As usual, John, your words have captured exactly what I'm feeling. The grief and sorrow for the loss of what we thought we had is sometimes overpowering. I too will stay as this is where my family and friends are and I will not abandon them. I pray that God will give us all the strength to stand strong against the evil❤️
John I first had this exact same feeling in 2017 at a local summers end event. I walked around the food court and , observing the people, what they were wearing and how they spoke, I swear I felt like “ this isn’t the town, state or country I grew up in”. It was subtle then but now it’s obvious that I really didn’t “ know” the true nature of a lot of people I loved and respected. We always sought out better angels but now many are allowed to unleash their dark side. That is the most depressing result of this vile, ignorant and destructive movement.
I have luckily found my 'people', those who are like minded with a heart and soul still in tact. We are striving to find what work is ours to do in the face of this awfulness. The disappointment of learning people I thought were kind and caring but are not has been a bitter pill to swallow. Living the American Dream started as striving to make the world a better place (I believe) and it turned into greed and competition instead of sharing and working together so everyone could have a good life. It is tempting to throw up my hands and give up but there is a part of me still willing to work against injustice and oppression.
Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
It's the weary that is the operative word! Every day I ask the Lord Jesus for the strength to make it through. I don't even care about the reaping- I just want to do something kind something nice for just one person every day. A life well spent!( I stole that from Willie geist. Sunday show here in Harrisburg Pennsylvania).!!
Yep. I think about running away every day. But, if we run, we give away our country. The racists and fascists cannot have it. We have to stay and stand and speak. We find new friends, better friends and work with them. We cannot abandon the weak because they will be devoured.
John, I moved to Portugal 2 1/2 years ago. From the moment Donald Trump became a viable political candidate, I wanted to get out if at all possible. As a New Yorker, I knew he was the human equivalent of a viral plague. It has not been easy but not for one moment have I regretted it. Now I am cheering on my European comrades in their efforts to exclude the United States from their foreign policy going forward. Never I'm a million years did I think fellow Americans had sunk so low. Bernie is out there. Where are the Obamas, et Al. Shocking that more prominent people are invisible right now. We the People have to do it but remember those who stayed silent or unrepentant MAGATS. We can never trust them again just as Europe can never trust us.
Punishing ALL Americans because of the current regime which most of us did not vote for really angers me. The anti-American remarks are all over social media. Horrifying. I would love to leave the United States, but who can afford to right now? Perhaps those who can want to set up a not for profit for those of us who can’t because I’d love to get out of here. I worked for the House of representatives. I’m no stranger to how our government works. I didn’t vote for this. I don’t want this.
The article that John wrote nails my feelings and quite obviously others to the wall.
My friends and I were asking since Trump's election, where are the ex presidents and Kamala Harris? They should have been speaking out from the moment the race was conceded. The Democrat fundraising organizations will never get another dime from me until that questiton is answered.
I have nowhere else to go. I don't have enough money to buy a longterm visa anywhere; my ancestors have been here too long for me to try and claim any ancestral "homeland." This is my home, unrecognizable as it is. So this is where I take my stand, this is where I fight the good fight, this is where I make my effort. I'm not calling anyone who emigrates a coward; I know how much pain and fear drive them, because I feel those, too. But I will surely miss them, and so will my country, whether it realizes that now or not. If my cousins and I lose our social security, I will do all I can to support them with my TSP. It won't be enough. But we'll go down together.
Your comment was beautiful & inspiring. Thank you for sharing. I feel much the same, disheartened by the absence of thoughtful reasoning & compassion & consideration for the innocent people whose lives are carelessly uprooted. We can provide
these values to our own circle of influence as best we can & then hopefully watch it ripple out into an even greater circle.
I would leave in a heartbeat if not for my husband and grandchildren. He served in the USAF for 20 years and has unwavering love for what the flag represents, and loves the country he served in... admittedly not the country it has become. He would never consider leaving the US and I would never consider leaving him. Same for our grandkids. They don't have the means.
So if the human response to threats is flight or fight, then fight it is. Let's light it up.
I am 80 years old. I do not have the financial resources to leave and would not even if I could. My family and like-minded friends are here. If we all go, that leaves behind the most vulnerable among us to fend for themselves. Besides, if I leave, they win. I don’t blame anyone for going; it simply is not my choice, nor is it within my means. I am and will continue to be active in the causes I hold dear, and I will, to the best of my ability, bring love and joy into my own life and the lives of those around me. I am sorry to be going into my 80’s in this atmosphere, yet it is what it is and I continue to do what I can. I have a heart, a soul and I have agency. With God’s help I will use them all well. 🙏🏽
So beautifully written. You express the situation I am in. At 82 with limited means and some disabilities, I’m unable to leave. The thought of leaving my granddaughters is devastating. Staying, however, is getting very scary.
