It took me a long time to get ready for a new battle. Crawling out from under the covers where I'd retreated the morning after the election was not easy. In some ways, being an older person helped me, I think. I am of the vintage where we learned about patriotism in school, saluted the flag every day, sang the songs of our country, and had a dad who fought fascism in Europe during WWII.
One aspect of the current battle made it exponentially more difficult for me to gird my loins and take to the streets because, as a gay person, I thought the battle had been fought and won. I underestimated the hatred for my kind by people who seem to think it's any of their business.
In the new world where the term "patriot" has a negative connotation in many cases, I'm still one. I'm not ashamed of the feelings I have for my country. I'm ashamed right now of many people in this country, but I still see the light of hope rising in those who see the need to fight. There are still countless individuals who remain proud and hopeful about setting our nation back on course, no matter what it takes in the way of personal commitment. I listened to you, John, when you told us we needed to pick a hill on which we were willing to die.
I recently published an essay on Substack about joining a movement to fight fascism. I took the next step the other day and got an ANTIFA tattoo on my right arm. I'll be sure it's visible the next time I'm holding a protest sign. I'm ready to find my people and rise up together to make a difference. I firmly believe there are enough of us left to do that.
Fascinating how they weaponized ANTIFA just like they are currently doing to DEI. Now that we are in fascism ANTIFA is critical. Good for you Michael and keep up the great work. Thank you for your post.
I loved all of this except the tattoo. I worry that, in the worst case scenario, we may be moving into a situation where goons can yank us off the streets for no reason. As for me, I plan to avoid wearing my protest gear if that should happen, maybe even take to wearing polyester pants and put a blue rinse in my hair, go to a few bingo games and put a hand-crocheted afghan on my porch rocker. Then keep on resisting after dark. Please, take care of yourself. You are just as valuable to the resistance as any other member.
I have seen a 19 y.o. young person ask three old people "why are all of you out here protesting" and actually listen and engage in a 30 min convo. That gives me lots of hope. Embrace the young, folks.
My 33 y/o daughter is now a part of a group of women her age, guided by a retired High School Civics teacher. They had their first informal meeting to see how the "power of the purse" can affect change in their own way since they are in the demographic for most of the advertising and consumerism. She said 18 women showed up! All are young mothers, have full-time jobs, and have never engaged in this type of activity. My tiny part of this, (in my humble mom opinion:) is that in the last decade she's had to tolerate my rantings over the sociopath in charge currently. I'm proud she's jumped in with other motivated young women who are angry, scared, confused, but fierce.
Great. Im so glad. I noticed at the two protests so far they were predominantly older. I assume younger are at work. Eventually, I'm afraid we are ALL going to have to get on the street to save democracy. This is a travesty.
“This is the other state of the Union. That America is black and gay and Muslim and indigenous and undocumented and Jewish and lesbian and white and Atheist and Latino and transgender and female and immigrant and Christian and male and agnostic and Buddhist and bisexual and Sikh.”
Beautiful!!! I am posting and sharing this far and wide! Thank you, John.
The massive crowds in the streets, congressional representatives cowering rather than face the populace. Courts rejecting the actions of a want to be dictatorship. These give me hope and courage. We want our country back!!
My favorite line is “Listen to the voice inside you that refuses to relent”. If you do listen to it, it will be a call to action. Call / write your Senators and Representatives; protest (peacefully); march; join a like minded group of people; volunteer; help with the special elections by calling voters, door knocking or writing postcards. Be kind or as my father would say:”Kill them with kindness.” There is something brewing inside you to help be part of the solution. Just do it. Each day. Every day.
I post your content regularly on fb and share w friends. I’ve been told by well meaning friends that they’re “worried about my safety” bc of tracking , etc. Afraid they will “ come for me”. I’ve said let them come.. if they want to take down a 60 yr old white lady , I’d rather be on the right side of history than stifle myself out of fear.
Remember how Nazi germany came to be? When folks ask how people stood by and let it happen, I will not be one of those people who hid in the shadows out of fear.
