The whole "Christian" nationalism movement is a terrifying perversion of the faith I've loved and preached for decades. I simply cannot grasp that so many have let their fear of change and love of power blind them to the evil that Project 2025 and the Republican party's candidate are attempting to do to our democracy, including the freedom to worship as we choose. Those who truly would be Christian must continue to speak out, and embody the extravagant love for all that Jesus demonstrated throughout his ministry and teachings.

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Your sharing this is very important 75 days from Election Day. Thanks for the explanation of the true meaning of Christianity. Jesus was all about love, diversity and the poor. Power was not his message . remember that when you vote in November.

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Whenever I hear militant cries of 'fight for Jesus' or 'defend Christianity' from my former white evangelical friends, I think of these words:

'Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.'

The dissonance between the two worldviews is profound.

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This is what my own convictions have been. I am so thankful for this publication. I live in a community that is mostly for Trump and it is difficult.

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We are all God’s children. There should be no “buts”,

We should extend “ the love of Jesus to everyone and demand nothing in return.” That is what a true Christian does…

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I had a friend to tell me he didn’t want to hear sermons about loving your neighbor. That was too political.

I also have come to dislike the term “Christian.” I refer to myself as a Christ follower. I agree with Gandhi who said, “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are nothing like your Christ.”

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Your penultimate paragraph is awesome.

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