John, thank you. This gives me at least some peace knowing I am not alone in my perception of how I see things going in this country. It certainly gives one pause, knowing that we stand literally on the precipice of hope and desperation. I find myself so upset about the day to day spewing of whatever truth suits folks, that I can barely find my voice when I want to sound out about how I feel. What I fear. And yes, how incredibly tired I am.

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Thanks for putting clarity ahead of more words … gentle passionate speaking ahead of loud declarations

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15 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago

Thank you for putting it into words for me. It is exhausting. Being gaslit all the time when you know what is really going on, just feels wrong. Like the double down on the Haitian community in Springfield. If I were Springfield, I would suit the people responsible for the ghosts of putting the town back together, if that is even possible. November 5th cannot come soon enough!

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This nation needs the real thing ~ 💯 🙌🏻

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I’m glad I’m not crazy & alone! You’re so good at articulating exactly the way I’ve been thinking & feeling.

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Inasmuch as you've done it unto the least of these my brethern...some how got lost..

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Someone said, “The sky is darkest before the dawn.” True. So I carry a light, ever ready, to spot and illuminate the awful people or things that try to trip/stop me along the way to November’s lamppost to enjoy the new dawn 💙. Thank you for the help along the way John.

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I read this post (https://open.substack.com/pub/lucid/p/we-know-what-hate-can-do-its-time?r=4wrjn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email) from Ruth Ben-Ghiat and immediately thought of you and the power of love that you bring to us all. Thank you!

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Beautifully articulated. Insightful and erudite. Thank you.

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You make me feel like I’m not crazy.

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If any of you read the Bulwark, read JVL’s column and video today about my fellow “good Christian” Sarah Huckabee Sanders. It is not just about her despicable comment yesterday about VP Harris, but highlighted her absolute and shameless proven bald faced lies during the James Comes firing. So much for “thou shalt not bear false witness.” And yet, she is elected the governor of Arkansas…… What have we “believers” become????

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John, every word. Even those in my own family who are not “fans of Trump” themselves think I have lost my mind in my obsession with my fellow Christians worshipping at the altar of Trump. These past 9 years just about driven me mad, and the cult behavior has only accelerated to my sorrow. Thanks for articulating what I have been feeling for so long. I am not crazy after all…..

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John, in today's post you channel what so many of us are feeling. My neighbor and I were talking of these very feelings today. I told her that it felt like the 2020-21 Covid period. We knew a vaccine was coming, yet we didn't know when, and how effective it would be. Yes, we know that November 5th may be the day we receive the "vaccine" of a Harris-Walz administration, yet there is still that uneasiness about how effective they (their administration) will be in stemming this virulent virus of anger, hate, and chaos infecting so many of our fellow citizens.

One strong note of encouragement that I take from readers/commenter of this substack, and others, is that we recognize that Harris-Walz cannot do it alone. We are all here to do our part to stem the "virus" and begin healing our country, it's institutions, and most of all, us, it's people.

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