My heart always know when I am hearing truth spoken ...(and the opposite when lies are being told)....since the MAGA movement lies have been normalized and so when I hear TRUTH now I cry because my heart is being fed

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My favorite Mark Twain quote:

If Christ were here now there is one thing he would not be — a Christian.

~ Mark Twain

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I agree with Mark Twain.

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Good for Mark Twain. Patsy, I agree with the message sent in your post. Jesus would not want to be one of today's MAGA Christians. You will know the real ones by their acts of mercy and love.

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So very well said, Sir. I have had online conversations with many people who have tried to justify their following trump by their Christian values. I have told them the same things that you said, although not as eloquently. I have given up. They don’t want to hear it. I have faith, beliefs that I learned in Sunday School when I was a child and that I taught to my Sunday School students when I was a young mother. I have severed ties with organized religion. I don’t need their churches to pray or to teach me how to be a Christian. Too many people in the churches follow trump. I don’t want to be a part of that and I don’t want to argue with them.

Now the order of the day is to resist what trump is doing in every legal way possible. I just hope that I live long enough to see a better tomorrow for America and a country less divided.

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Oh, how I appreciated this essay from top to bottom -- and how I wish there were an open ear to hear. Like other comments here, mine is bewilderment over how clear Scripture can be ignored and twisted by pre-conceived abstractions. But then, Jesus faced exactly this, too. Thank you, John for writing it out plainly.

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Thank you for this, Pastor John❣️

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If there is anything which is going to destroy Christianity in the 21st century -- absolutely DESTROY it in the United States of America, it will be name-it-and-claim-it, prosperity gospel, America-first, MAGA Christianity which has exchanged worship of Jesus for worship of Donald Trump as Their Great And Glorious Leader, Their God And King, Their Returned Messiah, Their Lord And Savior, Their Archbishop Of The True Trump™ Evangelical Church Of America, Their Leader Of The World, And Their Ruler Of The Universe.

MAGA is so hot to trot to have the Nine Commandments posted in schools and public places -- ignoring Commandment number seven, the one concerning adultery, because our MAGA legislators are not about to give up their favorite pastime; but they seem to have overlooked the first three Commandments:

Exodus 20:1 Then God spoke all these words:

2 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; 3 YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME.

4 YOU SHALL NOT MAKE FOR YOURSELF AN IDOL, WHETHER IN THE FORM OF ANYTHING THAT IS IN HEAVEN ABOVE, OR THAT IS ON THE EARTH BENEAT, OR THAT IS IN THE WATER UNDER THE EARTH. 5 YOU SHALL NOT BOWN DOWN AND WORSHIP THEM; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me, 6 but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.


Evangelical Christianity in 21st century America is corrupt to the core, and rotting from the inside out.

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I am so detached from the church because of them. I find it ironic that they are forcing their brand of Christianity down our throats, thinking that they are saving our souls, when they are actually doing all they can to make us hate Christianity. I'm embarrassed to even identify as Christian because of them.

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I totally hear that, Laurie. TOTALLY. I call myself an Episcopalian (they call me a "Whiskeypagan"), a follower of Jesus, or a disciple of Christ; but I NEVER refer to myself as "Christian" since MAGA have co-opted the name for their own toxic version of the religion, and I refused to be associated with MAGA toxicity in any way, shape or form.

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You make a good point. MAGA has destroyed the old meaning of Christianity.

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Laurie, some churches and members walk the talk and follow the teachings of Jesus. I certainly agree with you about the MEGA churches. Hang in there.

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They may try to force it down out throats but they cannot make,us swallow

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They've exchanged god/Jesus for a gilt idol.

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I would love to watch you interview Vance.

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You make the point so well. His words brought me back to a recent homily (Catholic here) where we were told you can’t just love the people that are easy to love, but also the ones that are hard to love. My immediate thought was to this VP and his ilk, but if that’s what Jesus did and wanted us to do, then I will try. But Vance certainly makes it difficult.

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There are so many men and women in the current administration who bring up their “faith” being self serving. They’re opportunistic wolves. They’ve chosen to elevate greed as an acceptable trait. Frankly, I’ve never seen a more insecure group of men in my life. Holding up women, and marginalized groups as mortal threats. Also, falling back on aggression over intelligence. Sorry, I’ll get down off my soapbox now.

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I came to read your post after weeping through this evenings news. I thought I was looking for solace, but no, I was looking exactly this, for someone to model how to both love people and revile this monstrous scourge that has fallen over us like a parasitic shadow intent on devouring the light. Now, that was church.

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Karen, I understand why you weep. I feel terribly sad (and angry) watching our nation be destroyed. Yet, I remind myself that I can do more good with love than with tears. Acts of kindness will carry more importance than anger. We now live in challenging days.

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Thank you Pastor for all that is put forth in so many ways. Jesus taught many wonderful parables. The Parable of the Good Samaritan is one of many.

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You are definitely not going to get a spot in the administration

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AMEN, John!

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Eh, he opens his mouth and my mind checks out. Self protective action, since I know he won't say anything worth listening to-it will be in the news soon enough. He's untrustworthy, but for a different reason than Trump. Trump is blatant with his behaviors and speech, while Vance is more reptilian, sheds his skin as he needs to in order to fit in where he wants to go, and not in a good way.

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When I watched part of the service at the National Cathedral when Bishop Budde spoke directly to Donald Trump, his wife and family, she was also looking at JD. I tried to read his face and couldn't. It's a practiced thing, isn't it, for many who show no emotion. Donald showed boredom and hate; Melania showed the same look she had at Pres. Carter's service: nothing - just looking down or straight ahead. I watched Eric's wife who appeared either curious or appalled. This is similar to what I think and have since the first term about Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner, and used to think about Eric Cantor: what do they do on Yom Kippur? Do they have any belief in atoning or have they left Judaism and tikkun olam behind?

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