Thank you for laying this out so clearly here. False equivalencies are indeed reckless and dangerous. Might I add dangerous to the entire world, not just this country. We all need to get real clear about who these 2 people are and the difference is stark.

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Spot on! I read his book ‘Promise Me, Dad’ and my respect and love for him deepened. We should be extremely grateful that he took on the presidency at this stage of his life. An Esther in our time.

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“I’ll go with flawed goodness and sleep well at night.

I’ll go with Joe.” 💖

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Really loved that piece, John. On target and heartfelt. THE way to express and channel the outrage.

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Ah, an uplifting word. You describe President Biden truthfully. None of humanity is perfect - that is reality. Biden walked the walk. He knows who we are by his own journey and personal experiences. He is for us - not himself. My vote for Joe Biden 2024 is not for me - my vote is for us.

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So true! Thank you for laying this out so articulately.

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“For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” ❤️

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Thank you John for such a poignant post. It really put a lot of things into perspective. You went to the heart of the men. The bearer of good fruit and the bearer of bad fruit. I just wonder how bible-pounders can't see the bad fruit. You have explained well in the Golden Idol post. But still, to witness this kind of willful blindness and idol worship is something I didn't expect to live to see.

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John, thank you. I could not have said it better.

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Beautiful piece John. Thank you for laying out so beautifully why we all love Joe Biden so much. I'll still sleep a lot better when this is all over and the Orange menace is gone for good. I admit I'm terrified but am still going to do everything in my power to lay out the case for Joe to all the Republican people I'm surrounded by while I'm waiting. Thanks for all your encouraging words. We need you. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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This is truly Joe Biden, and he so deep in his good heartedness and wisdom, he easily and actually playfully responded to any opposition in his SOU address.

I do have a bit of a different view of many of those following Trump. Any time a people are neglected, they deeply invalidated, they will look the other way, even if entirely and at their own expense, if someone fights for them, they thus feeling validated, and self-respecting.

Mid America was greatly outwardly wounded by their jobs sent oversees, and also inwardly, as liberal views toward social mores grew more openly accepting and promoting of values and life styles entirely contrary to their more conservative, and for them, foundational spiritual life principles.

This the blindly desperate reaction of German citizens after loosing WWI and on top of defeat having to pay huge reparations, no self-respect left to them. Both of these degradations were perfect for Hitler to step into, as for Trump in America.

Thank you for your post.

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This is so good. So right. I’m with you.

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