Project 2025 and the End of America
The Conservative plan to eliminate Democracy in the coming year
We don’t have to speculate on the sociopathy of MAGA Conservatives. They have put it all in writing.
PROJECT 2025 outlines in precise and sickening detail, the Republican Evangelical plan to swiftly thrust America into full-on theocracy and dismantle every legislative protection and democratic process put in place to prevent the marriage of Church and State.
Project 2025 seeks to immediately establish a police-state, permanently
stripping away decades of civil and human rights.
Their simply staggering stated authoritarian agenda includes:
- Banning abortion nationwide and tracking all pregnancy-related procedures
- Virtually eliminating birth control access
- Defunding the Department of Justice and destroying the FBI
- Gutting the EPA
- Blocking all gender-affirming care
- Firing 50,000 civil service workers
- Eliminating the Department of Education
- Breaking up the Department of Homeland Security
- Purging the government of anyone deemed “disloyal” to Trump.
- Criminalizing talking about transgender people
- Banning all DEI initiatives and any words related to gender, sexual, and
racial equality
- Giving presidential control of the FCC, meaning all media communications
- Condemning single motherhood and same-sex marriage
- Identifying and de-platforming all “woke” writers, speakers, news outlets,
business, organizations, however it defines the term.
- Installing their President permanently.
Honestly, this is only a brief segment of Conservatives’ plans, which I encourage you to read yourself.
From Project 2025 itself:
“It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and
the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration.”
Friends, this is as dangerous and anti-democracy as it gets—and we’d all better wake the hell up and fight it together.
I've been a pastor in the church for over two decades, much of that in predominantly white churches in the American South.
I've spent countless hours in church staff meetings and men's Bible studies and youth pastor conferences.
I've stayed connected on social media with thousands of people still there in those churches. I read what they share and post and amplify and I know how they think and what they believe.
I need you to understand something and I say it without any hyperbole: white Evangelicals need to be stopped, now.
If the coming elections allow Republicans to implement Project 2025, Conservative Christians will decimate this nation, and LGBTQ people, Muslims, women, people of color, and non-Christians will never have equality under the law again. We will all be at their mercy—and they will no longer have use for mercy.
This is not alarmist, sky-is-falling histrionics, it is the clear and sober forecast from someone who knows these people better than anyone. These are not followers of Jesus despite the trappings and window dressing. They are Jesus-less extremists: blind zealots for nothing but power. They have been conditioned by decades of polluted theology and FoxNews alternative facts to see diversity as a threat, to see progress as attacks on America, and to interpret more people being treated with dignity, as oppression of white people.
We won't recover from the theocracy Evangelicals are constructing once it is established. If we fail in the upcoming election, they will have a political power that will render every election null and void and we will never have a voice again in our lifetimes.
Women will lose autonomy over their own bodies.
LGBTQ people will have the rights to marry and adopt taken away.
People of color will be fully squeezed out of the electoral process.
Immigrants will be denied access to opportunity and refuge here.
These are not creative projections. They are precisely what Evangelicals have repeatedly stated as their intentions, and they're closer than they've ever been to having a rubber stamp.
We can still stop it, though.
We just need a unity and coordination that transcends theirs.
We need a sustained, passionate, dedicated defense of humanity that rivals their relentless assaults on it.
We've seen this scene play out throughout history and we know how it ends.
We know what unchecked religious extremism is capable of and we know the cost of
the silence and inaction of good people.
We also know what people are capable of when they refuse to accept fascism and white supremacy cloaked in the Bible and wrapped in the flag, when they fight for something inherently good together.
As someone who knows just how much these Christians have lost the plot of their faith tradition, believe me when I tell you that they cannot be allowed to steer this nation. It will not end well for the disparate people who call it home or who one day wish to.
Please read Project 2025. Talk about it. Write about it.
Share it with your family members and friends who say both parties are the same.
Share it with your friends planning on voting third party or opting out.
We have a few months to get this right.
Love and equity and diversity are in the balance.
Democracy is hanging by the thinnest of threads, and that thread is our votes.
It's time we made a choice to save this place.
It may be the last one we get.
I’m writing about the Christo-fascist language and goals of Project 2025 here on Substack. We break it down into small daily bits and talk about their proposals will impact every American.
Thanks you for attacking Project 2025 head on. Several months ago, I downloaded the entire plan (it’s still growing) and have been reading everything I can about how America will be destroyed by people who are the very opposite of what they outwardly pretend to be and the unrestrained lengths they will go to break down our country and “rebuild a new nation under god.”
Just one thought, well maybe two! The entire plan wrangles and corrals every minority plus the marginalized and falsely demonized citizens and immigrants within our borders. Every aspect of the plan is prepared to eliminate our civil rights and exalt the self-proclaimed “good? christians. We must protect those who will be immediately physically and mentally tortured by the new U.S. government. But be aware that for every aspect of the plan to work - every citizen will need to be immediately identified as an enemy or an ally. Hitler started by making Jews wear the Star of David. Will we be required to wear a special name tag or will we be tattooed with numbers or symbols? And who will decide what group you and your family falls into.
While Project 2025 provides us with a clear roadmap to many ways our daily lives will change, there will be literally thousands of unforeseen actions and reactions arising from such a cruel subjugation. The very core of our government will be eroded and filled with loyal sycophants. Americans won’t know who to trust and most of us will fight back in some manner. Peaceful protests will be squashed and violence will erupt. We’re Americans and we won’t go quietly into the night.
My last take is that this isn’t a Left vs. Right thing everyone will involved. It won’t just be schools, libraries, drag clubs and medical offices that will change. It will be Taylor Swift and Beyonce being banned, no movies except G or PG rated, more books than you could imagine will be burned, all news media will be under their control, TV will run propaganda instead of commercials, clothing manufacturers won’t be making crop tops or short skirts, there might even be mandatory church attendance and for sure, our children will be made to pray and read the Bible daily, school curriculums will eliminate women’s history, Black history and anything about non-white culture.
And probably the hardest thing of all - Americans will be disarmed unless they have been approved by the Government to own and operate a weapon.They cannot risk anyone rebelling.
Welcome to the New America run by Trump, MAGA and Christian Nationalists and many of us will have allowed it to happen.