While I didn't want Biden to drop out, I'm delighted to vote for Kamala Harris. Because you're right: He put his country above himself, which is what true leaders do. Americans have forgotten what true leadership looks like, but he gave us a stellar example.

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Glad to see you're feeling more positive today.

Biden will be fondly remembered. I hope he lives a good while longer and takes immense pride as he watches a series of non-fascist presidents sworn in.

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This tribute to President Biden actually made me cry. It is both beautiful and heart felt and also the truth of who he is (at least publicly) I do not know him personally but his whole career which I have witnessed much of has been about doing the "right thing" for America and the American people. A huge thank you to President Biden for his service and his example and a huge thank you to you, John Pavlovitz for being there in these scary uncertain times.

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Thank you. This piece is uplifting and encouraging, something we need so badly these days. I believe Pres. Biden has given us such a gift in all this, a renewal of purpose and a good direction on how to keep our feet on the ground to maintaining our democracy and all it stands for. Defeating Trump is upmost, but in so doing we preserve something precious - our democracy and standing in the world.

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Well said, John. Joe Biden is truly a man of integrity and dignity.

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The mainstream media, long since in the tank for Trump, is already gearing up to attack Kamala Harris. Please do not click on their garbage; please do not support them. As Mr. Pavlovitz mentioned, the media is largely complicit in all of this, and they MUST be held to account. My recommendation: Judd Legum's Popular Information, which the mainstream slime references all the time.

Look. If you're "turned off" by Kamala Harris, get over it. Don't buy the BS; don't buy the propaganda; and for God's sake, **look at the sources of the information you're getting!** Harris is eminently qualified for the highest office in this land; she's principled, powerful, intelligent, compassionate, and fierce. I don't require my candidates to be perfect, and you shouldn't either. Sitting this election out, or voting for Trump, is an immoral act. Sorry, but it just is. The stakes are just too high, and millions of lives are literally on the line here, including your kids and grandkids. For if Trump takes that office again, the fight to save our climate will very likely be lost.

This appears to be a binary choice. But if you're a moral human being, it's no choice at all.

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Beautifully elegant and eloquent pice, John. Thank you.

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I’m still not happy with the actions of so many Democrats in pushing President Biden out. He truly is an amazing human and we can all learn a great deal from him about servant leadership. Thank you for your writing.

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Hear hear, John! Beautifully stated! Thank you President Biden!! 💙💙💙

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Well played, Mr. President, well played.

I see what you did there.


Was this your plan all along?

Let expectations go low,

let the MAGA Party have their limelight,

and then answer everyone's question,

"But what about the future?",

by stepping aside,

and answering that question by saying, "Kamala Harris".

Trump is a showman, but Biden is a Master Politician.

In the Theatre of politics Biden let Trump have his show

and then he stole the spotlight

and placed it firmly on the future.

Isn't that why he asked Kamala Harris to be his VP in the first place?

Well played, President Joe, well played.

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I couldn't agree more with you, John. Joe Biden is a true leader, courageous, savvy, and willing to pass the ball so someone else can get the basket.

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Well said. Now, will the media follow suit and put America first instead of chasing headlines, fomenting fear and false equivalencies? Probably not, because it’s already happening with premeditated suppositions of predicting the future, instead of letting the story develop in real time. Edward R Murrow would be rolling in his grave how plastic and knee jerk the “news” has become a blood sport for viewership and ratings. Kamala Harris is a clear choice with the chops and savvy to slay the devil! 🙏

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Well stated, John. Joe Biden showed his character and his love of country. I’d say he has talked the talk and walked the walk. On the other side we have Platform 2025 (republican and don’s) which is all about hate, inequality and exclusion.

We need to stand united with Kamala and finish what her and Joe Biden started. Our Democracy is depending on it!

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I’m feeling much less anxious today after witnessing all the support that Kamala Harris has been offered just since this time yesterday! I’ll take a fierce, intelligent, moral human being over Trump any day.

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And thank you, John, for using such a wonderful photo of Biden. But the Washington Post and the MY Times seem to have dug up the most unflattering, sad-looking pictures they had available.

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Amen and amen, John!!

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