I find comfort in the fact that many Springfield residents are swarming to Haitian restaurants to show their support. As hard as it is to believe sometimes, there are good people out there. Whether they are actually practicing Christians or not (I'm am no longer!) they are showing many people are good at heart. I need to believe that.

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This is very good news to hear. I feel so far removed from Springfield, that I was not sure how the actual citizens were responding to this disgusting barrage of hate that descended on them due to Trump and Vance. I was deeply moved by a talk given by the father of the 11-year-old boy who was accidentally killed last year in an accident involving a Haitian driver. He begged the community and these disgusting politicians to stop using his son Aiden as a prop for their hatred.

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So grateful for the willingness of Aiden's parents to speak up & speak out. Those that do not respect their heartbroken plea for peace have to be called out for their callous, self righteous behavior :(

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I also appreciate the good news that is coming from Springfield! I have to keep the faith that most Americans are good @ heart: November will tell the world who we really are!

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John, this is a wonderful piece, full of Christ and His love. Thank you!

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The entire paragraph that begins with “I’m taking my chances with the table-making, wall-breaking Jesus …..” is now my answer when the subject comes up. Your thoughts were in my heart - I just didn’t have the words. Thank you for the supply. With this help I can concentrate on a delivery that’s cool, calm, collective, and reassuring that this is the last word on the subject from me!

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Amen, amen, amen.

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I have witnessed Sunday Christians and six day christians - the dressed-up in faith and the Unknown in faith - the card carrying devotees and the ones who keep their this card in their wallets. I know folks who follow the Convenient Christ and those who follow the Crucified Christ - those who are trapped by expectations and folks who are thankful for the new life given to them and openly live the gift given. I say, “Get behind me Trump and JD Vance.” So I can continue to be free to live and act like the person God created me to be - seven days of the week - of course, with God’s help. (Thank you John)

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Thank you JP. My brother from another mother.

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While not religious, but always hopeful for faith in humanity, right from wrong isn’t a principle that I could ever imagine would become subjective. It’s truly an enigma wrapped in ignorance due to the advent of a cult leader who is leading an amoral flock to the slaughterhouse. So here we are, fighting the good fight amongst the lies, hypocrisy and division. So sad, but always hopeful and faithful for a brighter future to come. Vote! ❤️

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Thanks again for your big truths you share!

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Thank you all!

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John, I think the saddest aspect of these developnents is that the actions of this large segment of the ostensibly christian faith community truly embrace neither christianity nor a sense of community. It should not be a surprise, however, since the scriptures espoused as true and infallible statements of their faith by so many acknowledge that human nature is a difficult nut to crack. Along with the selflrss lessons of the parable of the Good Samaritan and the Beatitudes, Jesus is also reputed to have warned that many - indeed most - of the people who hear his messages of love and inclusion will ultimately reject them. In the parable of the sower, only a few seeds land on fertile ground and grow to fruition. Many, possibly most (especially if the sower is inefficient or, as so many are today, distracted or co-opted by politics, fame, wealth, and private jets) fall on hard ground (made impermeable by greed?), rocky ground (strewn with loud entertaining distractions?), or thin soil (seeing a faith community as an exclusive tribe instead of as a welcoming, open group committed to service?), resulting in a failure to germinate or thrive (where faith is reflected in deeds). Even in the good soil, seeds still have to fight the weeds to thrive. It is the fruit of those fertile seeds, however, that provides the true lessons of morality and examples of selfless service that christianity claims to embody as its defining characteristic.

Consequently, it should be no surprise that so many "christians" these days have abandoned any effort to live and thrive in accordance with the behavioral model espoused in the (actual) gospel passages they claim to revere.

Whether one accepts all or some of the theological claims underlying christianity, the essential morality it espouses when accurately understood and practiced forms a part of the tapestry of morality woven into our lives by the great faith, humanist, and communitarian traditions over time. Given these observations, perhaps by emphasizing actions over beliefs, we can truly learn to work together for the benefit of all rather than for the "salvation" of the few.

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I sent this piece to a friend of mine who is intelligent and also Mormon. I thought as a religious person he would see the value in it. I'm agnostic but follow you because I love your writing and how you call out the hypocrisy of "Christians". Well he absolutely lost his shit. Started talking about the rule of law. I told him not to talk to me about the rule of law while he supports Trump. Then I started quoting the teachings of Jesus to him, and told him even though I want nothing to do with religion anymore, I live my live by these teachings. Not because I need a mythical being to tell me to on penalty of eternal damnation, but because it's the right thing to do. Haven't heard from him since! Thank you John for your writing and keep doing it.

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Many so called “Christians” have lost their way, it’s very sad and tragic! But also, many of us haven’t and still strive to live up to Christian standards!

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yup, they're already organizing a mission trip to Haiti.

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I am not a believer any longer, so FWIW: I think those who actually live their lives oriented around loving their neighbors could experiment with going underground. Divest of property, huge bank balances, professional pastors (HT: Bonhoeffer), maybe even church buildings, I don't know. Leaven the loaf instead of just the surface. Admit and heal the global trauma that has been and is occurring through wars and drastic wealth accumulation.

I guess that could happen if the public church wasn't so full of fear - but it certainly is that.

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I love your writing and all your work. You seem really grounded in your faith, and are able to help others voice the same thoughts and feelings. I grew up in the Methodist church, and was active in it all my life - brought my children up in church as well. Now, I can find no church that follows Christ’s teachings. It’s so depressing !

Thank you for your witness to following Christ’s words and actions.

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Wow John that made have goosebumps! What a beautiful message, you have a beautiful heart and I love your work. I stopped going to actual church. I don’t like hypocrisy in any form. Those politicians have no business making the lives of people in Springfield or anywhere else miserable. The lies that they spread across the country and the people that know that they are lying and add more lies to the fires already started. I don’t understand why people say they are Christian but don’t care to hide their hatred and racism. To hurt children.

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Germany / church 90ish years ago - eerily similar only now we have social media + armies of legal/communication consultants - just finished ‘The kingdom, the power, and the glory’ by Tim Alberta - helpful perspective - spoiler alert: 2 Corinthians 4:18

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