8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

I'd like to address men (white men especially), who, if polling is to be believed, are in Trump's camp to the tune of sixty percent or more. Here goes.

No man worthy of the title would ever--EVER--view Donald Trump as an exemplar of patriotism, of business acumen, of leadership, of intelligence, of being an "alpha," of decency, of morality, of spirituality, of virtue.

No man worthy of the title would ever--EVER--point at Donald Trump, then tell his little boy, "See that man over there? That's a great man!"

No man worthy of the title would ever--EVER--try to convince his wife that Donald Trump ISN'T a filthy felon, an adjudicated rapist, a serial molester, a misogynist, a serial cheater, or an outright piece of faithless shit.

No man worthy of the title would ever--EVER--vote for Donald Trump. EVER.

The bottom line is this--and it doesn't matter if you're a man, a woman, or anything organic with a functioning nervous system living anywhere in this universe: You cannot be a Trump supporter AND a moral being.

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I agree with you John. As a Christian myself, and an “evangelical” one at that, it grieves me more than words can say, but your warning is 100% correct. I will never understand what has happened in our churches as long as I live. Never. Thank you for your voice. I pray we “Christians” are finally stopped in our tracks for good…….

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As a Jew , I am one of those who will become part of second class citizens in the theocracy wished for by White Nationalist Christians. They are so far removed from what Rabbi Joshua bar Joseph AKA Jesus preached: take care of one another, feed one another, and above all, love one another.

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Thank you for mentioning my work, John. You aren’t exaggerating. I wish more Americans would wake up.

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Civil War via a Crusade was not on my bingo card, yet here we are. We must vote in numbers so overwhelming there can be no doubt about America's future.

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Seems there is a creeping willingness to dabble in Theocracy, as if it will address the ills of our nation. Problem is, Theocracy doesn't dabble: see the Taliban in Afghanistan, Sharia Law in Iran, the Spanish Inquisition, the Dark Ages in all of Christendom. The 56 men that signed the Declaration of Independence were absolutely not signing up for an American Theocracy (imagine how many women might have signed it if given the chance....).

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Along these lines, a friend once said: "Let's call them what we called the Jan. 6th insurrectionists, they are domestic terrorists." Shocked me @ first, but I now fear this to be an accurate description. :( This election must be the biggest landslide we have seen in modern time. I agree with what Dr. Heather Cox Richardson recently wrote: Ignore the polls.

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Indeed. Between this article & listening to part of the audiobook version of "If God Is Love, Don't Be a Jerk" as I rode to UUFWS, we are at a grievous point in our nation's history.

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I totally agree. Thank you for your heartfelt reports from the frontlines of our undeclared “civil” war. I share your posts widely with family and friends.

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I saw this coming 15 years ago and got out of the boat. Worldly Power > Jesus is the underlying motivation. History repeating over and over again.

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Yes. To all of what you have written, John, YES.

I continue to exit Evangelicalism for these reasons, and have found Christian community outside of a movement that has been infected with such sickness. I'm so grateful for your work.

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Yes!!! We need to vote them into oblivion as you stated!

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It’s not hyperbolic one iota, it’s a wanton manifesto concocted by the Heritage Foundation designed to indoctrinate Americans as a theological system of government. This will never work in a democracy. Separation of church and state would be a thing of the past, and freedom would be void of evolving and flourishing as individuals. It’s some scary shit. When you marry someone, you accept them for who they are, you don’t try and change them, ergo America’s unique composition of all faiths or creeds, or none at all. If you try, it becomes a marriage of convenience to exploit one’s perceived weakness for one’s personal fulfillment of control. Thus, the marriage from hell. No one is trying to take away the Evangelical faith, it’s the guise and fear being projected with the falsehood that our country was founded as a Christian nation, which is an excuse wrought with bullshit. One size doesn’t fit all, and it never should.

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I hope this powerful message will get to the folks that need to hear it.

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I've been a paid subscriber to you John and Andra Watkins (How Project 2025 Will Ruin Your Life) for a long time now. I've learned so much about the fascist Christians......they are not even Christians.

Andra Watkins work decoding tge Christian Nationalists and their agenda is frightening - yes, it must be stopped. It never should have gotten to the toxic point.

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John….you are simply incredible!! This says it ALL!!!! You should speak this in, and on EVERY TYPE of MEDIA available, then “DROP THE 🎤”, so to speak!!!!! This is reality, and since you came from the Bible Belt, and know first hand,, know these truths, hopefully EVERYONE will wake up regardless of party lines, and do what NEEDS to be done, to save our country, and our planet 🌎!

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