This information is critically important! I especially urge my fellow humanists to widely share this!

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I'm writing about Project 2025's Christo-fascist language 5x per week here on Substack. I won't link drop in John's space, but anyone can find it by clicking on my name.

Just today, I wrote about how the recent "pornography" lawsuit against Madonna is an example of Project 2025 in action. I've also dissected proposed red state "anti-pornography" laws and similar.

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Thanks for this information. I would add that not only do we need to vote, we need to let other people know the importance of voting.

One of the things that I know has been mentioned here before is getting involved with Vote Forward. It is a project that has demonstrated the effectiveness of getting the word out about the importance of voting.

This is especially true for this election since so many states have enacted laws to make it more difficult for people to vote.

Please think about getting involved in their various campaigns.


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Carrying over a bit. I believe that threatening to withhold your vote is an essential way to wage the power you have in a two-party system. Since the last exchange in the comments, Raffah has been invaded with weapons funded by the current administration. Five more months, and the ethnic cleansing could easily be completed.

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To withhold your vote from a party you otherwise support, increases the chances of the success of the party you otherwise oppose. Where would your voice concerning the issue your withheld vote is intending to protest most likely to have influence?

Although it may seem hypocritical to seem to support a party with a policy you disagree with, your input may have greater influence if your party has the power to bring about the policy you support.

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I don’t want to se Trans Cleansing in the country I live in either which will happen if republicans come to power again.

I’m heartbroken over what is happening in Israel. It’s been a Gordion Knot for politicians to try to solve for what, 50 years? 75 years? In the meantime, we have an extremely serious problem brewing in this country. Read up on project 2025. These policies are currently being enacted in all Red States including the one I live in. Google Nexus Benedict. My nephew, an ordained Methodist minister, had to move his family to another state about 6 months ago because one of their children is trans and it was getting extremely dangerous for them here. Not to mention that they couldn’t spend all day escorting their child to the bathroom.

So I hope you are able to widen your view to take other people into consideration when you vote.

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In brief, what would you say are the high points regarding transgender policy in Project 2025.

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Thank so much for this article.

You see I have a daughter and love her to the ends of the world and beyond . I worry and pray for her all the time in this very harsh, cruel world that looks upon her and others like her as the enemy just because of who she loves.

She’s has accomplished to so much and I am very proud of her. She became a full time firefighter just over a year ago.

She’s happy and full of life. I hope someday that those who think LGBTQ are the enemy will have a change of heart

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