Don't let it! I walk daily, smile at people, eat healthy and don't allow myself to take in more BS than I can handle. Take care of yourself and don't give up either.
I am trying to find balance between "knowing and resisting" and taking breaks.
The one thing I thought I would never do is stop watching Stephen Colbert. It was my evening before-I-go-to-bed ritual. Then I'd lie awake for over an hour, all revved up and unable to calm enough to sleep. No more. I turn off the news after the weather and go to bed. Now I get the bad news in the morning (once) and have all day to either act on it or decide to ignore for now. Exercising on the treadmill helps, and I know when the weather gets better getting outside with make a huge difference. From being a news junkie to severely restricting what I take in mentally, I'm able to survive. It's akin to going on a strict diet for my diabetes. Both are essential and, so far, I'm still sane and still as healthy as can be.
Please give yourself permission to truly life does depend on it (stress can kill) and so does our democracy. Be kind to yourself...always.
Ditto, and I watch the early version of the news @10pm, then @10:30, turn on soothing music on a timer, turn off the light and I’m gone for the night enjoying a restful sleep
I’m the same. I love Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel and The Daily Show. Watched every night. Now many nights I start watching and then have to stop because it’s too upsetting. Just seeing or hearing Trump in clips or photos enrages me. How are we going to endure (at least) four years of this? I’m so tired of everything that makes life worthwhile, good, fun or secure being under attack by him and his regime. And he hasn’t even completed two full weeks. He is terrorizing us.
Jill, I am at my “Healer’s” right now. She has the “hands of light” energy that moves mine.
Believe me, the best money spent today.
Do not blame yourself… be your best Momma!!! And, John is correct. We must not normalize this 14 year old’s bullying needs. Demand something from those you pay their salaries…. Congress. This is unacceptable from any of us. How do we prove to our children that lying is a sin to self. Do not let any of the big media giants lie.
Thank you. I find myself thinking of the many countries overcome by Roman armies and subject to predatory taxation and repression thereafter, not to mention genocidal actions. In one of those countries, Jesus of Nazareth lived a life of courage and of conscience, and it seems to me that anyone who reveres his life ought to try their best to embody those qualities, as well as love, faith and calling out the corrupt. Period.
I left any and all churches about 60 yeas ago. I am eager to have you, John, as my "preacher" ...I want this kind of sanity and moral reminders...Thank you so so much
Thom Hartmann wrote a similar post on Substack this morning,, unfortunately main stream media and most of the Democratic Party seemed to "accept the horrors", as John Pavlovitz has written. Tom Snyder has also written extensively about acceptance and turning a blind eye. That is exactly what Maga and Trump wants and needs in order to continue their fascist attach on our Democracy. It is what Bullies do to their victims, scare them into submission. I also feel afraid. If nothing else one can always call their Senators and members of Congress or if they are also Bullies, call or write the DNC. I do it and it is very empowering.
I have fought Lyme disease for 40 years. Am now fighting long covid( highly similar). Pain runs my parts! But, the anger I carry toward those who weaponized ticks , read “Bitten” by Kris Newby. and the anger I have toward those , we the American people , pay to do the job of protecting our Constitution is pretty much another pain in the A_ _! But, the healing that comes from demanding these crooks be accountable and see them pay for their crimes is powerful. Keep doing what you can. Support “Public Citizen”.
“Common Cause”, those who do work for us in Congress. And again, John you are my healer too!!!!❤️🙏🏻👏🏻💕🥰😊
I've had so many stress ful things hit me and life changing losses and I try to manage my stress but something snapped in my brain along with black mold in house.. I'm breaking
The common lexicon is critical to marshal and reinvigorate a team opposed to the carnage we face. We must all do better to speak and to reinforce with the same phrases and slogans. My main point is that we face a common foe of psychopathic neo-fascists. These have an anti-social mental disorder, hence the cruelty. I have worked hard to promote the correct name for our foe: psychopathic neo-fascists. Thom Hartmann made a strong marketing point this morning. Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. If we want to gather and convince our voters of the value offered in our candidate and the platform, we must market with skill, integrity, and unified voices driving home the benefits that we envision and that we promise. Our hardest task before us is the need to rouse the DNC. I do not think it exists in reality, but is a virtual cloud. I believe it needs reconstruction to be a real organization, not some myth that vacuums up people’s change. I have tried for a week to contact someone there. What do you think?
I certainly resonate to your frustration and that of all the exhausted, frightened, enraged true patriots commenting herein.
