There's a common assertion about those of us who occupy some space in the political or religious Left by our critics across the aisle or the pew: We don't love America like they do.
I couldn’t agree with you more. Because of fundamental self-doubt, the super patriots and the super religious have to shout the loudest to convince themselves and everyone else that they are genuine. But, “by their fruits you shall know them.
Hate is as hate does. When the public is given choices of social policies in polls, the majority choose more progressive policies. However, the political mechanisms for enacting such policies, are mostly in the hands of non progressives.
The mechanisms to enact progressive policies are still accessible, but if Project 2025 is enabled to be enacted…..
Project 2025 has absolutely nothing to do with patriotism; it’s about control. It isn’t a partisan issue, it’s about love of country. The people who are behind Project 2025 are full of hatred for anyone or anything that doesn’t align with their beliefs.
Excellent essay. It’s such a shame that I hesitate to fly the American flag because I don’t want to be thought of as MAGA. How dare these people appropriate patriotism for themselves.
It’s a perfect description of the so called’ real Christians ‘ .
A real Christian could be assumed to follow Christs teachings.
‘Judgement is mine , sayeth the Lord’
Christ also believed in and acted with compassion.
Jesus was truthful . I get incredibly disturbed when various so called Christians refer to Donald Trump as ‘Chosen one’.
Please , a criminal , hostile to people that disagree with him , threatening people with violence , a serious history of abusing women ( in his own words) can some how be interpreted as a choice by God .
Yes to this: ",,,that a political party or religious tradition has the market cornered on national pride and earnest faith" needs to be exploded beyond recognition because national pride and earnest faith do not belong only to those who think they are the privileged ones who decide who has it and who doesn't. That's what Joe calls malarkey. Malarkey: insincere, meaningless, or deliberately misleading talk; nonsense.
This is great post but may I gently recommend an edit? Not just a Republican President is accountable. All Presidents, if they commit a crime, should be held to account. Love this Substack. HT to Politics Girl for introducing you.
Well said, John. I'm also tired of the right telling us they are more patriotic than the left . I would like to have you enlarge on your words on our military. Our son - in - law experienced the horrors of war in Iraq and little has been done to help him since he returned. Unless a family member has served most of you don't know the real story was that our daughter along with us emotionally and financially supported him and her while he served. We stepped in to provide grand-parenting when our daughter was exhausted.
As I see it, this contempt towards others that aren’t of their particular religious orthodoxy, sect, or without any religious affiliation are somehow lesser individuals, labeled as heretics, hedonists, or infidels. It’s all man made bullshit claiming to know the truth of some fictional purity test that only leads to division and war when abused, which it has been for millennia. As for the Republican genocide from within, they’ve made a deal with a devil, and are stuck in a box that is incapable of adjusting their tiresome ideological purity test that doesn’t jive with an ever changing world of diversity, technology and individuality. The ship has sailed, and they’re not on it.
I couldn’t agree with you more. Because of fundamental self-doubt, the super patriots and the super religious have to shout the loudest to convince themselves and everyone else that they are genuine. But, “by their fruits you shall know them.
Hate is as hate does. When the public is given choices of social policies in polls, the majority choose more progressive policies. However, the political mechanisms for enacting such policies, are mostly in the hands of non progressives.
The mechanisms to enact progressive policies are still accessible, but if Project 2025 is enabled to be enacted…..
Project 2025 has absolutely nothing to do with patriotism; it’s about control. It isn’t a partisan issue, it’s about love of country. The people who are behind Project 2025 are full of hatred for anyone or anything that doesn’t align with their beliefs.
Wow!! This is spot on! It’s so helpful to have in writing what can be said to the ‘other side’.
Excellent essay. It’s such a shame that I hesitate to fly the American flag because I don’t want to be thought of as MAGA. How dare these people appropriate patriotism for themselves.
Not flying your flag is a form of silence. Silence in the face of perceived evil and a form of complicity, They have one more victory in the struggle.
It’s a perfect description of the so called’ real Christians ‘ .
A real Christian could be assumed to follow Christs teachings.
‘Judgement is mine , sayeth the Lord’
Christ also believed in and acted with compassion.
Jesus was truthful . I get incredibly disturbed when various so called Christians refer to Donald Trump as ‘Chosen one’.
Please , a criminal , hostile to people that disagree with him , threatening people with violence , a serious history of abusing women ( in his own words) can some how be interpreted as a choice by God .
Sorry not buying it.
I don’t think God is either.
Yes to this: ",,,that a political party or religious tradition has the market cornered on national pride and earnest faith" needs to be exploded beyond recognition because national pride and earnest faith do not belong only to those who think they are the privileged ones who decide who has it and who doesn't. That's what Joe calls malarkey. Malarkey: insincere, meaningless, or deliberately misleading talk; nonsense.
Interesting that you found this cooment from a conversation back in June. There are those things that are timeless!
This is great post but may I gently recommend an edit? Not just a Republican President is accountable. All Presidents, if they commit a crime, should be held to account. Love this Substack. HT to Politics Girl for introducing you.
Well said, John. I'm also tired of the right telling us they are more patriotic than the left . I would like to have you enlarge on your words on our military. Our son - in - law experienced the horrors of war in Iraq and little has been done to help him since he returned. Unless a family member has served most of you don't know the real story was that our daughter along with us emotionally and financially supported him and her while he served. We stepped in to provide grand-parenting when our daughter was exhausted.
As I see it, this contempt towards others that aren’t of their particular religious orthodoxy, sect, or without any religious affiliation are somehow lesser individuals, labeled as heretics, hedonists, or infidels. It’s all man made bullshit claiming to know the truth of some fictional purity test that only leads to division and war when abused, which it has been for millennia. As for the Republican genocide from within, they’ve made a deal with a devil, and are stuck in a box that is incapable of adjusting their tiresome ideological purity test that doesn’t jive with an ever changing world of diversity, technology and individuality. The ship has sailed, and they’re not on it.