Thank you John, exactly what we're trying to do with our "Ride For Liberty" motorcycle group. Our motto: "We the people ride for liberty and justice for all." We've all got work to do until November. Then we can catch our breath for a little while I hope.

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I fervently hope that you are correct, that a vast number of we the People show up and vote for the promotion of the continuation of a more perfect union!

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You are so inspiring!! Thank you for your daily encouragement!!

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Everyday felonious don spews more lies and hatred.

I(we) have to continually bring up Project 2025 and show the horrors of the republicans platform. His speech about Christians - vote and this will be the last time you will have to vote. Then he says I am not a Christian. IMO that is the only truth he has spoken!

We have to do everything possible to preserve our Democracy. It’s an all in battle. Only then can we leave

don in the dust…. Thank you for having a way to always calm me down and let me take a deep breath, John.

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Yes we the people can and will make the right decisions for our country. We won’t stand by and watch our country become a place where the rich take advantage of a deranged bunch of idiots like trump and his cronies. We the people will prevail and keep America free.

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They've put so many obstacles in the path to casting a ballot. We must recognize that and make sure we get everyone to vote regardless. It will be the hardest part of this campaign. We can do this.

We need to vote in such huge numbers that there will be no denying the election was fair and safe.

(Because they're already trying declare it invalid. Anyone surprised?)

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Throughout our history disparate groups with common interests and values have allowed themselves to be divided by our cultural viruses of racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, etc. These are in turn exploited by the power elites to keep a powerful majority from coming together against them.

Once again John shines a light into the darkness. But defeating MAGA-trumpism will take more than defeating him. Red states must be flipped as well. That Trumpism represents a minority has to be proven by the majority of which John speaks. This is the place, and now is the time for a second rebirth of Freedom so that government of the people, by the people, and for all people shall not perish from this earth.

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“…we can still save this flawed but promising experiment in liberty, and find out what it might be capable of if the full expanse of humanity was welcomed at the table for the first time.”

So beautifully stated!

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You hit it on the head...and when the Dems unified almost instantly around Kamela, after two weeks of seemingly tearing themselves apart, I felt the ground shift. No more desperate anxiety that Biden just HAD to win, to an overwhelming, energizing belief that Harris WILL win. All the outpouring of folks in online organizing calls, all the funds raised...shows that we all feel this! Go get them, Kamela!

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Lovely article John…but these rich billionaires having been doing undemocratic things for decades! Their maggots are ready, are the Democratic Party of lazy ass whiny white men…who also don’t want to give up power. Shithole America has a white man problem! You are all destroying our world! Step down and let ANYBODY but a white man take power! I’m Kalm..ala lmao

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Marg KJ's comment above does reflect the national history of 'rich white men rule' politics. The proof is almost always in the 'next steps' taken by retiring Congresspersons who leave 'public service' to descend to the depths of lobbying, a paid propaganda term for selling influence in the halls of democracy. Were lobbying to be outlawed following an elected term, the laws passed would result from actual debate and considered cooperation among the various sides. No more blanket party refusals (get that, Mitch?). IMO, this article from Pavlovitz summarizes eons of teaching attempts that should have taken place in schools across the land when the topic was simply 'governance by the people', and all the varying types of Gerrymandering would be outlawed by a 'real SCOTUS.'

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I sincerely pray you are correct. Living in a MAGA community and state all I hear is DT and the "truth" he brings for all. (I can't believe I just typed that). The word Christian has gotten so bent out of shape than the Jesus I know it is barely recognizable and it appears the "fight" has just begun. I am usually an idealist, but I can honestly say this saddens me greatly and I am clinging to the hope that most Americans can "have ears to hear" and see the Truth. God Bless your writing and path.

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