You know I already left. Or maybe it's more accurate to say America left me. We didn't feel at home there for more than a decade.
We would've departed no matter who won the election, because our issues weren't solely about politics. Our values are so fundamentally different from what we were seeing around us.
Like you, I spent years thinking I could change those values by example, but I always wound up on the outside of whatever group I was trying to impact. It was lonely and demoralizing and exhausting. I was convinced I was the weirdest person in the world.
It has been empowering to build a life designed around my values, and to find so many people who share those values. You and your family are worthy of that, too. Whenever you're ready.
What a shame. That content from your link is available to paid subscribers only. My 17-year-old dog’s illnesses are costing me hundreds of dollars every month. I literally worry about every penny these days. I absolutely can’t afford another subscription. Many Substack writers choose to give some free content.
I should have left when Kennedy was shot, or during the Vietnam War, or when Reagan cut a deal for the release of our hostages or played the Iran-Contra game, or when George W put the Iraq war in place citing false intelligence, or when 14-year old Emmet Till's brutalized body was shown to the world or we watched Rodney King plead "why can't we all just get along" as he was kicked, pummeled and stomped to death, or when the rights and resources of indigenous peoples continued to be taken away with no recourse...I could go on and on. You get what I'm saying: this was never the country we hoped would emerge from the greed and cruelty of our government, elected by our friends and neighbors. My husband says "Hope is a poor strategy" so I am steeling myself, trying to love my neighbors as myself, and cultivating others to plan and work together for what seems will be a cataclysmic future. Protect your peace.
As the parent of a child with a disability, I am terrified. This country is so disappointing. We had the opportunity to elect a compassionate, empathetic, brilliant woman who would continue to move us in the direction of progress and towards the mountaintop Martin Luther King, Jr. promised us. Instead; we have elected a narcissistic sociopath and all vulnerable people, including my precious child, are in grave danger.
I too dream about leaving. My husband has Irish citizenship and we could move there. It's so painful here and sometimes the anger I feel is unbearable. But as you say, I would be deserting my country and the friends who cannot escape. My children are black women.. who will fight for and with them if we all leave? Yet I long to leave. I long for some measure of peace and normalcy. I will stay and fight though. Too many will be suffering here.
I feel better just reading the comments. Good to know there are others out there feeling like I do.
I live in an area that seems to be very comfortable with what is happening for the time being.
I have a few people here and there ,but for the most part alone.I drive an hour every week to demonstrate at my representative’s office. I drive home feeling defeated and sad, but I feel compelled to do something/ anything.
I think of leaving often but I can’t yet figure out what that would look like.
I feel just as you do. However, I live in Southern CA and have a democratic rep and many of my neighbors voted for Kamala so, it’s not as tough as it might be. I have an Irish passport, as could my kids have one ( my father is Irish born). I say this because we have decided to wait to see what happens in the 2026 election. If the Dems win the house back we will hang in another two years but if not, we feel the US is lost for another 20+ years. Our hearts are breaking each day we hear of the next straw being put on the camel’s back. Our friends often say, we can’t talk politics during this gathering as we need a an emotional break…I can’t hardly stop talking politics. We are raising our donation to ACLU and Planned Parenthood and now give monthly to DNC. We will be giving to Others as well. The fights in the courts are so important. Thx for what you do.
If we leave he and those who share his vision win and I am not ready like you said to walk away. I think the problem is we bought into America is the best at it all. The reality is we are still aspiring to be what our founders stated— equality for all. We need to present a new vision for our nation not the status quo as obviously many did not want that! Our nation has lost its humanity as a whole and its empathy gene.
There is this distant drum beating in my mind, trying to keep me on an even keel, but I fear one day it's just going to Stop, and then that will be the end. I will never be able to grasp how 1/3 of this country has been lead to believe that what is happening right now is for the ultimate good? We are going to see many dangerous and non-reversible events occur, after all the years spent to ensure peace and safety for humanity-it's like they just want all of us common folk to die so they can rape and pillage to their hearts content
Well, we the common folk ARE the targets of their raping and pillaging. So they won't kill all of us. They will economically enslave all who survive their barbaric policies
As usual, John, your words have captured exactly what I'm feeling. The grief and sorrow for the loss of what we thought we had is sometimes overpowering. I too will stay as this is where my family and friends are and I will not abandon them. I pray that God will give us all the strength to stand strong against the evil❤️
John I first had this exact same feeling in 2017 at a local summers end event. I walked around the food court and , observing the people, what they were wearing and how they spoke, I swear I felt like “ this isn’t the town, state or country I grew up in”. It was subtle then but now it’s obvious that I really didn’t “ know” the true nature of a lot of people I loved and respected. We always sought out better angels but now many are allowed to unleash their dark side. That is the most depressing result of this vile, ignorant and destructive movement.
