Thank you for your voice and inspiration. Every word of this rings true. I will be voting for Democratic candidates up and down my ballot because it is the only sane and ethical thing to do. I’ve always voted for mostly Democratic candidates, but in this particular election, it is the equivalent of throwing a life raft to a drowning society.

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Well said, John.

But, They (aka "we") will have responses to each of those points.

"Affordable healthcare" - why should we pay for someone else's healthcare?

"Public schools" - full of woke indoctinators, wait until we bring mandatory King James prayer back to the schools

"sexual identity"? - perverts, who cares?

"voting" - gotta Stop the Steal by Those People

"school shootings" - lock all the doors, add metal detectors, arm the school staff

"opportunity" - they need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps

"elder care" - maybe their grandkids can take care of them

"climate change" - a woke hoax

There is no convincing his cult. The best we can hope for words of reason, like yours, will convince those in the middle to vote for sanity, instead of sitting this one out. That, and an overwhelming turn-out by Democrats.

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I agree that we have a sad state of political affairs on our hands, but we can't give up. And yes, words of reason and middle-ground voters who might listen to them are our only hope. Trump is popular with less educated and angry voters in the U.S. in the same way that Hitler was popular with many Germans. They paint the people who aren't with them as dangerous enemies who aim to topple the senseless hierarchy that is designed by the extreme Right. Spend less on education, vilify and imprison more BPOC, promote divisiveness and keep women and BPOC from chipping away at the so-called birthright of white men to hold power. We need a win! Especially a win that puts an intelligent, experienced, and reasonably moderate woman of color in the White House. But we all remember what happened to Hillary Clinton's "sure win" over an idiotic and hateful clown.

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Everything they say is the opposite of truth. In truth they are the pro-death party. Maybe even a death cult.

Living in a very red state, I am so tired of the endless trying to justify things that they know are hate based for you know, reasons!

I’m for freedom over caring for my self, my body and my family. And I still believe in my fellow humans enough to believe that We Shall Overcome in this election and into the future. We can do this!

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Yes Tee, you said it. I was going to, but then I read your comment and just will say AGREED.

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I can’t stand that saying either!!! Everyone is Pro Life! I don’t feel anyone decides to just say, I want to abort my baby, especially later in their wombs! But we are I also Pro choice, because we do not want our daughters, families, friends, being told by ANY other person in Government, regulating mandatory rules, on what they can do with their bodies, per their decisions they have to make with their doctors, and what they need for treatments , or making tough medical decisions. This is just so deplorable!! The ones saying Pro Life, actually think we all want to have abortions, especially later in the womb! It’s easy to be Pro Life!! They don’t have to do anything physical on their part! Maybe try adopting all the born children that need homes!!!! Maybe help the ones that come in at the borders with their fleeing parents, and got torn away from their parents, and can’t even get back to them! We are definitely supposed to separate church and state according to our Constitution, correct? So why are some trying to go around that, just to go with their religious agenda??? SMDH!! 😔

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If the pro-life discussion arises, I listen, then I respectfully ask: Just one question...how many children have you adopted? The reactions are as priceless & almost as good as a bucket of ice water!

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Exactly!!! That’s why it is incredible how many people use it, as a way to use their religious agenda. I even had someone, who I thought was a friend a long time ago, say “if anyone says, it’s my body my choice, and that you don’t put life of the unborn first, for any reason, I don’t want to know you”. That’s a very generic statement for something, that isn’t so black and white! She was able to be a surrogate for another couple. I thought that was definitely amazing, and a total selfless act to carry a baby for nine months, for a couple, who couldn’t have a baby on their own. Of course, even though ALL of our rights, especially women’s rights can be demolished, if Trump gets in as President, I am most definite, that SHE is voting for him, and totally drinking the cult Kool Aide. It’s soooo, scary!! 😔

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WOW! To this scenario I have to borrow a line from Coach: "Mind your own damn business!" Agree to the super scary as well :(

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I've adopted two children, thank you. I didn't do it because many Americans are anti-choice. I did it for the love of my children and for the joyous chance to create a family for myself and for two sweet 4-year-olds who would benefit from being raised by a loving parent. As far as I know, I was capable of having birth children - as my mother and sisters did, but I didn't opt for that. I chose to adopt. Unlike the teenager who allowed me to adopt her babies, I could keep them housed and fed and make sure that they got a good education.

What I didn't know was that my kids have FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders). I knew about FAS and FASD, and I hoped that their teen birth mom had not been drinking. I love my kids, but one of them will not be able to live independently as an adult and the other will need some accommodations and supports.. This means that after I'm gone, at least one of my kids will live in a group home. More than the challenges of raising kids with special needs, this is what breaks my heart about the disability that is 100% avoidable. If a woman drinks, she and her partner(s) need to use very reliable birth control. If a woman discovers that she is pregnant and she has been drinking - even occasionally and only moderately - she needs to stop having any alcohol for the balance of her pregnancy (and while breastfeeding if she plans to do that).

