Here, in Western North Carolina, we still have people living in tents and FEMA trailers. Meanwhile, one prick paid almost $300 million to elect another prick to the White House.
My parents in Ukraine are getting bombed every day - and I can't get them out, because they don't satisfy the basic requirements for "refugee" status. Besides, I am not wealthy, so I can't swoop in on my white helicopter and get them out. We had one family member killed fighting in the Donetsk region a year and a half agon. Another one has been taken POW by the Russians two weeks ago. All because yet another prick had an itch to scratch.
Nobody even remembers about the existence of the hostages taken over a year ago on October 7, 2023.
How are we supposed to believe in ANYTHING, if something like that can happen? Pardon me, I'll be over there, advocating for the taxing of the churches while I send yet another shipment of heaters and fire extinguishers to people living in trailers.
I agree with almost everything you wrote above. Two caveats:
1. Religious entities (churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, etc.) are 501-c3 entities. That is why they are tax-exempt--it's not because they are religious. These non-profits are highly regulated with regard to what they can and cannot advocate for. When they violate those regulations, they should be prosecuted.
2. I served as a councilmember for my city. In that capacity, I saw how necessary religious organizations (particularly (some) churches and our Hindu temple) in working in appropriate (read as: no proselytizing allowed) partnership with our city to care for the under-served. Quite frankly, we could not have done it alone. Sure, individuals can and will do their part. Sure, we have a lot of non-religious non-profits. However the need is great and everyone and every organization that can help is necessary.
The problem I see with the churches is primarily Christian churches. They have turned into political organizations and too many are engaged in a concerted effort to affect their parishioners' voting preferences. And then there are the mega-churches. How are they even remotely non-profit, with those enormous buildings and their leaders living on private estates? The money has to be coming from somewhere. So, if nothing else, we need a good, thorough, non-partisan, non-religious audit team.
On a personal note, I am aware there are churches, temples, synagogues that operate around the clock, because they provide vital community services like daycare, play groups, book groups, community events, etc. There are not enough of those. In my area, churches are sitting around locked 80% of the time. It's a waste of perfectly good land and perfectly good building. Especially considering how many people in the area were left homeless by the hurricane. So, unless a church is using its building for something productive and beneficial to the community, it should pay rent. Or vacate the building and pay for premises to hold services. And the building to be used for something else. If there are items of historic and cultural importance, work with the restoration fund and make it open to the public. If there are any attached buildings that can be used as housing, schooling, or catering facilities - do it. We need those more.
I could write a whole chapter (oh, wait, yeah, I’m doing that actually) on what makes a productive relationship among religious organizations, other non-profits, and local governments. And what doesn’t. For religious orgs, the key thing is to people’s welfare ahead of your ideology. Those who want to proselytize first and care for people second—well, they may do good work, but not as a governmental partner. (And I sure stay the hell away.)
Thank you John for your essay. It gets to the HYPOCRISY of the “War on Christmas” by those ultra wealthy, who are trying to impose their version of Christianity on everyone else.
Jesus called out these hypocrites 2000 years ago.
They are the wealthy and powerful who demand adherence to laws that they flaunt themselves.
The Lord’s children have had a “taste”of freedom and respect.
My fourteen-year-old granddaughter posted on her Instagram page on Election Day: “No MatterWho Wins the Election Jesus Is Still King.” She’s a Presbyterian.
"Christmas is a child of Palestinian Jewish parents desperately fleeing politically-ordered genocide."
I beg your pardon. Would you for the love of all that good and holy, stop promoting this lie.
According to your own gospels, Jesus was Jewish.
There was no Palestine when he was born. It was Judea. You know, with the word "Jew" right there in the name.
It was renamed Syria-Palestina when the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and exiled the Jews from their land. It was rubbing salt in the wound--"not only will we destroy you, we'll destroy your land." That name--Palestine--stuck through the next 2000 years. A name forced on Judea and the Jewish people, most (but not all) of whom lived in exile through that time.
History is--once again--being rewritten to erase Jews, Judaism, and Jewish history. I request that you not participate in that farce. What with Christianity having been one of the chief offenders throughout history and all. Seems like that's the least you could do.
It's pathetic to hear some young Christians openly reject the teachings of Jesus as too woke, too peaceful, too weak. They seek a much stronger leader like the strong man trump likes to portray.
Trump and others like him remind us how large portions of our society are very weak and live in fear of all kinds of stuff. Trump-like leaders recognize this and take advantage of it. It has worked through the centuries and it continues to work. Our last election proved that.
A horribly ignorant, cruel, lying CONVICTED FELON defeated an intelligent, warm, genuine woman with a phenomenal resume. Trump shone a mirror at America and it turns out America is more like trump than that intelligent, compassionate alternative. I don't see that changing in my lifetime.
