This is intensely sad, and thank you again for verbalizing so well the grief that I am feeling today as a resident of Georgia. The current governor ran campaign ads featuring him holding a gun, and is also directly responsible for no background checks and open carry laws. While I could go on, I think that speaks volumes.

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Yes. Thank you for the list of groups fighting gun violence.

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This is so horrific and thanks or expressing so well all of our sadness, grief, and anger. I came to the conclusion that this was hopeless after Sandy Hook. Both Biden and Obama worked hard to get some sort of gun control after that incident where 26 people were killed - 20 - 6 year olds and 6 teachers. Not only did we not get any restrictions on guns - our politicians made it easier to get guns. Those 6 year old first graders were blown to smithereens - they could only be identified by DNA. I know two detectives who worked that crime scene that were in a mental hospital for several years. And you know what? The police union had to sue because the town would not give them a disability retirement. I am getting to hate this country. They had one school shooting in Australia and guns were banned the next day. Canada has had a total of 9 school shootings between 1884 and 2016. Here is the U.S. when school is in session we seem to have them all the time. But no one cares - we're never going to get Americans to give up their guns.

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It’s the gun manufacturers and the NRA who want a continual revenue stream who keep pushing for little or no gun regulation.

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Another group to contact is:

Sandy Hook Ptomise

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This retired Texas teacher saw this yesterday:

Abortion after birth is called a school shooting in America!

We must realize that our votes are our voices:

So, 2 months from today, we better hear America SCREAM from sea to shining sea!

Thoughts, Prayers & ACTION

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Unfortunately until one of these gun lovers children are killed or seriously wounded nothing is going to change.

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YES, NOW IS THE TIME! In fact, it is past the time! Have we not caught on that unless something changes, the body count will continue up to grow? We are all standing around wringing our hands, loudly lamenting the tragedy that has happened AGAIN. Mass shootings in all facets of our lives will continue to happen until we vote different people into office in Congress & state legislatures, different people in the Governor’s office, different people as Sheriff, different people as judges. We must elect different people all up & down the ballots local state & Federal. We must take to the streets in protest. We must hire billboards with photos of our murdered loved ones. We must pound the table in earnest to make them believe we are serious about gun safety in all its’ facets, safe storage, license to open carry, age minimums, gun owner insurance, gun proficiency, limited numbers. Is it really necessary for a person to own unlimited numbers of guns? We must increase the price of bullets. Create more access to mental health services. More red flag laws must be put in place.

This continues to happen because we allow it. We have not put our collective foot down. The ammosexuals do not take us seriously. We must change that attitude. Mass murder will continue to happen until we say “NO!” & really mean it. Why should the majority, you & me, stop going to worship, parades, sporting events, concerts, shopping malls, grocery stores, doctor’s offices, or any other public place or event in fear or concern that we might be assassinated? We are the majority. The ammosexuals are the minority. NOW is the time to write, call or email ALL our elected officials that we insist on change.

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Thanks for telling the truth, sad as it is. When we have no laws anymore against assault weapons and we worship guns because they are mentioned in the Holy Constitution, there can be no solution to the problem of constant mass shootings. People worship guns and the holy right to possess them. The Supreme Court seems to agree, except in the most dire of circumstances. I’ve been told that I shouldn’t blame the gun, that it’s a mental health problem that causes all these mass shootings. It seems to me that some of these younger shooters are getting the guns from their parents’ stash, but almost no one puts any blame or responsibility on the parents. And yes, there are mental health issues, but that doesn’t seem to stop anyone from selling guns to crazy people or confiscating their guns when they pose a threat—heaven forbid we take away any guns from anyone! The shooter in this latest case threatened the school last year, which should have been a red flag for someone, especially his parent!

Perhaps it’s too late to solve the problem, as our politicians seem to like taking gun lobby money, but if more of our “thoughts and prayers” were directed towards them as we vote, maybe a few of them would get the message.

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Thank you for the links.

Let us regain the Senate, keep the House, and vote for Harris. Only then will there be any chance at all of getting significant gun control legislation passed.

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if only I could tape open the eyes of those who refuse to see.

If only I could forever wedge open the ears of those who refuse to hear the screams.

if only I had a way to pour your burning words into the very souls of those who tell us to wait.

I do have a single way: I vote. Every. Single. Time. those with understanding and compassion give us this pathway.

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I can think of no greater honor for the children and parents, than to fight like crazy to prevent this. I heard several of the MSN hosts and Kamala Harris really getting on this. There IS no other time.

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Thank you. Excellent. Wrote a Substack today also about similar points on Grassroots Of Democracy Group. More voices = more power. We have to fight until we win. Continued failure = NOT an option. Ever.

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People who think it is ok to sell guns and to make believe one is only safe if he/she has a gun want to see things killed. That is all…, they are ok with killing other creatures. Don’t be fooled.

Guns are for one thing only. To kill something. Don’t hide behind crap.

If that isn’t true , take a gun to the Supreme court and hold it to the head of one of them and see how they start to beg and cry …. Oh my God you say, we couldn’t do that!!!!!!! But several of them advocate for just that… do test the water folks. If it is good to sell as many guns as the greedy gun manufacturers claim… test their faith in “guns make us safe”Take them at their word and ask them to join you while you hold a gun to their head…. Just a thought.

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Thank you, John. I plan on donating to one of the organizations you listed this month, and another each following month. If everyone would do the same thing, even a small amount, it would help. School organizations could also have fundraising events, considering how impacted they are!

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It’s another inexplicable Republican move to pretend that this is normal , as it familiar as sucking up to demented DJT . Pretend it’s not an issue , pretend that Trump isn’t the most dangerous and corrupt man who has ever become president ( with the help of Russia)

Pretend that this problem will run itself out . Too many lives , lost mourned and more lost again anyway .

Guns are held as more sacred than children .

If the NRA put a minute into the truth without the cushion of money blocking their view of the tragedy , this might be seen for what it is .

The mass killing of children and people dedicated to helping children , gone . Women dying from no access to abortions , that’s happening to . Those Republicans are on that , same outcome . Let the women die.

And these men are devoted to Trump the predominant grifter.

So the question remains .

Who decided these horrible and devastating events are acceptable , Republicans ?

Because the truth is , they are evil decisions based on money and corruption .

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Patricia , you hit the nail on the coffin. Pretending things aren’t what they actually are so one can pretend that we aren’t actively putting up with evil in every corner of this country. Hang our collective heads in shame.

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