Please note that most children who are available for adoption have also had traumatic experiences in their early lives. Trauma literally leaves physical traces in the child's developing brain, and the effects of that cause a lot of suffering for any child or adult affected by early childhood trauma. These kids have trouble with self-regulation, often even as adults. Also, many adoptable kids - through foster care, international adoption, or private adoption - have been prenatally exposed to alcohol and perhaps street drugs.

Did you know that alcohol is the single most dangerous drug for a developing embryo or fetus? Alcohol is a teratogen, which means that it interferes with (disrupts) fetal development. The brain is the one organ that develops throughout the nine months of pregnancy, so it is the organ that is most likely to be damaged by prenatal exposure to alcohol at any point in the pregnancy. If you adopt a child whose parent/s lost custody due to neglect and/or abuse, it's quite likely that the child experienced prenatal exposure to drugs and alcohol. Even with a private adoption, you won't know. Alcohol is the most dangerous drug of all for a developing embryo/fetus because it is a teratogen. It's even more dangerous for a fetus than heroin or crack cocaine. Alcohol is also the most commonly used drug in the U.S. and many other countries. And the fact is that few parents who lose custody of their young children have been leading clean, healthy lives. Kids are removed from their parents' custody because the parents were not capable or perhaps not willing to keep their kids safe and to care for them. Even potential adoptive parents might not know that most people who have an FASD don't have the characteristic facial dysmorphia of FAS because that occurs only with the embryo is exposed to alcohol relatively early in pregnancy - often before a woman knows that she is pregnant. So, yes, adoption is an option, but most adoptable kids don't get matched with adoptive parents, and those parents cannot be certain that the kids were born from a healthy, drug and alcohol-free pregnancy.

The fact that adopted kids have far higher rates of FASD is not usually mentioned by social workers hoping to place kids whose parents have lost custody of them. I don't regret adopting my kids. I can't regret it. They are my children just as much as if I'd given birth to them. Sometimes I think of how glad I am that I didn't know that my kids had FASD. As an older parent and a woman with a demanding career, I know that I would have taken a pass on adopting them and they would have aged out of orphanage care with no family (or at least no family members who were sober) in a country where most Black people live in poverty and their kids go to severely underfunded schools. My kids are MY kids - loved by me as any good parent loves their kids. I can't imagine life without them! But I can imagine how much easier their lives would be if their birth mother hadn't used alcohol while she was pregnant.

I have always been staunchly pro-choice, but as my life choices demonstrate, I was not averse to having children. Still, the fact remains that not having a choice about pregnancy and birth puts women and their children at risk in many different ways. A pregnant woman whose fetus has one or more serious defects has a far higher chance of pregnancy complications that could harm or kill her. These might be complications during a pregnancy or during birth. A single mom and her children might live in poverty because it's hard to juggle parenting and working full-time, especially if you're a single parent and can't afford daycare, which is expensive even in the budget of a middle class couple. Sure, birth fathers are required by law to help support their child(ren), but it is difficult and costly to enforce those laws, especially if the father leaves the state or even the county where the mother and his child(ren) reside. The New York Times magazine reported on 11/22/2009 that 40% of dads were helping support their birth children. If a man moves to another state or opts to work for pay "under the table," the state can't pursue him for child support. But even for bio dads who are gainfully employed, it's hard to force them to help support their kid(s). Doing so often involves more red tape than Social Services in some states and counties can commit for every dad who skips out on child support. The is one reason that abortion should be safe and legal up until fetal viability. Perhaps the fact that it will be your tax dollars supporting many of the kids women have been forced to carry their fetus to term and give birth would sway your stance on this issue? My sense is that people who are anti-choice are 1) anti-women in general, and 2) become apoplectic at the thought of paying to help single moms raise the kids they were forced to bear. So please understand that pregnant women need choices.

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PLEASE share this great post on Facebook.

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I have two daughters who will be voting in their first election this November. I'm praying that the first president of their adult lives will be Kamala Harris, a woman of color (like my young adult children) who sees them and young people like them, who validates equality, and who has the best interests of all Americans, including women and BPOC at heart. Trump is a conman in everything he does, including politics for money and power. He also prefers that the masses be less educated because the lack of critical thinking skills in much of that demographic makes them easy prey prey for demagogues and shysters. Harris for President and Trump for prison!

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I love your use of oxymoron. Pro-lifers have never really cared about life. They are ready to send young people to wars and people they don't like to prison. You broke it all down so well. Thank you.

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Perfectly stated!!

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