I’m worried about the undocumented migrants. So much of the problem is our lack of staff to process them. I would ask ICE to process them on the spot. If they have committed bad crimes, give them a bus ticket back to their homeland. If they haven’t committed any crime, give them a current visa to stay in the US. I’m not happy the Catholic Church isn’t speaking out against the proposed mass deportation. It’s truly a crime against humanity.
I'm livid, but not surprised, the Catholic Church has not spoke out against the deportation. They're too afraid to upset the white supremacist part of their congregation.
Thanks again, John, for voicing our scattered thoughts on the right wingers and Christmas. In my heart of hearts, I sense that the right wingers have been inoculated to the truth of Christmas so it's impossible for them to get the real meaning of Christmas.
They are fully brainwashed. When propaganda flows from their pulpits it’s like G-d is speaking to them. They have to find their own way out of darkness now.
Wow! So masterfully laid out. Thank you! Of all the empty promises that Trump has made the one powered by White Evangelicals and White Catholics is the scariest to me because it has the strongest push for Christian Nationalism becoming a reality. Many Black and Brown Christians experience their faith as tethered to personal identity and can easily miss the underlying White supremacy foundation. They won't even engage in meaningful conversation about it. I have been working to start this dialogue with a play The God I Know that explores the interface of religion and personal identity, religious freedom, separation of church and state and the post show discussions are very animated. Having held social privilege around religion for so long they experience this as religious oppression. You are spot on in this analysis. I am afraid with the support of my Black and Brown Christians added to White Evangelicals and White Catholics and with the assistance of the Supreme Court, this ideology will result in Christian Nationalism. I am not generally an alarmist but I am fairly confident that if I share this post with some fellow Blacks and Latinx in my network they would see it as heretical. They are not willing to swallow a clarity pill as faith is their identity and faith is synonymous with religion. Still, not giving up the fight on this. It just means we have to fight harder and smarter. Way too important. Thank you for this message.
Excuse me. I am a White Catholic and I really resent being lumped in with Trump’s Evangelicals. I was heartbroken when Kamala lost, as were my closet White Catholic friends. Every day I pray the Serenity Prayer, trying to ask God’s help for what’s ahead. “… the courage to change the things I can…” I’m 81 years old with limited mobility and resources and I’m praying that God will show me things I can do to affect change, besides make my contributions. But please don’t lump all of us White Catholics together.
I truly understand and agree that not all White Catholics (just as not all White Evangelicals) fit in that category. I am going by Pew Research data that 61% of White Catholics voted for Trump. I know in our own diocese the Bishop encouraged parishioners to vote for Trump (while saying that they should also vote their conscience). When I first heard Catholics lumped with Evangelicals on the news I was offended and horrified for as a former nun and member of a vibrant Black Catholic Church I didn't see it or experience it. When I began to look outside my bubble and in 2016 with so many of my White Catholic friends (even one of my best friends from high school) voting for Trump, it opened my eyes to that majority. So, my apologies for not referencing it as data and recognizing that 39% is still a lot. Yet, when the Pope comes out and says that Catholics have to choose between the lesser of two evils juxtaposing single issues and comparing Trump's stand on immigration with Kamala's stand on abortion, he gave Catholics permission to vote for a convicted felon, misogynist, xenophobic, racist, homophobic, transphobic man and it was pretty clear where the official Catholic Church stood as well as his support from Catholic Bishops. Very, very sad and disheartening. Thank you for your response and advocacy. I wish we were in the majority.
Organized for profit religion is the problem When the person from the pulpit only asks for money to enrich themselves beware Jesus would indeed be ashamed of how His name is being used At this point I can no longer attend any church building or theology My favorite Bible verse “ Jesus wept” To understand a true Christian perspective read Dietrich Bonhoeffer The Discipleship and if you have a chance see the movie He never gave up and we can’t either
Here, in Western North Carolina, we still have people living in tents and FEMA trailers. Meanwhile, one prick paid almost $300 million to elect another prick to the White House.
My parents in Ukraine are getting bombed every day - and I can't get them out, because they don't satisfy the basic requirements for "refugee" status. Besides, I am not wealthy, so I can't swoop in on my white helicopter and get them out. We had one family member killed fighting in the Donetsk region a year and a half agon. Another one has been taken POW by the Russians two weeks ago. All because yet another prick had an itch to scratch.
Nobody even remembers about the existence of the hostages taken over a year ago on October 7, 2023.
How are we supposed to believe in ANYTHING, if something like that can happen? Pardon me, I'll be over there, advocating for the taxing of the churches while I send yet another shipment of heaters and fire extinguishers to people living in trailers.