My neighbor, who voted for Trump twice, but realized on Jan 6th he’d made a horrible mistake, just marched in his first protest, fully decked out in Harris County Democratic gear. People can change.
Yes, these are the daily lives people are living that include struggle, love, hope, and determination. Try walking or driving through neighborhoods around you As you pass through and pass by, remember that these are not apartments or houses or trailers, but people simply trying to make their way through and in spite of their struggles, challenges, and griefs.
I love this John🙏♥️ I always appreciate the way you just tell the truth speaking from a very human and authentic heart. The truth has many pieces to it - the good, the bad and the ugly. You aren’t afraid to address any or all of it. I need that. This particular post is just what I needed this morning. I tend to be overly serious and more negative than positive. But you don’t pull any punches in helping us see all of it. I really need to remember all the amazing things loving courageous people are doing in the face of all this evil. I think we all need this reminder in order to retain mental, emotional, spiritual and physical balance.
I am blessed to have a priest, The Rev. Adam Thomas, who speaks the truth, always based on the teachings of the One who is the Truth. It inspires me to be braver as I hold on to the teachings of Christ. With his permission, here's a link to yesterday's sermon where he tells it like it is! I hope it opens for others to see, hear, or read.
Thank you for helping us to hope on, John.,That other America is coming together at the dinner table. Phone calls to a cousin who is in senior living unit and who served valiantly in Vietnam. His despair at what is happening in America is gut wrenching. Yet, as we visit I can hear a lightness returning in his voice and a smile I cannot see. It is a friend at the gym who thanks me for a post about Ukraine. She tells me I help give her courage. This is the real America.
It took me a long time to get ready for a new battle. Crawling out from under the covers where I'd retreated the morning after the election was not easy. In some ways, being an older person helped me, I think. I am of the vintage where we learned about patriotism in school, saluted the flag every day, sang the songs of our country, and had a dad who fought fascism in Europe during WWII.
One aspect of the current battle made it exponentially more difficult for me to gird my loins and take to the streets because, as a gay person, I thought the battle had been fought and won. I underestimated the hatred for my kind by people who seem to think it's any of their business.
In the new world where the term "patriot" has a negative connotation in many cases, I'm still one. I'm not ashamed of the feelings I have for my country. I'm ashamed right now of many people in this country, but I still see the light of hope rising in those who see the need to fight. There are still countless individuals who remain proud and hopeful about setting our nation back on course, no matter what it takes in the way of personal commitment. I listened to you, John, when you told us we needed to pick a hill on which we were willing to die.
I recently published an essay on Substack about joining a movement to fight fascism. I took the next step the other day and got an ANTIFA tattoo on my right arm. I'll be sure it's visible the next time I'm holding a protest sign. I'm ready to find my people and rise up together to make a difference. I firmly believe there are enough of us left to do that.
Please know that there are many of us who love you just as you are. Don't we all benefit when we each find the path we are meant to take?
Yes- heartbreaking. Courage for days such as this
Ditto for old women who achieved domestic violence shelters, rape legislation, abortion access, etc
We can locate and engage with local groups that support one another to keep the faith
Fascinating how they weaponized ANTIFA just like they are currently doing to DEI. Now that we are in fascism ANTIFA is critical. Good for you Michael and keep up the great work. Thank you for your post.
I am with you, Michael. I hear you, and I see you. Everyday I do my small part to resist. We are all in this together.
I loved all of this except the tattoo. I worry that, in the worst case scenario, we may be moving into a situation where goons can yank us off the streets for no reason. As for me, I plan to avoid wearing my protest gear if that should happen, maybe even take to wearing polyester pants and put a blue rinse in my hair, go to a few bingo games and put a hand-crocheted afghan on my porch rocker. Then keep on resisting after dark. Please, take care of yourself. You are just as valuable to the resistance as any other member.
I have seen a 19 y.o. young person ask three old people "why are all of you out here protesting" and actually listen and engage in a 30 min convo. That gives me lots of hope. Embrace the young, folks.
Oh, definitely - let's not underestimate the young. They are our future voters. We need them onboard.