FYI, this Saturday 2/1/2025, there will be an election of a NEW DNC Chairperson. Long-term Democratic strategist, Simon Rosenberg (founder of The Hopium Chronicles) has interviewed all the
(4 I think?) candidates. All are ready and worthy, IMO.
But my next 🩵Act Blue 🩵donation money is on Ben Wickler, who has had great success galvanizing energy and Democratic muscle in
Wisconsin in recent years.
“WIZDEMS” has essentially turned hide-bound red seats in state and national elections a beautiful shade of 🩵B🩵L🩵U🩵E.
I believe we will soon be seeing an energized leadership agenda, launching a blue wave 🌊🌊🌊of focused, DNC action.
It is verry difficult to plod on in these nightmarish, shattered, tattered terrifying times but please, let us not lose hope, all!!🌬️❄️☮️❄️
Whenever I see that he, DJT, is going to speak I turn the sound on mute. I read what he has said so I don't have to see or hear him. I know his act and it is bad. I love the substack as I find out a ton of things without hearing his massive exaggerations. I don't need that cluttering up my mind and frankly making me angry which is a massive waste of time and energy. I listen to people and read people who make sense and are independent thinkers and know stuff and nonsense from the truth. Yes I am angry about this but I am focusing on the mid terms and writing the Dems to FIND A VOICE. Keeps me centered.
When I was training to become a psychotherapist and working in an inner city crisis clinic, I learned how to develop a thicker skin and to compartmentalize because I came home every night crying with feelings of hopelessness. These are skills that are serving me well now as I compartmentalize the atrocities visited on this nation at this time (I can hear the hob-nailed boots marching on the street!) and being in control of my little corner of the universe where I make the decision, daily, to "be kind and do the right thing." That's what I can do now. I await the concrete organization of resistance so I can join the underground as my predecessors did during World War II. I am 86 and cannot be a leader, but I am alive and eager to follow! War has been declared. As Edmund Burke said: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing."
I am so angry today I can't function. I feel no gratefulness. I feel no hope. I just feel threatened and TICKED OFF at everyone who voted for this regime to take over our country and silence anyone who does not agree. What will tomorrow bring? Somehow i survived 4 years of this how will I survive? Seriously?
There is, indeed, no such thing as "other people's children," just as there is no such thing as other people's climate change, other people's pandemics.... it's a matter of psycho-spiritual-moral maturity to understand this. Any right-wing so-called "Christians" do not. They are stalled in an immature view, not yet anywhere near the Jesus vision for this world.
My choosing to move to a paid subscription is my way to “Transform all that outrage and grief and sickness into a fitting and visible response….” Thank you, John, for the call to be our better selves—always.
It’s difficult to not be overwhelmed by the constant verbal assault that we endure on a daily basis from the incompetent fools. I am grateful for John’s soothing words and suggested coping mechanisms to help reduce the stress of the craziness that’s going on at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. As well, I’m reducing my daily consumption of the 6 Substacks to which I subscribe. I can only do what I can do.
I hear you, CAM. Even up here in the Great White North (the biggest blue state that T...P has ever seen - careful what you wish for) it's hard not to be outraged and demoralized by the endless monstrosity just across the border.
I also find myself cutting back on the doom scrolling from time to time. But I always come back; it feels like I'm letting people down by sitting it out. No judgment on those who have to step back; I get it. But I have to stay plugged in to some degree. A nice mix of heartfelt (John) and angrily irreverent (Jeff Tiedrich, JoJo from Jerz) seems to work for me. Hang in there.
Thanks Andrew, you seem to be in control. I just wish he’d STFU. He knows nothing about Canadians - lifestyle, culture, joie de vivre and our respect for one another.
My husband and I have been watching PBS from 6-7. That’s all the news on for the evening.
Prayer and meditation helps and being with friends can help anxiety also. Being outside in the sunshine is good for you as well. Organic remedies are the best.
Definitely struggling with the balance of self preservation and keeping up with the orange clown show. It's affecting my health.
Don't let it! I walk daily, smile at people, eat healthy and don't allow myself to take in more BS than I can handle. Take care of yourself and don't give up either.
I am trying to find balance between "knowing and resisting" and taking breaks.