I agree with almost everything you wrote above. Two caveats:
1. Religious entities (churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, etc.) are 501-c3 entities. That is why they are tax-exempt--it's not because they are religious. These non-profits are highly regulated with regard to what they can and cannot advocate for. When they violate those regulations, they should be prosecuted.
2. I served as a councilmember for my city. In that capacity, I saw how necessary religious organizations (particularly (some) churches and our Hindu temple) in working in appropriate (read as: no proselytizing allowed) partnership with our city to care for the under-served. Quite frankly, we could not have done it alone. Sure, individuals can and will do their part. Sure, we have a lot of non-religious non-profits. However the need is great and everyone and every organization that can help is necessary.
The problem I see with the churches is primarily Christian churches. They have turned into political organizations and too many are engaged in a concerted effort to affect their parishioners' voting preferences. And then there are the mega-churches. How are they even remotely non-profit, with those enormous buildings and their leaders living on private estates? The money has to be coming from somewhere. So, if nothing else, we need a good, thorough, non-partisan, non-religious audit team.
On a personal note, I am aware there are churches, temples, synagogues that operate around the clock, because they provide vital community services like daycare, play groups, book groups, community events, etc. There are not enough of those. In my area, churches are sitting around locked 80% of the time. It's a waste of perfectly good land and perfectly good building. Especially considering how many people in the area were left homeless by the hurricane. So, unless a church is using its building for something productive and beneficial to the community, it should pay rent. Or vacate the building and pay for premises to hold services. And the building to be used for something else. If there are items of historic and cultural importance, work with the restoration fund and make it open to the public. If there are any attached buildings that can be used as housing, schooling, or catering facilities - do it. We need those more.
As we have seen for way toooooo long: they are not Christian and they are not churches.
They are breeding ground for sexual predators, liars, money obsessed perverts. Ask around…. If you are part of that false front, you are to be pitied.
So happy that some (too bad not all) churches and your Hindu temple are doing such good.
I could write a whole chapter (oh, wait, yeah, I’m doing that actually) on what makes a productive relationship among religious organizations, other non-profits, and local governments. And what doesn’t. For religious orgs, the key thing is to people’s welfare ahead of your ideology. Those who want to proselytize first and care for people second—well, they may do good work, but not as a governmental partner. (And I sure stay the hell away.)
I mean... what else is there to do? Other than keeping on? We have to. For our loved ones, for the others who are struggling. We have to.
Thank you John for your essay. It gets to the HYPOCRISY of the “War on Christmas” by those ultra wealthy, who are trying to impose their version of Christianity on everyone else.
Jesus called out these hypocrites 2000 years ago.
They are the wealthy and powerful who demand adherence to laws that they flaunt themselves.
The Lord’s children have had a “taste”of freedom and respect.
The enemy may score some points but
God always wins
My fourteen-year-old granddaughter posted on her Instagram page on Election Day: “No MatterWho Wins the Election Jesus Is Still King.” She’s a Presbyterian.
"Christmas is a child of Palestinian Jewish parents desperately fleeing politically-ordered genocide."
I beg your pardon. Would you for the love of all that good and holy, stop promoting this lie.
According to your own gospels, Jesus was Jewish.
There was no Palestine when he was born. It was Judea. You know, with the word "Jew" right there in the name.
It was renamed Syria-Palestina when the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and exiled the Jews from their land. It was rubbing salt in the wound--"not only will we destroy you, we'll destroy your land." That name--Palestine--stuck through the next 2000 years. A name forced on Judea and the Jewish people, most (but not all) of whom lived in exile through that time.
History is--once again--being rewritten to erase Jews, Judaism, and Jewish history. I request that you not participate in that farce. What with Christianity having been one of the chief offenders throughout history and all. Seems like that's the least you could do.
Thank you! Glad I am not the only one who feels this way.
It's pathetic to hear some young Christians openly reject the teachings of Jesus as too woke, too peaceful, too weak. They seek a much stronger leader like the strong man trump likes to portray.
Trump and others like him remind us how large portions of our society are very weak and live in fear of all kinds of stuff. Trump-like leaders recognize this and take advantage of it. It has worked through the centuries and it continues to work. Our last election proved that.
A horribly ignorant, cruel, lying CONVICTED FELON defeated an intelligent, warm, genuine woman with a phenomenal resume. Trump shone a mirror at America and it turns out America is more like trump than that intelligent, compassionate alternative. I don't see that changing in my lifetime.
I think you’re right about at least half of America and that makes me terribly sad.
beautifully written and oh so true.
I’m worried about the undocumented migrants. So much of the problem is our lack of staff to process them. I would ask ICE to process them on the spot. If they have committed bad crimes, give them a bus ticket back to their homeland. If they haven’t committed any crime, give them a current visa to stay in the US. I’m not happy the Catholic Church isn’t speaking out against the proposed mass deportation. It’s truly a crime against humanity.
