Years ago I taught a class called "Why Good People Do Nothing." Admittedly, the title was a fake-out: it's easy as can be to talk about others' inaction, but the real work is examining and restrengthening our own self-motivation. I'd like to explore that more.
The reality is that with every breath we “do something.” The challenge we confront is what that breath can most effectively accomplish for the good of ourselves and others. If we empathize the word “and” in the preceding sentence, there is a probability, I hope and suggest, that our collective trillions of breaths will be used to change the culture in which we are now living to one in which all creation is respected, honored, and working together for the good of all of us. Creating, supporting and maintaining a culture of resistance to manifested evil surely must be a goal, but the resulting culture must be one that embraces justice, compassion and empathy for all parts of creation, certainly including but not limited to human beings of all “noble” persuasions.
I wanted to select all of the above. I feel like I am just dangling in they abyss..... I read your words and they resonate with how I am feeling, at least for the moment. Seriously, one minute laughing, another crying...all with the underlying of rage and sorrow for what is happening. I didn't know I could feel so many things at the exact same time but her I am doing just that. I appreciate you John Pavlovitz, more than you could know. You do not sugar coat or give platitudes that just fall flat in these times and your words validate and help me navigate the cruelty and insanity. If you feel your way through the world, these are extremely hard times. Thank you.
I also have a mixed suggestion. I am grieving my country’s demise (dealing with grieving) , and need to know what to do about it (tangible activism) and I really need to be with others of the same political persuasion for support. The first time around with Trump, I learned to cut myself off from MAGAS in my life, so that is over, but I need to know how to handle witnessing their felonies, cruelty, lies and hate. Being an empathetic person is something I can’t change, but I need techniques just to handle feeling bad about everything and everyone.
How to cultivate meaningful resistance in ourselves and others. Especially for those of us that are senior citizens and feel so threatened about cuts to our Social Security and Medicare.
As a fellow writer and activist, I send you solidarity and support. It is fucking hard to be a leader when one feels so personally threatened and destroyed. You are processing that through your writing, as creators do. I wrote to encourage you to give yourself what you need in this space. Plenty of others will need that, too. As you work through it, you will likely find a new vein of strength to mine for leadership and advocacy.
I've been feeling physically sick because of the grief and rage I feel. Every day is a roller coaster. All of those topics are good. Activism is frightening to me because I am very shy and despise crowds. Our Arizona senators are both Democrats, as are our governor and attorney general. I'm not sure that contacting them would change anything. Our Representative is a Trumper, and I doubt he would be moved or even care about anything I say. Whichever you choose I am sure it will be very interesting and helpful.
Your Democratic senators really appreciate thank yous. I write mine to strengthen them to continue to do right (and to call them out on bad votes). Contact your republican rep and tell them what you want. They keep tallies. We don't want only Republicans calling! I often call after hours and leave messages to avoid speaking to a staffer.
I’m stunned after yesterday’s non-response by the Democrats to SOTU. We told them what to do. We called, protested, emailed, but they ignored us.
Yes, there were some (too few) who knew the assignment. But most just acquiesced to the GOP, as they’ve been doing for decades.
That’s why I picked “dealing with grief”.
Keep moving. Keep praying. Keep loving. It's who we are.
I agree. Surrounded by grief both personally and politically. I agree with Lee. XO
Years ago I taught a class called "Why Good People Do Nothing." Admittedly, the title was a fake-out: it's easy as can be to talk about others' inaction, but the real work is examining and restrengthening our own self-motivation. I'd like to explore that more.
The reality is that with every breath we “do something.” The challenge we confront is what that breath can most effectively accomplish for the good of ourselves and others. If we empathize the word “and” in the preceding sentence, there is a probability, I hope and suggest, that our collective trillions of breaths will be used to change the culture in which we are now living to one in which all creation is respected, honored, and working together for the good of all of us. Creating, supporting and maintaining a culture of resistance to manifested evil surely must be a goal, but the resulting culture must be one that embraces justice, compassion and empathy for all parts of creation, certainly including but not limited to human beings of all “noble” persuasions.
I wanted to select all of the above. I feel like I am just dangling in they abyss..... I read your words and they resonate with how I am feeling, at least for the moment. Seriously, one minute laughing, another crying...all with the underlying of rage and sorrow for what is happening. I didn't know I could feel so many things at the exact same time but her I am doing just that. I appreciate you John Pavlovitz, more than you could know. You do not sugar coat or give platitudes that just fall flat in these times and your words validate and help me navigate the cruelty and insanity. If you feel your way through the world, these are extremely hard times. Thank you.
I want to hang out in abiding calm to best respond to all that is happening.
I also have a mixed suggestion. I am grieving my country’s demise (dealing with grieving) , and need to know what to do about it (tangible activism) and I really need to be with others of the same political persuasion for support. The first time around with Trump, I learned to cut myself off from MAGAS in my life, so that is over, but I need to know how to handle witnessing their felonies, cruelty, lies and hate. Being an empathetic person is something I can’t change, but I need techniques just to handle feeling bad about everything and everyone.
How to cultivate meaningful resistance in ourselves and others. Especially for those of us that are senior citizens and feel so threatened about cuts to our Social Security and Medicare.
I'm on Social Security and Medicare and working p/t. I'm concerned about what my future will bring with Musk and Donnie in charge. It's haunting.
As a fellow writer and activist, I send you solidarity and support. It is fucking hard to be a leader when one feels so personally threatened and destroyed. You are processing that through your writing, as creators do. I wrote to encourage you to give yourself what you need in this space. Plenty of others will need that, too. As you work through it, you will likely find a new vein of strength to mine for leadership and advocacy.
I've been feeling physically sick because of the grief and rage I feel. Every day is a roller coaster. All of those topics are good. Activism is frightening to me because I am very shy and despise crowds. Our Arizona senators are both Democrats, as are our governor and attorney general. I'm not sure that contacting them would change anything. Our Representative is a Trumper, and I doubt he would be moved or even care about anything I say. Whichever you choose I am sure it will be very interesting and helpful.
Your Democratic senators really appreciate thank yous. I write mine to strengthen them to continue to do right (and to call them out on bad votes). Contact your republican rep and tell them what you want. They keep tallies. We don't want only Republicans calling! I often call after hours and leave messages to avoid speaking to a staffer.
Tangible activism! Thank you for all you do. 🙏🏻
Guess I know what my Lenten discipline is going to be -- and this year, it's a FUN one!
Yeah, I can do these.
I need practical activism strategies. The Democratic Party, at this point, seems impotent.
I want to explore how we love our enemies.
Faith shift would be my second
Yep! Sadly, I'm right there with you..... :-(
As a pastor I'd like to hear your reflections on how we find what Jesus is calling to me to do in the midst of this continual chaos and grief.
I look forward to these whichever you pick. Thank you for being present for so many of us.
I'm torn between political relationship divides and tangible activism. I think the activism gets a slight nod.
I woudl second tangible activities. BUt right now, my soul needs food and I've strayed from my faith body because of MAGA infiltration.