I’m writing about the Christo-fascist language and goals of Project 2025 here on Substack. We break it down into small daily bits and talk about their proposals will impact every American.

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Andra I discovered your substack recently and it is an excellent primer on Project 2025. I endorse it wholeheartedly! Folks like you and John are doing the hard daily work of informing the public about the absolutely crazy dangerous time we are all sharing now, appreciate you!

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Thank you for supporting this work, Tee Ree.

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Thanks you for attacking Project 2025 head on. Several months ago, I downloaded the entire plan (it’s still growing) and have been reading everything I can about how America will be destroyed by people who are the very opposite of what they outwardly pretend to be and the unrestrained lengths they will go to break down our country and “rebuild a new nation under god.”

Just one thought, well maybe two! The entire plan wrangles and corrals every minority plus the marginalized and falsely demonized citizens and immigrants within our borders. Every aspect of the plan is prepared to eliminate our civil rights and exalt the self-proclaimed “good? christians. We must protect those who will be immediately physically and mentally tortured by the new U.S. government. But be aware that for every aspect of the plan to work - every citizen will need to be immediately identified as an enemy or an ally. Hitler started by making Jews wear the Star of David. Will we be required to wear a special name tag or will we be tattooed with numbers or symbols? And who will decide what group you and your family falls into.

While Project 2025 provides us with a clear roadmap to many ways our daily lives will change, there will be literally thousands of unforeseen actions and reactions arising from such a cruel subjugation. The very core of our government will be eroded and filled with loyal sycophants. Americans won’t know who to trust and most of us will fight back in some manner. Peaceful protests will be squashed and violence will erupt. We’re Americans and we won’t go quietly into the night.

My last take is that this isn’t a Left vs. Right thing everyone will involved. It won’t just be schools, libraries, drag clubs and medical offices that will change. It will be Taylor Swift and Beyonce being banned, no movies except G or PG rated, more books than you could imagine will be burned, all news media will be under their control, TV will run propaganda instead of commercials, clothing manufacturers won’t be making crop tops or short skirts, there might even be mandatory church attendance and for sure, our children will be made to pray and read the Bible daily, school curriculums will eliminate women’s history, Black history and anything about non-white culture.

And probably the hardest thing of all - Americans will be disarmed unless they have been approved by the Government to own and operate a weapon.They cannot risk anyone rebelling.

Welcome to the New America run by Trump, MAGA and Christian Nationalists and many of us will have allowed it to happen.

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I also believe that if trump wins and the evangelicals get their way? It will be the gun totin' evangelicals that will be trump's henchmen going from door to door... pretty scary...

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Give the wrong people the power and watch destruction and death unfold.

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Insane doesn't begin to cover this. They ignore how this would play out for them as well-this 'christian' utopia will be hell on earth for all of them. They don't want to take us back to the 1800's-they're aiming for the middle ages, where the church controlled everything and 'heretics/heathens' were tortured and killed. They didn't ignore the founding fathers, they spit on their graves...and worse.

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Amazing that these MAGAt people accuse the “Libs” are taking away their rights. This gaslighting propaganda is being force fed by MAGAT “freedom” networks and the Orange Clown Cult leader. I’m really sick of using quotation marks because what they are selling is pure Hitleresque BS.

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We, the people, are providing the tax-exempt status for the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation is promoting extremely dangerous doctrine to destroy our governmental institutions and to promote a smelling to high-heaven from the sewers-of-hell version of a religious mandate that is wrapped in God and Country to create a two-class system in the United States. In 2001, two months before 9/11, Eric Heubeck, a protege of Paul Weyrich, gave a speech on how the ELITE would overtake the government. These wealthy, influential, acolytes of Weyrich needed a playbook and Heubeck's speech on the New Traditionalist Movement (aka Trumpism/MAGA) gave detailed examples of how the ELITE would use human behavior machinations to control the MASSES. The masses were framed as less than, not as important. Simpletons comes to mind on how the Elite viewed the masses. Heubeck said the masses didn't know what they wanted so the ELITE would lead them to what it was they desired. A lot of strongman imagery (for example, Hitler) is sprinkled throughout the speech. I think Trump is the obnoxious tool of the movement, but the ELITE did not believe the masses would respond so well to him. Weyrich also believed in a shadow government to have a controlling hand in all GOP administrations. Many people are unaware that the first Mandate for Leadership from the Heritage Foundation was given to Reagan. He was praised for implementing over 60 percent of the objectives set out by the Heritage Foundation. Weyrich was a co-founder of the Heritage Foundation in 1973. Eight years later the first of Republican administrations would be encouraged and guided in implementing as many of the Heritage Foundation's hard-right policies as possible. I highly recommend that people read Heubeck's speech on the New Traditionalist Movement. Why read Hitler's plans when we have our own U.S. version?


In case anyone doubts that the Heritage Foundation is coloring way outside the lines in following laws that govern nonprofits, I implore you to read its memo on launching its Oversight Project to expose the Biden Administration and the Southern Border. The objective of the Project was to provide damning information to federal, state, and local conservative leaders. This leads me to believe Jim Jordan and James Comer are receiving the Project's less-than-stellar findings directly from the Heritage Foundation. That may be why they both hold their sources so close to the chest. Democrats on the U.S. House Oversight Committees should ask Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation to speak under oath about if the Heritage's Oversight Project has provided "evidence" to Jordan and Comer. Maybe Roberts could also be asked why he believes the Heritage Foundation should maintain its tax-exempt status since it is clearly working against the good of the people and our Democracy.


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Listen to John!!

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The most of us are just not able to read 900 pages and type out a brief summary. If you have the time to do it, please give us a good summary starting with what you posted here.

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Thank you so much for what you're doing, John. Your clear and cogent writing has made it so much easier for me to articulate to some of my evangelical relatives exactly what is going on. They tend not to trust me because I have fallen out of favor due to my distaste for organized religion and my straying from my patriarchal roots. But they are willing to at least listen to and read something from a Christian pastor that they would regard with fear and suspicion were it to come from my own mouth. Thank you for that.

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I agree that in various ways we’ll all be tagged. The federal database for pregnant women has already been discussed in the most hateful states. Young girls may be targeted as potential “pregnant women”. So will doctors be required to turn us in to the government if they do a pregnancy test? What happens if you have a miscarriage? Technically a miscarriage is an abortion. Will you have to prove is was a natural spontaneous miscarriage? Are we going to have to get tattoos so we can be scanned to report that we may be traveling to get an abortion? Will young girls have to enroll upon their first period so they can follow us to menopause?

Imaging all the arduous rules we will have to comply with just to live.

Thanks for becoming informed. Project 2025 is so radical people don’t believe it could be true. Millions and millions of dollars and dozens of ultra-conservative organizations have spent years researching and building this plan.If Trump doesn’t win. The Heritage Foundation is going to keep fine tuning it until the next time the conditions are right . You’ll also realize that some parts of the plan are already being pushed in a few red states.

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