The one thing I thought I would never do is stop watching Stephen Colbert. It was my evening before-I-go-to-bed ritual. Then I'd lie awake for over an hour, all revved up and unable to calm enough to sleep. No more. I turn off the news after the weather and go to bed. Now I get the bad news in the morning (once) and have all day to either act on it or decide to ignore for now. Exercising on the treadmill helps, and I know when the weather gets better getting outside with make a huge difference. From being a news junkie to severely restricting what I take in mentally, I'm able to survive. It's akin to going on a strict diet for my diabetes. Both are essential and, so far, I'm still sane and still as healthy as can be.
Please give yourself permission to truly life does depend on it (stress can kill) and so does our democracy. Be kind to yourself...always.
Ditto, and I watch the early version of the news @10pm, then @10:30, turn on soothing music on a timer, turn off the light and I’m gone for the night enjoying a restful sleep
I’m the same. I love Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel and The Daily Show. Watched every night. Now many nights I start watching and then have to stop because it’s too upsetting. Just seeing or hearing Trump in clips or photos enrages me. How are we going to endure (at least) four years of this? I’m so tired of everything that makes life worthwhile, good, fun or secure being under attack by him and his regime. And he hasn’t even completed two full weeks. He is terrorizing us.
Self-care has to come first!
Jill, I am at my “Healer’s” right now. She has the “hands of light” energy that moves mine.
Believe me, the best money spent today.
Do not blame yourself… be your best Momma!!! And, John is correct. We must not normalize this 14 year old’s bullying needs. Demand something from those you pay their salaries…. Congress. This is unacceptable from any of us. How do we prove to our children that lying is a sin to self. Do not let any of the big media giants lie.
Oh boy, another hour at my healers!!!😜🥺😊🙏🏻👏🏻💕
Trauma, stress, grief
Me too! I feel obligated to keep up with his idiocy....but I am beyond frustrated.
Thank you. I find myself thinking of the many countries overcome by Roman armies and subject to predatory taxation and repression thereafter, not to mention genocidal actions. In one of those countries, Jesus of Nazareth lived a life of courage and of conscience, and it seems to me that anyone who reveres his life ought to try their best to embody those qualities, as well as love, faith and calling out the corrupt. Period.
I left any and all churches about 60 yeas ago. I am eager to have you, John, as my "preacher" ...I want this kind of sanity and moral reminders...Thank you so so much
I'm on board as well! 😃
We have to hang in there somehow. Which one do you have?
To Jill
Please call it UN-Christian White Nationalism!! Jesus wasn't even WHITE!
Each day, when I read your substack, what I feel most of all is ... "Thank you."
Thom Hartmann wrote a similar post on Substack this morning,, unfortunately main stream media and most of the Democratic Party seemed to "accept the horrors", as John Pavlovitz has written. Tom Snyder has also written extensively about acceptance and turning a blind eye. That is exactly what Maga and Trump wants and needs in order to continue their fascist attach on our Democracy. It is what Bullies do to their victims, scare them into submission. I also feel afraid. If nothing else one can always call their Senators and members of Congress or if they are also Bullies, call or write the DNC. I do it and it is very empowering.
My health is in the toilet.. Another perfect storm like 15 years ago when a perfect storm have me 5 illnesses at once.
Yesterday I was tested for 8 different illnesses including another autoimmune.
I'm in another storm.. It's all too much
I have fought Lyme disease for 40 years. Am now fighting long covid( highly similar). Pain runs my parts! But, the anger I carry toward those who weaponized ticks , read “Bitten” by Kris Newby. and the anger I have toward those , we the American people , pay to do the job of protecting our Constitution is pretty much another pain in the A_ _! But, the healing that comes from demanding these crooks be accountable and see them pay for their crimes is powerful. Keep doing what you can. Support “Public Citizen”.
“Common Cause”, those who do work for us in Congress. And again, John you are my healer too!!!!❤️🙏🏻👏🏻💕🥰😊
I get it Peggy. Autoimmune sufferer myself. I'm trying to take large breaks and, now that the weather has returned to normal, taking walks.
I've had so many stress ful things hit me and life changing losses and I try to manage my stress but something snapped in my brain along with black mold in house.. I'm breaking
😔 We're here to offer a shoulder and ear.
Thank you
We should expect nothing good to come out of this administration but we should also not normalize any of it.
The common lexicon is critical to marshal and reinvigorate a team opposed to the carnage we face. We must all do better to speak and to reinforce with the same phrases and slogans. My main point is that we face a common foe of psychopathic neo-fascists. These have an anti-social mental disorder, hence the cruelty. I have worked hard to promote the correct name for our foe: psychopathic neo-fascists. Thom Hartmann made a strong marketing point this morning. Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. If we want to gather and convince our voters of the value offered in our candidate and the platform, we must market with skill, integrity, and unified voices driving home the benefits that we envision and that we promise. Our hardest task before us is the need to rouse the DNC. I do not think it exists in reality, but is a virtual cloud. I believe it needs reconstruction to be a real organization, not some myth that vacuums up people’s change. I have tried for a week to contact someone there. What do you think?