I have luckily found my 'people', those who are like minded with a heart and soul still in tact. We are striving to find what work is ours to do in the face of this awfulness. The disappointment of learning people I thought were kind and caring but are not has been a bitter pill to swallow. Living the American Dream started as striving to make the world a better place (I believe) and it turned into greed and competition instead of sharing and working together so everyone could have a good life. It is tempting to throw up my hands and give up but there is a part of me still willing to work against injustice and oppression.
Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
It's the weary that is the operative word! Every day I ask the Lord Jesus for the strength to make it through. I don't even care about the reaping- I just want to do something kind something nice for just one person every day. A life well spent!( I stole that from Willie geist. Sunday show here in Harrisburg Pennsylvania).!!
Yep. I think about running away every day. But, if we run, we give away our country. The racists and fascists cannot have it. We have to stay and stand and speak. We find new friends, better friends and work with them. We cannot abandon the weak because they will be devoured.
John, I moved to Portugal 2 1/2 years ago. From the moment Donald Trump became a viable political candidate, I wanted to get out if at all possible. As a New Yorker, I knew he was the human equivalent of a viral plague. It has not been easy but not for one moment have I regretted it. Now I am cheering on my European comrades in their efforts to exclude the United States from their foreign policy going forward. Never I'm a million years did I think fellow Americans had sunk so low. Bernie is out there. Where are the Obamas, et Al. Shocking that more prominent people are invisible right now. We the People have to do it but remember those who stayed silent or unrepentant MAGATS. We can never trust them again just as Europe can never trust us.
Punishing ALL Americans because of the current regime which most of us did not vote for really angers me. The anti-American remarks are all over social media. Horrifying. I would love to leave the United States, but who can afford to right now? Perhaps those who can want to set up a not for profit for those of us who can’t because I’d love to get out of here. I worked for the House of representatives. I’m no stranger to how our government works. I didn’t vote for this. I don’t want this.
The article that John wrote nails my feelings and quite obviously others to the wall.
My friends and I were asking since Trump's election, where are the ex presidents and Kamala Harris? They should have been speaking out from the moment the race was conceded. The Democrat fundraising organizations will never get another dime from me until that questiton is answered.
There is certainly no shortage of donation requests from them!
I will donate directly to candidates. The DNC is useless.
I have nowhere else to go. I don't have enough money to buy a longterm visa anywhere; my ancestors have been here too long for me to try and claim any ancestral "homeland." This is my home, unrecognizable as it is. So this is where I take my stand, this is where I fight the good fight, this is where I make my effort. I'm not calling anyone who emigrates a coward; I know how much pain and fear drive them, because I feel those, too. But I will surely miss them, and so will my country, whether it realizes that now or not. If my cousins and I lose our social security, I will do all I can to support them with my TSP. It won't be enough. But we'll go down together.
Yes. Together is the only way we will make it
Your comment was beautiful & inspiring. Thank you for sharing. I feel much the same, disheartened by the absence of thoughtful reasoning & compassion & consideration for the innocent people whose lives are carelessly uprooted. We can provide
these values to our own circle of influence as best we can & then hopefully watch it ripple out into an even greater circle.
I would leave in a heartbeat if not for my husband and grandchildren. He served in the USAF for 20 years and has unwavering love for what the flag represents, and loves the country he served in... admittedly not the country it has become. He would never consider leaving the US and I would never consider leaving him. Same for our grandkids. They don't have the means.
So if the human response to threats is flight or fight, then fight it is. Let's light it up.
Same, 5 grandkids here in Idaho. I stay and I fight for a brighter future for them.
I am 80 years old. I do not have the financial resources to leave and would not even if I could. My family and like-minded friends are here. If we all go, that leaves behind the most vulnerable among us to fend for themselves. Besides, if I leave, they win. I don’t blame anyone for going; it simply is not my choice, nor is it within my means. I am and will continue to be active in the causes I hold dear, and I will, to the best of my ability, bring love and joy into my own life and the lives of those around me. I am sorry to be going into my 80’s in this atmosphere, yet it is what it is and I continue to do what I can. I have a heart, a soul and I have agency. With God’s help I will use them all well. 🙏🏽
So beautifully written. You express the situation I am in. At 82 with limited means and some disabilities, I’m unable to leave. The thought of leaving my granddaughters is devastating. Staying, however, is getting very scary.
You know I already left. Or maybe it's more accurate to say America left me. We didn't feel at home there for more than a decade.
We would've departed no matter who won the election, because our issues weren't solely about politics. Our values are so fundamentally different from what we were seeing around us.
