Tears tears and more tears. I lived through JFK,Martin Luther King,RFK- witnessed assassinations of men who truly wanted to make our nation better. Is there any network willing to broadcast Martin Luther King 's ' I have a dream ' speech on blast during dt's disgusting promise to uphold the constitution lies- AGAIN??!! A REALLY GOOD MAN DIED with a desire to see our country move forward. And a criminal president wants to destroy the very dreams of this great man. We can't let this happen. We have to find a way to destroy dt's agenda before he can even enact it. And I truly believe blasting this speech to drown out lies hypocrisy and to totally destroy dt's day is justified. Any network willing to step up?!

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What a deeply thought article. It bring some sense of comfort that Martin's hope is still there in each one of us who grieve the turn America has taken. May we move forward with his dream in mind and hold on to it tight through whatever lays ahead.

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Thank you John, I had also realized that the celebration of MLK's birthday falls on the same day as the inauguration, and the irony the situation shouts. And although the coming year and the 3 years following does its best to try and scare the you-know-what out of me, the words that keep coming to me are, "you were born for such a time as this". May we each have the courage and the conviction to step into what "you were born for such a time as this" means to each us individually and to us lovers of democracy collectively. 💙🙏🏼🕊

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I keep thinking about this, and it's possible that moving the inauguration into the rotunda is a hopeful sign. I don't think it's because of the cold. I think it's because 1) they are afraid of the open spaces; 2) they can't fill up the mall. Of course, it would be deeply satisfying if people with any spine at all just... didn't show up and the place ended up empty.

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Every former president should refuse to attend the oligarchy show President Biden just talked about. How can anyone support the incoming oligarchy and be warned about it at the same time? Either we are against it or we're not. Can't be both ways. Warn the country one day and support the travesty the next?? WT hell does that mean??

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He’s afraid of an assassination attempt.

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Over seventy seven million Americans have chosen the antithesis of Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream of America.

They have taken a blowtorch to the arc of the moral universe in order to more forcefully bend it toward injustice.

Because of the votes of over seventy seven million Americans the arc of the moral universe has a crude ugly ninety degree kink forcing it toward an oligarchical kleptocratic amorality of abuse, xenophobia, misogyny, racism, homophobia, and the accepted criminality of Felonious Trump and his lickspittles.

Yes! Over seventy seven million, three hundred thousand Americans.

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Some of the Americans who voted for trump knew exactly what they were voting for.

Some weren't sure what they were voting for but couldn't be bothered to find out and ignored his behaviour during his first reign which provided the roadmap he would likely follow. And the there are those who voted for cheaper groceries. All three groups are destined to live in an America in which it will become increasingly unpleasant, for numerous reasons, to live in. Unless. Transformative change will come from those who challenge the status quo rather than conforming to it.

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I can’t believe that there’s anyone who didn’t know what they were voting for. They just didn’t care.

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May we embrace this call, may we live this cause and may we be the light that flickers still in this country we love. Thank you Pastor John for continuing to speak the words that swirl in my soul

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John, your words accurately describe where we find ourselves at this moment. I commented on Andra Watkins' newsletter earlier this week that it was a sad irony that the celebration of Dr. King's life and this tactless spectacle were occurring on the same day. This gaudy splash is just the beginning.

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yes a very sick joke! I feel like we are all crossing over into darkness, how could so many of our fellow Americans let us down by letting him back into our living rooms? HOW?

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I get relief from that question when I answer it to myself. I think that a lot of people's votes only happened because they were bribed. 🤷‍♀️ And the ones that actually followed through are not intelligent people nor do they have any character. I say to myself .."these humans were never your friends."

That's the story I tell myself so I don't gut wrenchingly Hate 50.01% of our nation.

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Exactly how I’m thinking of tomorrow. I will NOT be watching this inauguration. I will not pay attention to the news coverage before, during or after it. Instead I will reflect on the life and works of Martin Luther King, Jr., and be thankful for all he’s done. As that old song goes, “Accentuate the positive”. I intend to do that.

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That made me smile. My mother used to say that verse when she was in memory care. Somehow she remembered those words: Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative and don’t mess with Mr. In-between. (She also used to say, “piss up a rope” to the aids when she didn’t want to do something…but that’s another story.)

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To see the dawn we have to accept the nighttime in order for that to happen . That's the hardest part about finally seeing The Light.....of any kind.

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You are so eloquent and I love when I can listen to you speak your truths.

Thank you💜

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Amen. Planning on beginning "Bonhoeffer and King: Their Legacies and Import for Christian Social Thought" on Monday to set the tone for the next 4 years.

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Indeed John,

Your perfectly perceived moment of Truth, where we MUST SHINE our Brightest Good Lights into this unfathomable darkness he is about to bring.

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I’m not a person who generally suffers from anxiety, but I am so frightened right now. I’m in my 60s and I’ve lived through some devastating times in our country. However, I’m not prepared for tomorrow—or the future when the right-wing leaderships turns our country into what they’ve been dreaming of since McCarthyism took root in this country. Trump and his Republicans run on division, hate, misogyny, and white (often Christian) nationalism and people stand in line behind them.

I can’t believe it’s really happening. How can 77 million people be filled with so much hate in their hearts?

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