if Bezos or someone else slipped it in the lineup as a statement.

My point is that currently the window of opportunity for pushing back is narrowing each day that the current administration dismantles agencies. And also picks fights with long time allies. Everyone needs to find their voice or resign themselves to silence indefinitely. I truly found mine at age 56.

(10 years ago)

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I appreciate your frank statement about what you are against because it also reflects what you are for. When Hitler was demonizing the Jews to consolidate power, Christians in Germany remained quiet. Until Bonhoffer was willing to go back to Germany to stand up to the Nazis, the church was complicit and silent. I frankly do not want our churches to be either complicit or silent. As a follower of Jesus I find what is said by people claiming to be "Christian" abhorrent when they are willing to have babies die (babies they insist be born) because they cut snap or medicaid. Not to mention cutting off all the aid through USAID. I think the church needs to be loud and vocal. We do not need to mimic the church in Nazi Germany. All compassionate religions need to be loud about this in my opinion. People that have already made up their minds are not going to be changed by us announcing what we are against. It is not negativity to decry the bad things happening in our country right now. With all the propaganda, it is possible it is the first some folk have heard of an alternative reality to the propaganda. Keep stating what you against.

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