Like you, I spent years thinking I could change those values by example, but I always wound up on the outside of whatever group I was trying to impact. It was lonely and demoralizing and exhausting. I was convinced I was the weirdest person in the world.
It has been empowering to build a life designed around my values, and to find so many people who share those values. You and your family are worthy of that, too. Whenever you're ready.
On my Substack, I've done a series on emigrating from the US. I hope it's ok for me to drop a link to a roundup of that series for you and for anyone else here who's considering a change:
What a shame. That content from your link is available to paid subscribers only. My 17-year-old dog’s illnesses are costing me hundreds of dollars every month. I literally worry about every penny these days. I absolutely can’t afford another subscription. Many Substack writers choose to give some free content.
I'm sorry to hear that, Moira. I know those worries well.
All of my written newsletters are free when they are published. After two weeks, they are archived and are only available to paid subscribers.
If you do a free 7-day trial, you can access anything. Take what you want and then cancel.
Ok — thanks.
You need to do your dog a blessing and let it go to sleep.
I should have left when Kennedy was shot, or during the Vietnam War, or when Reagan cut a deal for the release of our hostages or played the Iran-Contra game, or when George W put the Iraq war in place citing false intelligence, or when 14-year old Emmet Till's brutalized body was shown to the world or we watched Rodney King plead "why can't we all just get along" as he was kicked, pummeled and stomped to death, or when the rights and resources of indigenous peoples continued to be taken away with no recourse...I could go on and on. You get what I'm saying: this was never the country we hoped would emerge from the greed and cruelty of our government, elected by our friends and neighbors. My husband says "Hope is a poor strategy" so I am steeling myself, trying to love my neighbors as myself, and cultivating others to plan and work together for what seems will be a cataclysmic future. Protect your peace.
I keep myself going with acts of kindness.
As the parent of a child with a disability, I am terrified. This country is so disappointing. We had the opportunity to elect a compassionate, empathetic, brilliant woman who would continue to move us in the direction of progress and towards the mountaintop Martin Luther King, Jr. promised us. Instead; we have elected a narcissistic sociopath and all vulnerable people, including my precious child, are in grave danger.
I too dream about leaving. My husband has Irish citizenship and we could move there. It's so painful here and sometimes the anger I feel is unbearable. But as you say, I would be deserting my country and the friends who cannot escape. My children are black women.. who will fight for and with them if we all leave? Yet I long to leave. I long for some measure of peace and normalcy. I will stay and fight though. Too many will be suffering here.
I feel better just reading the comments. Good to know there are others out there feeling like I do.
I live in an area that seems to be very comfortable with what is happening for the time being.
I have a few people here and there ,but for the most part alone.I drive an hour every week to demonstrate at my representative’s office. I drive home feeling defeated and sad, but I feel compelled to do something/ anything.
I think of leaving often but I can’t yet figure out what that would look like.
You get up, and you ACT. I feel we can't ask more of ourselves. Try to stay sane, and try daily to fight the good fight
Good Trouble !
I feel just as you do. However, I live in Southern CA and have a democratic rep and many of my neighbors voted for Kamala so, it’s not as tough as it might be. I have an Irish passport, as could my kids have one ( my father is Irish born). I say this because we have decided to wait to see what happens in the 2026 election. If the Dems win the house back we will hang in another two years but if not, we feel the US is lost for another 20+ years. Our hearts are breaking each day we hear of the next straw being put on the camel’s back. Our friends often say, we can’t talk politics during this gathering as we need a an emotional break…I can’t hardly stop talking politics. We are raising our donation to ACLU and Planned Parenthood and now give monthly to DNC. We will be giving to Others as well. The fights in the courts are so important. Thx for what you do.
If we leave he and those who share his vision win and I am not ready like you said to walk away. I think the problem is we bought into America is the best at it all. The reality is we are still aspiring to be what our founders stated— equality for all. We need to present a new vision for our nation not the status quo as obviously many did not want that! Our nation has lost its humanity as a whole and its empathy gene.
This happened on MY watch. I feel culpable for not seeing the writing on the wall, and acting, long before now. I stay and fight to the end
There is this distant drum beating in my mind, trying to keep me on an even keel, but I fear one day it's just going to Stop, and then that will be the end. I will never be able to grasp how 1/3 of this country has been lead to believe that what is happening right now is for the ultimate good? We are going to see many dangerous and non-reversible events occur, after all the years spent to ensure peace and safety for humanity-it's like they just want all of us common folk to die so they can rape and pillage to their hearts content
I also do not believe this can end civilized.
Well, we the common folk ARE the targets of their raping and pillaging. So they won't kill all of us. They will economically enslave all who survive their barbaric policies
Many of them won't get it until they start losing everything. By then, it will be too late.
Very well said