I certainly resonate to your frustration and that of all the exhausted, frightened, enraged true patriots commenting herein.
FYI, this Saturday 2/1/2025, there will be an election of a NEW DNC Chairperson. Long-term Democratic strategist, Simon Rosenberg (founder of The Hopium Chronicles) has interviewed all the
(4 I think?) candidates. All are ready and worthy, IMO.
But my next 🩵Act Blue 🩵donation money is on Ben Wickler, who has had great success galvanizing energy and Democratic muscle in
Wisconsin in recent years.
“WIZDEMS” has essentially turned hide-bound red seats in state and national elections a beautiful shade of 🩵B🩵L🩵U🩵E.
I believe we will soon be seeing an energized leadership agenda, launching a blue wave 🌊🌊🌊of focused, DNC action.
It is verry difficult to plod on in these nightmarish, shattered, tattered terrifying times but please, let us not lose hope, all!!🌬️❄️☮️❄️
Whenever I see that he, DJT, is going to speak I turn the sound on mute. I read what he has said so I don't have to see or hear him. I know his act and it is bad. I love the substack as I find out a ton of things without hearing his massive exaggerations. I don't need that cluttering up my mind and frankly making me angry which is a massive waste of time and energy. I listen to people and read people who make sense and are independent thinkers and know stuff and nonsense from the truth. Yes I am angry about this but I am focusing on the mid terms and writing the Dems to FIND A VOICE. Keeps me centered.
When I was training to become a psychotherapist and working in an inner city crisis clinic, I learned how to develop a thicker skin and to compartmentalize because I came home every night crying with feelings of hopelessness. These are skills that are serving me well now as I compartmentalize the atrocities visited on this nation at this time (I can hear the hob-nailed boots marching on the street!) and being in control of my little corner of the universe where I make the decision, daily, to "be kind and do the right thing." That's what I can do now. I await the concrete organization of resistance so I can join the underground as my predecessors did during World War II. I am 86 and cannot be a leader, but I am alive and eager to follow! War has been declared. As Edmund Burke said: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing."
“Be kind and do the right thing.” At 81 I can do that too, as well as follow the rest of your excellent advice. Thank you.
I am so angry today I can't function. I feel no gratefulness. I feel no hope. I just feel threatened and TICKED OFF at everyone who voted for this regime to take over our country and silence anyone who does not agree. What will tomorrow bring? Somehow i survived 4 years of this how will I survive? Seriously?
There is, indeed, no such thing as "other people's children," just as there is no such thing as other people's climate change, other people's pandemics.... it's a matter of psycho-spiritual-moral maturity to understand this. Any right-wing so-called "Christians" do not. They are stalled in an immature view, not yet anywhere near the Jesus vision for this world.
My choosing to move to a paid subscription is my way to “Transform all that outrage and grief and sickness into a fitting and visible response….” Thank you, John, for the call to be our better selves—always.
It’s difficult to not be overwhelmed by the constant verbal assault that we endure on a daily basis from the incompetent fools. I am grateful for John’s soothing words and suggested coping mechanisms to help reduce the stress of the craziness that’s going on at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. As well, I’m reducing my daily consumption of the 6 Substacks to which I subscribe. I can only do what I can do.
I hear you, CAM. Even up here in the Great White North (the biggest blue state that T...P has ever seen - careful what you wish for) it's hard not to be outraged and demoralized by the endless monstrosity just across the border.
I also find myself cutting back on the doom scrolling from time to time. But I always come back; it feels like I'm letting people down by sitting it out. No judgment on those who have to step back; I get it. But I have to stay plugged in to some degree. A nice mix of heartfelt (John) and angrily irreverent (Jeff Tiedrich, JoJo from Jerz) seems to work for me. Hang in there.
Thanks Andrew, you seem to be in control. I just wish he’d STFU. He knows nothing about Canadians - lifestyle, culture, joie de vivre and our respect for one another.
My husband and I have been watching PBS from 6-7. That’s all the news on for the evening.
Prayer and meditation helps and being with friends can help anxiety also. Being outside in the sunshine is good for you as well. Organic remedies are the best.
Very good advice. Thank you.