John, this really clarifies what Michelle Obama said last week. “Do something”! No one has the luxury of being complacent. It is wrong to NOT vote. At the very least besides voting, we need to encourage family, friends, neighbors and even strangers to vote. First step is to make sure you are registered.

Vote. org

A place to check your registration, even the ability to register online ( tell others about it), and they will also let you know who is on your respective ballot. The only way there will be a BLUE 🌊 is if we all are involved. We owe it, not only to ourselves, but to the generations to come. As Kamala stated so beautifully, “we are not going back. They’re not taking us back. Our fight for the FUTURE is also a fight for FREEDOM.”

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Thank you, Monica!

Yes, this is a time when we each need to leverage our voices, resources, times, and circles of influence to tip the scales back toward liberty for everyone.

Be encouraged!

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I 100% agree with you. Whether I have an abortion should only be between me, my medical provider and God. No one else should be involved as to whether or not I can have one, and there are clear times when it should be done. The GOP is now trying to walk back their nationwide ban, but I am also confident they are lying. After all, a man who lies 160 times in 64 minutes and over 40,000 times since he took office is OF COURSE lying to us now. You can tell because his lips are moving. Vote blue down the ticket!

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Absolutely excellent, beautiful fully engaged Father!!!! Thank you for putting these necessary issues up and out into the public mind set.

I am overwhelmed with how well this letter hit my own heart.

When I was a junior in college my boyfriend and I became pregnant. His words,” I’m the first in my family to go to college…. I don’t want to quit and or get married now”. My thoughts:” Are you kidding???? get married???? I have my whole life ahead of me, I am not going to have a child!”With the law out lawing abortion in 1967 , and with the full support of my parents I went to Mexico , had the procedure and came home with a blood infection. I went into the hospital where my American doctor said” why didn’t you tell me, I would have done that for you!”

No one, no one , no one should be deciding personal , private issues for an individual except that individual.

Two very young people were faced with a terrifying situation. Both went on into life after graduating and made something of themselves.

May the first thing we demand in this country be the right to vote without any illegal mucking up of that procedure. We went to the moon…. Didn’t we?

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First off, it is and has always been the church that has been the most abusive of children and women. Next the politicians who are in charge are also responsible for abusing children, wanting child brides, especially very young girls, 9-10 year old to have babies….WTF!!! But they are the law and order party. Didn’t they just busted a Judge for trafficking children, seriously?!!!

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Let's "Do something" Your words are so encouraging - Get out and vote!

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A while ago a woman commented that the young people Gen Z are not doing enough. I responded that I’d seen plenty of Gen Z sites supporting Gen Z voting participation and rather than cranky whining our responsibility is to invite these groups in and support them.

Yesterday I picked up my 8 year old twin grandsons to watch them since school

had not started yet.

They talked my ear off about the election and I was stunned and thrilled but I was wondering since they’re years younger than Gen Z what would this group be called.

Let’s hear it for our diverse group of voters of all ages, ethnicities, races, and religions who will vote. It’s the patriotic thing to do.

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Amen, amen, amen!!!

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Imagine that, in America 2024 Republican pious politicians and SCOTUS have the audacity to rape female bodies of their autonomy! This is so wrong on so many levels! This ideology is dark, mean, medieval and frivolous. These assholes are dangerous and need to be vanquished ASAP!

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