I'm livid, but not surprised, the Catholic Church has not spoke out against the deportation. They're too afraid to upset the white supremacist part of their congregation.
Well, both the Catholic and Protestant churches backed the Nazis all over Europe...
Thanks Gregg Bender. I was going to bring that up.
Thanks again, John, for voicing our scattered thoughts on the right wingers and Christmas. In my heart of hearts, I sense that the right wingers have been inoculated to the truth of Christmas so it's impossible for them to get the real meaning of Christmas.
They are fully brainwashed. When propaganda flows from their pulpits it’s like G-d is speaking to them. They have to find their own way out of darkness now.
Thank you for the truth .
They say , “ the truth will set you free , but first it will make you miserable”.
It seems the Christian Right has taken this to their ‘ no heart’ limits.
Who do they care about?
Other people exactly like them . White traitors to the Constitution of freedom for all.
People whose reality is attack with hate speech . Drive away people who are different in any sense.
I believe Jesus is again doubled over in pain at their terrorizing other Human Beings .
Their lives are lived to exclude .
We must act and be truthful, because all of their actions must be a result of their inhumanity .
Tell the truth in spite of consequences.
It will allow some withered hearts to open , we can only hope and pray .
Btw.... Happy Holidays to all my Wonderfully Woke Friends.
Wow! So masterfully laid out. Thank you! Of all the empty promises that Trump has made the one powered by White Evangelicals and White Catholics is the scariest to me because it has the strongest push for Christian Nationalism becoming a reality. Many Black and Brown Christians experience their faith as tethered to personal identity and can easily miss the underlying White supremacy foundation. They won't even engage in meaningful conversation about it. I have been working to start this dialogue with a play The God I Know that explores the interface of religion and personal identity, religious freedom, separation of church and state and the post show discussions are very animated. Having held social privilege around religion for so long they experience this as religious oppression. You are spot on in this analysis. I am afraid with the support of my Black and Brown Christians added to White Evangelicals and White Catholics and with the assistance of the Supreme Court, this ideology will result in Christian Nationalism. I am not generally an alarmist but I am fairly confident that if I share this post with some fellow Blacks and Latinx in my network they would see it as heretical. They are not willing to swallow a clarity pill as faith is their identity and faith is synonymous with religion. Still, not giving up the fight on this. It just means we have to fight harder and smarter. Way too important. Thank you for this message.
Excuse me. I am a White Catholic and I really resent being lumped in with Trump’s Evangelicals. I was heartbroken when Kamala lost, as were my closet White Catholic friends. Every day I pray the Serenity Prayer, trying to ask God’s help for what’s ahead. “… the courage to change the things I can…” I’m 81 years old with limited mobility and resources and I’m praying that God will show me things I can do to affect change, besides make my contributions. But please don’t lump all of us White Catholics together.
I truly understand and agree that not all White Catholics (just as not all White Evangelicals) fit in that category. I am going by Pew Research data that 61% of White Catholics voted for Trump. I know in our own diocese the Bishop encouraged parishioners to vote for Trump (while saying that they should also vote their conscience). When I first heard Catholics lumped with Evangelicals on the news I was offended and horrified for as a former nun and member of a vibrant Black Catholic Church I didn't see it or experience it. When I began to look outside my bubble and in 2016 with so many of my White Catholic friends (even one of my best friends from high school) voting for Trump, it opened my eyes to that majority. So, my apologies for not referencing it as data and recognizing that 39% is still a lot. Yet, when the Pope comes out and says that Catholics have to choose between the lesser of two evils juxtaposing single issues and comparing Trump's stand on immigration with Kamala's stand on abortion, he gave Catholics permission to vote for a convicted felon, misogynist, xenophobic, racist, homophobic, transphobic man and it was pretty clear where the official Catholic Church stood as well as his support from Catholic Bishops. Very, very sad and disheartening. Thank you for your response and advocacy. I wish we were in the majority.
Thank you for responding. I am just so sad about the direction that our country is going.
Organized for profit religion is the problem When the person from the pulpit only asks for money to enrich themselves beware Jesus would indeed be ashamed of how His name is being used At this point I can no longer attend any church building or theology My favorite Bible verse “ Jesus wept” To understand a true Christian perspective read Dietrich Bonhoeffer The Discipleship and if you have a chance see the movie He never gave up and we can’t either
As always, thank you. John. Just Thank You.
Amen! I often fantasize about what the meeting would be like if Jesus met those pious hypocrites today.
And yet the evangelicals can't understand why their numbers dwindle year after year.
Made my heart hurt because you are absolutely right!