THIS!!! It is what I will continue to tell anyone who will listen. #votebluenomatterwho is the ONLY thing that will preserve our democracy this presidential election cycle.

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Thank you, Tracey. It's a pivot point for our nation.

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Thank you, John. This cannot be said loudly or often enough. What I keep telling my progressive friends who think “the democrats need a lesson” is contrary to this illogical narrative, the only answer to ever achieving your goals is not to defeat democrats—it’s actually to elect more democrats.

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That's it Lisa. This threat is priority one.

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If Ralph Nader had not run in Florida in 2000, we would not have invaded Afghanistan. Et cetera. "Spoilers" have consequences.

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John, what about those of us who live in a very blue state like California. Biden will win here, but I would like to send a message to him and the Democratic Party. Don't you think I can safely vote third party in California?

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Regardless of where we live, I think the message should be sent in marches and rallies and social media campaigns and calls and letters, and in ways that specifically address the issue. We can and should pressure politicians to act where we want them to.

But if someone doesn't vote or votes another party, there's no way that message explicitly gets sent. In other words, no one will know why you voted that way.

I'd much rather use the available avenues to explicitly declare what we object to.

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Good advice. Thank you!

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“We’re trying to avoid the greatest single existential threat of our nation’s lifetime, and that is the single issue I’m voting on this year.”.


Some progressives seem to naively think that a third party can actually win.

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Amen, Amen, and Amen!!!

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