Even more than future voters, they are the hope for both the present and the future.
My 33 y/o daughter is now a part of a group of women her age, guided by a retired High School Civics teacher. They had their first informal meeting to see how the "power of the purse" can affect change in their own way since they are in the demographic for most of the advertising and consumerism. She said 18 women showed up! All are young mothers, have full-time jobs, and have never engaged in this type of activity. My tiny part of this, (in my humble mom opinion:) is that in the last decade she's had to tolerate my rantings over the sociopath in charge currently. I'm proud she's jumped in with other motivated young women who are angry, scared, confused, but fierce.
Great. Im so glad. I noticed at the two protests so far they were predominantly older. I assume younger are at work. Eventually, I'm afraid we are ALL going to have to get on the street to save democracy. This is a travesty.
So good to hear!
And fighters. And congressmen and women.
“This is the other state of the Union. That America is black and gay and Muslim and indigenous and undocumented and Jewish and lesbian and white and Atheist and Latino and transgender and female and immigrant and Christian and male and agnostic and Buddhist and bisexual and Sikh.”
Beautiful!!! I am posting and sharing this far and wide! Thank you, John.
So am I!!
The massive crowds in the streets, congressional representatives cowering rather than face the populace. Courts rejecting the actions of a want to be dictatorship. These give me hope and courage. We want our country back!!
I am listening to the voice inside and will not relent.
My favorite line is “Listen to the voice inside you that refuses to relent”. If you do listen to it, it will be a call to action. Call / write your Senators and Representatives; protest (peacefully); march; join a like minded group of people; volunteer; help with the special elections by calling voters, door knocking or writing postcards. Be kind or as my father would say:”Kill them with kindness.” There is something brewing inside you to help be part of the solution. Just do it. Each day. Every day.
I post your content regularly on fb and share w friends. I’ve been told by well meaning friends that they’re “worried about my safety” bc of tracking , etc. Afraid they will “ come for me”. I’ve said let them come.. if they want to take down a 60 yr old white lady , I’d rather be on the right side of history than stifle myself out of fear.
Remember how Nazi germany came to be? When folks ask how people stood by and let it happen, I will not be one of those people who hid in the shadows out of fear.
Beautifully said!
Totally agree John. I remember we got rid of a crooked President once and will do so again!
My neighbor, who voted for Trump twice, but realized on Jan 6th he’d made a horrible mistake, just marched in his first protest, fully decked out in Harris County Democratic gear. People can change.
This is so beautifully written that it brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. I will share the message and the joy.
Yes, these are the daily lives people are living that include struggle, love, hope, and determination. Try walking or driving through neighborhoods around you As you pass through and pass by, remember that these are not apartments or houses or trailers, but people simply trying to make their way through and in spite of their struggles, challenges, and griefs.
I love this John🙏♥️ I always appreciate the way you just tell the truth speaking from a very human and authentic heart. The truth has many pieces to it - the good, the bad and the ugly. You aren’t afraid to address any or all of it. I need that. This particular post is just what I needed this morning. I tend to be overly serious and more negative than positive. But you don’t pull any punches in helping us see all of it. I really need to remember all the amazing things loving courageous people are doing in the face of all this evil. I think we all need this reminder in order to retain mental, emotional, spiritual and physical balance.
I am blessed to have a priest, The Rev. Adam Thomas, who speaks the truth, always based on the teachings of the One who is the Truth. It inspires me to be braver as I hold on to the teachings of Christ. With his permission, here's a link to yesterday's sermon where he tells it like it is! I hope it opens for others to see, hear, or read.
Thank you Teresa, from a Buddhist.🙏
I'm in the UK. Your writing gives me hope too!
Thank you for helping us to hope on, John.,That other America is coming together at the dinner table. Phone calls to a cousin who is in senior living unit and who served valiantly in Vietnam. His despair at what is happening in America is gut wrenching. Yet, as we visit I can hear a lightness returning in his voice and a smile I cannot see. It is a friend at the gym who thanks me for a post about Ukraine. She tells me I help give her courage. This is the real America.